15 research outputs found

    Analisa Keterpaduan Pasar Kopi dan Karet Indonesia

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    Processing coffe industry at Bengkulu city face with finacial, production technology and market information burdens,generally. Its later affect to the industrys' competitive advantage Commonly, the compettitve advantage was good, its showed by revenue-cost ratio about 1,26. Key words ; Competitive advantage,coffe,industr

    Analisis Distribusi Pendapatan pada USAha Ikan Nila di Kecamatan Seginim, Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan

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    Indonesia has a very rich fisheries resources and potential both in the fresh waters, the coast, and sea water covering land diversity of fish and fisheries. One type of fresh water fish that has been cultivated is Tilapia. In Indonesia, Tilapia is economically valuable fish which has been cultivated by fish farmers in various areas. Seginim district in Southern Bengkulu is one region in Sumatera that produces cultivator of Tilapia. The objectives of this study were to 1) know the income of Tilapia farmers and 2) know the income distribution in the business of Tilapia. The determination of respondents in this research was taken from the business of Tilapia. The respondents were determined by using census method and the number of respondents were 54 people. The primary data was taken directly from the respondents by using interview method to the enterpreneuss, and by using questionaires. The secondary data was obtain from the Seginim district office and related literature.the analysis instrument used was the income analysis and income distribution of the business of Tilapia. The results of the study showed that the income of the business of Tilapia in Seginim district of Southern Bengkulu was Rp22,204,786.27 per farm per season. The part obtained by fish feed businessman was 45.17 percent; by fish seed businessman was 29.25 percent; by fish farmers was 19.22 percent; and by farm workers was 6.36 percent

    Kajian Peningkatan Pendapatan Pengrajin Gula Kelapa di Desa Purbosari Kecamatan Seluma Barat Kabupaten Seluma

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    Coconut sugar is one commodity that has potential importance in the composition of the food in the community. Viewed in terms of quality, the quality of the products are still not equal among the producers. This causes the bargaining position of producers becomes weak and coconut sugar prices tend to be low. Seluma Regency especially Western Seluma District has fertile lowland areas and is one of the main producers of coconut sugar precisely in Purbosari village. This study aimed to determine the income level and income-raising efforts of coconut sugar producers in the Purbosari village, Western Seluma District, Seluma Regency. Location of the study was set intentionally (purposive). Data taken in this study were derived from the primary data (interviews) and secondary data (through literature). This study used survey method and the method of selecting the sample in this study was calculated using census. The data analysis used in this study were a quantitative and qualitative analysis. Quantitative analysis was used to calculate the income of coconut sugar producers and qualitative analysis conducted through a descriptive approach. Based on the research discovered that the average income of coconut sugar producers was Rp715.569,60 per week / 40 trees. Common difficulties faced by coconut sugar producers were capital, production engineering, business management and marketing network. Seluma local governments can play a role in efforts to increase the income of coconut sugar producers by providing them with capital, appropriate technology, improved knowledge of entrepreneurship and innovation, as well as business management assistance

    Analisis Pendapatan dan Nilai Tukar Petani Karet Rakyat di Desa Air Sekamanak Kecamatan Ketahun Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara

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    This research was aimed to estimate income from rubber farming folk and envistige rubber farmer buying power through term of trade indicators. This research is conducted at Village Air Sekamanak District Ketahun North Bengkulu. Eighty nine labourfarmers were selected using Stratified Random Sampling method. The result of this research found that the farmers terms of trade is 1.43 in May and 1.45 in June. These results indicate that in the month May and June of rubber farmers in the study area during the month were categorized into levels of prosperity.Average farm income of smallholder rubber farmers in the study area is Rp 1,945,690.37 Ut in May, while the average income in June amounted to Rp 1,945,117.34 Ut

    Analisis Pendapatan USAha Ikan Mas Sistem Keramba Jaring Apung dan Pemasarannya di Kabupaten Simalungun

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    This research was aimed at estimating the level of earnings and efficiency obtained by farmer of goldfish with floating net cage system and to investigating the form of marketing channel from floating net cage system from Kelurahan Haranggaol to consumer in Kabanjahe Kabupaten Karo. This research executed in Kelurahan Haranggaol, Kecamatan Haranggaol Horisan, Kabupaten Simalungun, North Sumatera. Fourty samples of goldfish farmer with floating net cage system were slected using simple random sampling method. R/C ratio marjin marketing analysis were used to answer the research purposes. Research resulted farmer carred Rp 107.461.246,06 per season or with R/C ratio of 1,83. The marketing channel from Kelurahan Haranggaol to consumer in Kabanjahe is identified one channel pattern, that is, compiler merchant to dealers on Kabanjahe and than to Consumer in Kabanjahe. The marjin of marketing is equal to Rp 900 at merchant of compiler and Rp 1.850 at dealer.Total of marketing marjin is equal to Rp 2.750

    Analisis Komparasi USAhatani Padi Sawah Pengguna Benih Bersertifikat dan Benih Non Sertifikat di Kelurahan Kemumu Kecamatan Arma Jaya

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    This research purposse are to calculate and compare the productivity of land, income, and efficiency between paddy farming using certified seed and paddy farming which uses non-certified seed. The research was conductedin the village of Kemumu with a total sample of 15 farmers certified seed specified users using census method and 22 non-certified seed user farmers were determined using purposive sampling method. Methods of data analysis using quantitative analysis and qualitative (descriptive). The analysis showed that the average productivity of the land (5,112 Ton/Ha), average income (Rp 16.501.384,77/Ha), and the average efficiency (3,91) forpaddy farming using certified seed. While the average productivity of the land (3,918 Ton/Ha), the average income (Rp 10.951.035,29/Ha), and the average efficiency (3.24) for paddy farming which uses non-certified seed. Based onthe results ofthe analysis, itcan be concluded that certified seed is better than non-certified seed both in terms of land productivity, income, and efficiency

    Analisis Keuntungan USAha Pengolahan Minyak Nilam di Nagari Rabi Jonggor Kecamatan Gunung Tuleh Kabupaten Pasaman Barat Sumatera Barat

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    One of the purposes of a farmer doing the business is to get profit. This research aimed to determine the profit of the patchouli oil processing in Nagari Rabi Jonggor and to analyze the factors that affect the profit. The data of the study were taken from 39 respondents. All population of patcahouli oil processors were got to be respondents. The formula used to analyze the profit gain was ? = TR-TC, whereas to determine the factors that affected the profit using the multiple linear regression with F-test and t-test at the confidence level of 95% (? = 0.05). The results showed that the average processing profit of patchouli oil were Rp. 439,815.00 for each refinery and the factors affected negatively to the processing profit of patchouli oil were all input price variables like the price of raw materials, kerosene, firewood, and labor. The price of patchouli oil itself did not significantly affect

    Analisis Daya Saing USAha Pembesaran Ikan Nila Petani Pemodal Kecil di Kabupaten Musi Rawas

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    This research was done to investigate whether tilapia growers has business competitiveness both in competitive and comparative. This study aimed to analyze the competitive advantage, comparative advantage, the impact of government policies on output and input. Effect of output and input changing based on a sensitivity analysis on the competitiveness of tilapia fish rearing business, the level of tilapia grower business competitiveness between small farmers in Musi Rawas regency. The respondent was determined by purposive method deliberately carried out in accordance with the criteria set by the researcher. The respondents was conducted by using proportionate stratified random sampling. This study used the primary data and secondary data. The result of Pam Method shows that a small farmers of tilapia enlargement at musi rawas regency has competitive advantage with PCR < 1 by 0,55. It also has comparativeadvantage with DRCR < 0,37. The goverment policies toward tradadable input produkction were in the form of subsidies. Based of sensitivity analysis the enlargemen of tilapia will be lost if tilapia production decrease 10%, the price of tilapia it self decrease 5,5% and if the feed price increase 7%

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Produktivitas Pemanen Kelapa Sawit (Kasus pada PT Socfin Indonesia Perkebunan Aek Loba Kecamatan Aek Kwasan dan Kecamatan Pulau Rakyat Kabupaten Asahan Provinsi Sumatera Utara)

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    This research was aimed to know the productivity level of palm fruit harvesting labours and to know the productivity influence factors of palm fruit harvesting labours at Socfin Indonesia Company Aek Loba Plantation. Productivity of man power was calculated by using productivity analysis and to identify factors influencing the productivity of palm fruit harvesting labours at Socfin Indonesia Company Aek Loba Plantation. Eighty seven respondent selected using simple random sampling and data were analyzed using double linear regression analysis. Result of this research show the productivity of palm fruit harvesting labours at Socfin Indonesia Company Aek Loba Plantation still in lower category, with range of 93,05 – 1884,8 and an average of 759,04 Kg/days. The estimation result show that age, work experiences and family amount responsibility variable have the positive influences to the productivity of palm fruit harvesting labours. Its means that the premi perceptions and work motivation has no real influence to the productivity of palm fruit harvesting labours