7 research outputs found

    Selective Area Growth of PbTe Nanowire Networks on InP

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    Hybrid semiconductor–superconductor nanowires are promising candidates as quantum information processing devices. The need for scalability and complex designs calls for the development of selective area growth techniques. Here, the growth of large scale lead telluride (PbTe) networks is introduced by molecular beam epitaxy. The group IV-VI lead-salt semiconductor is an attractive material choice due to its large dielectric constant, strong spin-orbit coupling, and high carrier mobility. A crystal re-orientation process during the initial growth stages leads to single crystalline nanowire networks despite a large lattice mismatch, different crystal structure, and diverging thermal expansion coefficient to the indium phosphide (InP) substrate. The high quality of the resulting material is confirmed by Hall bar measurements, indicating mobilities up to 5600 cm2 (Vs)−1, and Aharonov–Bohm experiments, indicating a low-temperature phase coherence length exceeding 21 µm. Together, these properties show the high potential of the system as a basis for topological networks.</p

    Zeeman- and Orbital-Driven Phase Shifts in Planar Josephson Junctions

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    We perform supercurrent and tunneling spectroscopy measurements on gate-tunable InAs/Al Josephson junctions (JJs) in an in-plane magnetic field and report on phase shifts in the current–phase relation measured with respect to an absolute phase reference. The impact of orbital effects is investigated by studying multiple devices with different superconducting lead sizes. At low fields, we observe gate-dependent phase shifts of up to φ0 = 0.5π, which are consistent with a Zeeman field coupling to highly transmissive Andreev bound states via Rashba spin–orbit interaction. A distinct phase shift emerges at larger fields, concomitant with a switching current minimum and the closing and reopening of the superconducting gap. These signatures of an induced phase transition, which might resemble a topological transition, scale with the superconducting lead size, demonstrating the crucial role of orbital effects. Our results elucidate the interplay of Zeeman, spin–orbit, and orbital effects in InAs/Al JJs, giving improved understanding of phase transitions in hybrid JJs and their applications in quantum computing and superconducting electronics.ISSN:1936-0851ISSN:1936-086

    Flip-Chip-Based Microwave Spectroscopy of Andreev Bound States in a Planar Josephson Junction

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    We demonstrate a flip-chip-based approach to microwave measurements of Andreev bound states (ABSs) in a gate-tunable planar Josephson junction (JJ) using inductively coupled superconducting low-loss resonators. By means of electrostatic gating, we present control of both the density and transmission of ABSs. Phase biasing of the device shifted the resonator frequency, consistent with the modulation of supercurrent in the junction. Two-tone spectroscopy measurements revealed an isolated ABS consistent with an average induced superconducting gap of 184μeV and a gate-tunable transmission approaching 0.98. Our results represent the feasibility of using the flip-chip technique to address and study ABSs in planar JJs, and they constitute a promising path towards microwave applications with superconductor-semiconductor two-dimensional materials.ISSN:2331-701

    Microwave-induced conductance replicas in hybrid Josephson junctions without Floquet—Andreev states

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    Light–matter coupling allows control and engineering of complex quantum states. Here we investigate a hybrid superconducting–semiconducting Josephson junction subject to microwave irradiation by means of tunnelling spectroscopy of the Andreev bound state spectrum and measurements of the current–phase relation. For increasing microwave power, discrete levels in the tunnelling conductance develop into a series of equally spaced replicas, while the current–phase relation changes amplitude and skewness, and develops dips. Quantitative analysis of our results indicates that conductance replicas originate from photon assisted tunnelling of quasiparticles into Andreev bound states through the tunnelling barrier. Despite strong qualitative similarities with proposed signatures of Floquet–Andreev states, our study rules out this scenario. The distortion of the current–phase relation is explained by the interaction of Andreev bound states with microwave photons, including a non-equilibrium Andreev bound state occupation. The techniques outlined here establish a baseline to study light–matter coupling in hybrid nanostructures and distinguish photon assisted tunnelling from Floquet–Andreev states in mesoscopic devices.ISSN:2041-172

    Demonstration of the Nonlocal Josephson Effect in Andreev Molecules

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    We perform switching current measurements of planar Josephson junctions (JJs) coupled by a common superconducting electrode with independent control over the two superconducting phase differences. We observe an anomalous phase shift in the current–phase relation of a JJ as a function of gate voltage or phase difference in the second JJ. This demonstrates the nonlocal Josephson effect, and the implementation of a φ0-junction which is tunable both electrostatically and magnetically. The anomalous phase shift is larger for shorter distances between the JJs and vanishes for distances much longer than the superconducting coherence length. Results are consistent with the hybridization of Andreev bound states, leading to the formation of an Andreev molecule. Our devices constitute a realization of a tunable superconducting phase source and could enable new coupling schemes for hybrid quantum devices.ISSN:1530-6984ISSN:1530-699

    Phase-engineering the Andreev band structure of a three-terminal Josephson junction

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    Data and code upload for publication of the same name. Folder 'Data' contains raw, processed and simulated data for all figures of Main Text and Supplementary Information. Folder 'Code' contains the MATLAB scripts used to generate the simulated data. In each folder, a description complementing the information available in the manuscript is provided in the 'readme.txt' file.Additional funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) via SFD 1432, ID 425217212 and BE 3803/14-1, ID 467596333; Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, PID2020-114880GB-I00

    Control over epitaxy and the role of the InAs/Al interface in hybrid two-dimensional electron gas systems

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    In situ synthesized semiconductor/superconductor hybrid structures became an important material platform in condensed matter physics. Their development enabled a plethora of novel quantum transport experiments with focus on Andreev and Majorana physics. The combination of InAs and Al has become the workhorse material and has been successfully implemented in the form of one-dimensional structures and two-dimensional electron gases. In contrast to the well-developed semiconductor parts of the hybrid materials, the direct effect of the crystal nanotexture of Al films on the electron transport still remains unclear. This is mainly due to the complex epitaxial relation between Al and the semiconductor. Here, we present characterization of Al thin films grown on shallow InAs two-dimensional electron gas systems by molecular beam epitaxy. Using a growth approach based on an intentional roughening of the epitaxial interface, we demonstrate growth of grain-boundary-free Al. We show that the implemented roughening does not negatively impact either the electron mobility of the two-dimensional electron gas or the basic superconducting properties of the proximitized system. This is an important step in understanding the role of properties of the InAs/Al interface in hybrid devices. Ultimately, our results provide a growth approach to achieve a high-degree of epitaxy in lattice-mismatched materials.ISSN:2475-995