14 research outputs found

    Tracing the patterns: fields, villages, and burial places in Lebanon

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    Archaeological research in Lebanon often focuses on settlement from the Bronze Age to Romanperiods, while surrounding landscapes, earlier and later periods are under-represented. Largedatasets collecting information from all periods and site types, such as the EndangeredArchaeology in the Middle East and North Africa (EAMENA) database, address this imbalance.EAMENA predominantly uses satellite imagery to identify archaeological sites and the threatsposed to them, leading to the recognition of many previously unpublished sites, includingabandoned buildings and agricultural terraces. Here we explore how such data can be used totrace patterns of settlement and landscape use. Transects running from coast to uplands innorthern and southern Lebanon are compared: the results show profound differences betweennorth and south, and between coastal and inland zones. The importance of large, holisticdatasets for previously understudied site types and periods in piecing together past patterns ofland use, subsistence economies, burial traditions and change over time are demonstrated