25 research outputs found

    Pengusahaan dan Kelembagaan Lahan Pertanian di Berbagai Agroekosistem (Kasus Desa-desa Patanas)

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    In trying to get his land the farmer must consider the technical problem, economical and social the culture, the exploitation of agriculture always was linked with what will be produced, how many, here, when, how and where is distributed him. The utilization of the farmer's land as the production factor that was most important in the farming really was influenced by the relations kind between humankind and his land because will be related to in continuation of his farming. The land that was made an effort to get could take the form of his property personally or property of the other person. This research was aimed at identifying and analyzing the exploitation and institutional the agricultural land in rural areas. The method used was survey that was carried out in 12 Patanas villages that were spread in Lampung, West Java, Central Java, East Java, South Sulawesi, and NTB. In three villages, 25 farm households were selected. Results of the research showed the growth index reached 200 to 300, except in the paddy-field land where its irrigation was rotated and in dryland that was cultivated with cassava. The farmer used the superior variety seed, but did not yet apply balanced fertilizing. Fertilizing exceeded the recomendation whereas for other fertilizer (P05 and K20) and relative manure utilization was still under recommendation, in fact some farmers did not use. The productivity of the crop in the rainy season (rice and corn) higher was compared to dry season, except for the potato. Generally the farmer used capital personally, “YARNEN” system was an alternative that often was followed. The price of agricultural product was fluctuating in which the price of the dry season tended to be higher than in the rainy season, the status of the farmer was dominated by owner followed by the sharecropper and the leaser. The sharecropper and the leaser always did not come from the group landless because of the owner, also entered the rented market and sharecropper. The rented system that more stressed the aspect of economics than social more prominent in production centers of the potato

    Pengembangan Layanan Informasi Dan Promosi Berbasis Mobile

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    The development of information technology has led to the use of cellular phone becomes very popular nowadays. Beneficiary internet connection, data transfer and communication can be done quickly as the impact of technological advances. Darmajaya as one of the colleges that have a lot of potential both economically and computer sectors need to develop an information technology accessible to the community quickly and on target. To achieve this goal requires the integration of systems that are packed in a medium that is easily accessible and implemented. Information technology is a combination of computer technology and telecommunications technology. Quality information can be measured by three things: accuracy, timeliness, and relevance. System development method that used the model of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). To implement this system, the SDLC has 4 fundamental step in the waterfall model of Planning, Analysis, Design and Implementation. In this research, after going through several stages of system development results is a mobileweb information and promotions. In this mobileweb information contained is information on the Informatics And Business Institute Darmajaya

    Dampak Impor Kedelai Berkelanjutan Terhadap Ketahanan Pangan

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memberi gambaran dampak ketergantungan impor kedelai terhadap ketahanan pangan nasional. Kedelai merupakan salah satu komoditas pangan penting dan strategis, selain bernilai ekonomi tinggi. Produksi kedelai dalam negeri belum mencukupi kebutuhan masyarakat yang merupakan alasan dilakukannya impor komoditas ini. Impor kedelai terus berlanjut seiring penambahan volume yang makin besar. Ketergantungan Indonesia terhadap impor kedelai merupakan ancaman serius bagi ketahanan pangan kita, seperti yang dirasakan pada saat melonjaknya harga kedelai yang mencapai dua kali lipat pada tahun 2008 akibat berkurangnya pasokan kedelai di pasar Internasional. Dari pengalaman tersebut Indonesia harus mulai memacu produksi kedelai dalam negeri ke arah swasembada. Tahun 1992, memang Indonesia pernah mengalami peningkatan produksi kedelai yang mencapai 1,87 juta ton walaupun pada periode berikutnya menurun kembali dengan tajam. Untuk meningkatkan produksi kedelai diperlukan kebijakan yang memberikan insentif, terutama harga bagi petani sekaligus sebagai upaya membangun ketahanan pangan

    Evaluasi Program Mutu Berbasis Sekolah (Mmbs) di SMA N 61 Unggulan Jakarta Timur (Pendekatan Evaluasi Berdasarkan Model Cipp)

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    One of the things that lead to the success and effectiveness of school institutions is due to the quality of student achievement. Achievement of student learning outcomes depends on the success of teachers in helping students to achieve learning outcomes. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the learning program covering input component, process, and output of learning process in SMA 61 Jakarta. The method used is a qualitative method. The study was conducted during 2014. Data analysis techniques used using interactive models that include data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results of the evaluation of the quality program conducted in SMA 61 Jakarta related to input, process and output components. The combination of the three elements, inputs, processes, and product quality is the determining factor to improve the quality of education. This study found the participation of school committees in the implementation of education at SMAN 61 Jakarta is not optimal. Therefore, it is expected that school committees can optimally not only mobilize education funding from the community

    Disparitas Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia di 35 Kabupaten dan Kota di Propinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Human development has been realized in many countries as one of objective goals to achieve national economic welfare. The problems that face on majority states were the disparities of their human development quality. On Central Java study case, with Human Development Index to count human quality development goal, this research found some indicators to reduce the disparity. Indirectly, the quality of the human development should be increased properly by pushed the local economies performance, basic education level facility, low of infrastructure damage, and also public involved on modern economic activity. Also, the difference of city and regency type that proved statistically had important effect on human development performance. Other factors that affected positively to human development quality were labor availability, industrial concentration, and health facility. This research also founded that the advancement of human development quality correlated positively to per capita income and decreasing of poverty

    Pendapatan dan Pengeluaran Rumah Tangga Pedesaan dan Kaitannya dengan Tingkat Kemiskinan

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    Study conducted in 3 province, these are Central Java, Lampung and South Sulawesi. Ineach province choice 4 villages classified by agroecosystem, i.e wet land villages anddry land villages. In every village interviewed 50-60 households as the Patanashousehold sample. The purpose of the study is to inform household income, especiallyper capita income and expenditure that relate to poverty level. This is based onSayogyo, World Bank and BPS criteria, beside structure and distribution of householdincome. The result of study showed that according to Sayogyo and BPS criteriahousehold in both agroecosystem, wet land and dry land, are not fall into povertycriteria. But, by using the World Bank criteria the household of the village falls intopoverty criteria. While, income structure is still dominated by agricultural sector, but theroll of non-agricultural sector increate gradually. Household income distribution falls inhighly inequality classification

    Analisis Penetapan NJOP terhadap Harga Pasar dengan Metode Assessment Sales Ratio dalam Kaitannya dengan Potensi Pajak Bumi (Studi Kasus Tanah di Kecamatan Serpong Utara, Kota Tangerang Selatan)

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    This research entitled “Analysis of Sales Worth for Taxable Properties Decision on Market Price with Assessment Sales Ratio Method in Accordance with Property Tax (Case Study in North Serpong Sub District South Tangerang City)”. The research aims to know whether assessment sales ratio has already appropriate with Property Tax Director decision, to know property tax potential that still can be collected by Regional Government, and to know whether Sales Worth for Taxable Properties has been equalize in all North Serpong Sub District area, in South Tangerang City. The research location was in North Serpong Sub District by using data of Sales Worth for Taxable Property and market price of land from 70 transactions in 2011. Descriptive was this research method by using simple random sampling as sampling method. By using assessment sales ratio analysis, central tendency, disperse coefficient measurement, and variation coefficientThe result shows that ASR value = 65.2%, which means ASR was not appropriate with standard from Property Tax Director and there was property tax potential for 14.8% up to 34.8% or for about Rp. 48,009,940.80 up to Rp. 113,099,860.80. COD variability measurement was 26.26% and COV was 34.51%, it means Sales Worth for Taxable Property of land in North Serpong Sub District was in unbalance standard.The implication was market price of land as the basic of Sales Worth for Taxable Property was dynamic and up-to-date, thus Serpong Tax Office Service (KPP) Pratama should making list of data, estimation, and reviewing individually. SO, the renewing and adjustment toward Sales Worth for Taxable Property decision based on market price should be observed to increase the property tax potential, and Serpong KPP Pratama should add estimating and data collecting officer in the field to balance the standard of decision on Sales Worth for Taxable Property