11 research outputs found

    Periodic methanol masers: from a colliding wind binary (CWB) perspective

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    Since the discovery of periodic class II methanol masers at 6.7 and 12.2 GHz associated with high-mass star formation regions (HMSFRs), a number of possible driving mechanisms have been proposed to explain this phenomenon. Here, we apply a more realistic treatment of the original colliding wind binary (CWB) model explanation to investigate to what extent it can describe the flare profiles of the periodic methanol masers. It was found that the CWB hypothesis is feasible from an energetics standpoint, because the emission from the shocked gas does cause an outward shift of the position of the ionization front (IF). This confirms that the energy budget available from the shocked gas is enough to be the driving force behind the CWB model. The CWB model describes the light curve of the 1.25 km s−1 12.2 GHz velocity feature of G9.62 + 0.20E very well over 4000 d. The quiescent state flux density of the 1.25 km s−1 velocity feature can also be described very well by the time-dependent change in electron density (ne). The CWB model also describes the other periodic methanol masers, G22.357 + 0.066, G37.55 + 0.20, and G45.473 + 0.134, which have similar light curves, very well. This strongly suggests that these periodic methanol masers can be described by the time-dependent change in the free–free emission from some part of the background H II region against which the masers are projected

    Discovery of periodic methanol masers associated with G323.46-0.08

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    The 6.7 GHz methanol masers associated with G323.46−0.08 have undergone significant change since their discovery in 1992. After 2009 April, new features with a peak flux density of ∌500 Jy in the velocity channel v = −68.35 km s−1, in the velocity range from −71 to −68.5 km s−1 were detected. It is suggestive that it experienced an accretion event similar to that reported in S255-NIRS3 and NGC 6334I. Evidence of periodicity is found in all of the associated methanol masers with a period of ∌93.5 d. It is not possible to determine if this source was periodic before 2017. However, all the 6.7 GHz methanol masers are probably amplifying a common background periodic radio source

    A heatwave of accretion energy traced by masers in the G358-MM1 high-mass protostar

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    High-mass stars are thought to accumulate much of their mass via short, infrequent bursts of disk-aided accretion. Such accretion events are rare and difficult to observe directly but are known to drive enhanced maser emission. In this Letter we report high-resolution, multi-epoch methanol maser observations toward G358.93-0.03, which reveal an interesting phenomenon: the subluminal propagation of a thermal radiation ‘heatwave’ emanating from an accreting high-mass protostar. The extreme transformation of the maser emission implies a sudden intensification of thermal infrared radiation from within the inner (40-mas, 270-au) region. Subsequently, methanol masers trace the radial passage of thermal radiation through the environment at ≄4% of the speed of light. Such a high translocation rate contrasts with the ≀10 km s-1 physical gas motions of methanol masers typically observed using very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI). The observed scenario can readily be attributed to an accretion event in the high-mass protostar G358.93-0.03-MM1. While being the third case in its class, G358.93-0.03-MM1 exhibits unique attributes hinting at a possible ‘zoo’ of accretion burst types. These results promote the advantages of maser observations in understanding high-mass-star formation, both through single-dish maser monitoring campaigns and via their international cooperation as VLBI arrays

    Molecular epidemiology of mastitis pathogens of dairy cattle and comparative relevance to humans

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    Mastitis, inflammation of the mammary gland, can be caused by a wide range of organisms, including gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, mycoplasmas and algae. Many microbial species that are common causes of bovine mastitis, such as Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Streptococcus agalactiae and Staphylococcus aureus also occur as commensals or pathogens of humans whereas other causative species, such as Streptococcus uberis, Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. dysgalactiae or Staphylococcus chromogenes, are almost exclusively found in animals. A wide range of molecular typing methods have been used in the past two decades to investigate the epidemiology of bovine mastitis at the subspecies level. These include comparative typing methods that are based on electrophoretic banding patterns, library typing methods that are based on the sequence of selected genes, virulence gene arrays and whole genome sequencing projects. The strain distribution of mastitis pathogens has been investigated within individual animals and across animals, herds, countries and host species, with consideration of the mammary gland, other animal or human body sites, and environmental sources. Molecular epidemiological studies have contributed considerably to our understanding of sources, transmission routes, and prognosis for many bovine mastitis pathogens and to our understanding of mechanisms of host-adaptation and disease causation. In this review, we summarize knowledge gleaned from two decades of molecular epidemiological studies of mastitis pathogens in dairy cattle and discuss aspects of comparative relevance to human medicine

    Nosema ceranae disease of the honey bee (Apis mellifera)

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