660 research outputs found

    Schottky barrier formation at amorphous-crystalline interfaces of GeSb phase change materials

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    The electrical properties of amorphous-crystalline interfaces in phase change materials, which are important for rewritable optical data storage and for random access memory devices, have been investigated by surface scanning potential microscopy. Analysis of GeSb systems indicates that the surface potential of the crystalline phase is similar to 30-60 mV higher than that of the amorphous phase. This potential asymmetry is explained qualitatively by the presence of a Schottky barrier at the amorphous-crystalline interface and supported also by quantitative Schottky model calculations. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3691179

    Control surface wettability with nanoparticles from phase-change materials

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    The wetting state of surfaces can be controlled physically from the highly hydrophobic to hydrophilic states using the amorphous-to-crystalline phase transition of Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) nanoparticles as surfactant. Indeed, contact angle measurements show that by increasing the surface coverage of the amorphous nanoparticles the contact angle increases to high values ∌140°, close to the superhydrophobic limit. However, for crystallized nanoparticle assemblies after thermal annealing, the contact angle decreases down to ∌40° (significantly lower than that of the bare substrate) leading to an increased hydrophilicity. Moreover, the wettability changes are also manifested on the capillary adhesion forces by being stronger for the crystallized GST state

    Structure of the Dead Sea Pull-Apart Basin From Gravity Analyses

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    Analyses and modeling of gravity data in the Dead Sea pull-apart basin reveal the geometry of the basin and constrain models for its evolution. The basin is located within a valley which defines the Dead Sea transform plate boundary between Africa and Arabia. Three hundred kilometers of continuous marine gravity data, collected in a lake occupying the northern part of the basin, were integrated with land gravity data from Israel and Jordan to provide coverage to 30 km either side of the basin. Free-air and variable-density Bouguer anomaly maps, a horizontal first derivative map of the Bouguer anomaly, and gravity models of profiles across and along the basin were used with existing geological and geophysical information to infer the structure of the basin. The basin is a long (132 km), narrow (7-10 km), and deep (≀10 km) full graben which is bounded by subvertical faults along its long sides. The Bouguer anomaly along the axis of the basin decreases gradually from both the northern and southern ends, suggesting that the basin sags toward the center and is not bounded by faults at its narrow ends. The surface expression of the basin is wider at its center (≀16 km) and covers the entire width of the transform valley due to the presence of shallower blocks that dip toward the basin. These blocks are interpreted to represent the widening of the basin by a passive collapse of the valley floor as the full graben deepened. The collapse was probably facilitated by movement along the normal faults that bound the transform valley. We present a model in which the geometry of the Dead Sea basin (i.e., full graben with relative along-axis symmetry) may be controlled by stretching of the entire (brittle and ductile) crust along its long axis. There is no evidence for the participation of the upper mantle in the deformation of the basin, and the Moho is not significantly elevated. The basin is probably close to being isostatically uncompensated, and thermal effects related to stretching are expected to be minimal. The amount of crustal stretching calculated from this model is 21 km and the stretching factor is 1.19. If the rate of crustal stretching is similar to the rate of relative plate motion (6 mm/yr), the basin should be ~3.5 m.y. old, in accord with geological evidence

    Validation of the Bath CRPS Body Perception Disturbance Scale

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    The Bath Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Body Perception Disturbance Scale ("B-CRPS-BPDS") measures alterations in body perception. We assessed its internal consistency, known group validity, construct validity, and associations with demographic and clinical characteristics. We also evaluated changes in, and baseline predictors of B-CRPS-BPDS scores at follow-up. We included people with CRPS (N = 114) and pain-free controls (N = 69). People with CRPS obtained higher scores than pain-free controls on all B-CRPS-BPDS items, except the item on attention. Because this item also had an insufficient corrected item-total correlation, we propose a revised B-CRPS-BPDS (r-B-CRPS-BPDS) excluding this item. The internal consistency of the r-B-CRPS-BPDS was good. The r-B-CRPS-BPDS showed a large positive relationship with "motor neglect-like symptoms", indicating good construct validity. The r-B-CRPS-BPDS showed positive relationships with pain intensity, fear of movement, depression, and upper limb disability. There were no independent relationships with handedness, affected side, affected limb, disease duration, CRPS severity score, tension, anger, fatigue, confusion, and vigour. Finally, r-B-CRPS-BPDS scores did not consistently change over time. Our results demonstrate the utility of the r-B-CRPS-BPDS for measuring body perception disturbances in CRPS. PERSPECTIVE: This article evaluates the validity of the Bath Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Body Perception Disturbance Scale ("B-CRPS-BPDS") in CRPS, and assesses relationships with demographic and clinical variables. The proposed revised B-CRPS-BPDS appears to be a valid measure of body perception disturbances in CRPS.</p

    Seismic imaging of deep low-velocity zone beneath the Dead Sea basin and transform fault : implications for strain localization and crustal rigidity

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2006. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 33 (2006): L24314, doi:10.1029/2006GL027890.New seismic observations from the Dead Sea basin (DSB), a large pull-apart basin along the Dead Sea transform (DST) plate boundary, show a low velocity zone extending to a depth of 18 km under the basin. The lower crust and Moho are not perturbed. These observations are incompatible with the current view of mid-crustal strength at low temperatures and with support of the basin's negative load by a rigid elastic plate. Strain softening in the middle crust is invoked to explain the isostatic compensation and the rapid subsidence of the basin during the Pleistocene. Whether the deformation is influenced by the presence of fluids and by a long history of seismic activity on the DST, and what the exact softening mechanism is, remain open questions. The uplift surrounding the DST also appears to be an upper crustal phenomenon but its relationship to a mid-crustal strength minimum is less clear. The shear deformation associated with the transform plate boundary motion appears, on the other hand, to cut throughout the entire crust.Funded by USAID Middle Eastern Regional Cooperation Program grant M21-012, with matching funds by the participating institutions

    Characterising sensorimotor adaptation in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordData availability: Materials and data from this study are available at https://osf.io/6jpfg/files/It has been suggested that sensorimotor conflict contributes to the maintenance of some pathological pain conditions, implying that there are problems with the adaptation processes that normally resolve such conflict. We tested whether sensorimotor adaptation is impaired in people with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) by characterising their adaption to lateral prismatic shifts in vision. People with unilateral upper-limb CRPS Type I (n = 17), and pain-free individuals (n = 18; matched for age, sex, and handedness) completed prism adaptation with their affected/non-dominant and non-affected/dominant arms. We examined 1) the rate at which participants compensated for the optical shift during prism exposure (i.e., strategic recalibration), 2) endpoint errors made directly after prism adaptation (sensorimotor realignment) and the retention of these errors, and 3) kinematic markers associated with strategic control. Direct comparisons between people with CRPS and controls revealed no evidence of any differences in strategic recalibration, including no evidence for differences in a kinematic marker associated with trial-by-trial changes in movement plans during prism exposure. All participants made significant endpoint errors after prism adaptation exposure, indicative of sensorimotor realignment. Overall, the magnitude of this realignment did not differ between people with CRPS and pain-free controls. However, when endpoint errors were considered separately for each hand, people with CRPS made greater errors (indicating more rather than less realignment) when using their affected hand than their non-affected hand. No such difference was seen in controls. Taken together, these findings provide no evidence of impaired strategic control or sensorimotor realignment in people with CRPS. In contrast, they provide some indication that there could be a greater propensity for sensorimotor realignment in the CRPS-affected arm, consistent with more flexible representations of the body and peripersonal space. Our study challenges an implicit assumption of the theory that sensorimotor conflict might underlie some pathological pain conditions.GW4 BioMed Medical Research Council Doctoral Training PartnershipNetherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO

    Rebuilding the Profession: Recommendations for Librarians Interested in Becoming Academic Law Library Directors

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    Based on papers presented at a 2005 workshop for individuals interested in becoming academic law library directors, this article begins by exploring the duties of academic director jobs—administrative skills and faculty responsibilities—before examining how to build credentials in preparation for such jobs. It concludes by focusing on the skills and knowledge needed to interview for director jobs

    Corrigendum to “No short-term treatment effect of prism adaptation for spatial neglect: An inclusive meta-analysis” [Neuropsychologia 189 (2023) 108566]

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    The authors regret that there was an error on page 12, Fig. 4, Panel B of our manuscript. Panel B should have had the outlier study, Hreha et al. (2018), excluded. The data point for this study has been excluded, but this exclusion was not reflected in the study labels. Instead, the label for the study by Nys et al. (2008) was mistakenly omitted and the data points were improperly aligned with their labels. We would like to provide Fig. 4. Panel B with the corrected labels below.[Formula presented] The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused. The error has no bearing on the results or conclusions of the study
