4 research outputs found

    Analysis and Design of Information System Sales in CV. Anugrah Jaya Surabaya

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    CV. Anugrah Jaya is sales distributor company that have priority of selling pipe and fitting. The company is established in 2013 at Imam Bonjol 31 Surabaya to run their company activities and has 8 employees. This company sells various pipes and fittings that the items total is about 300 items. The company still doing manual recording which use Microsft Excel where frequently mistake in data input proccess so as to produce information less than accurate. This causing problems on selling transaction recording, items requisition, items price searching, and stock calculation. Based on problems above, company need a sales information system. Because the company does not have a blueprint of sales information systems and did not know in detail what is required in the sales informationsystem in CV. Anugrah Jaya Surabaya, so in this research Analysis and Designingsales information systems in CV. Anugrah Jaya Surabaya expected to be developed and helping admin in resolving every his job

    Factors Affecting Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Rural Community in Managing Water Supply in the Project Areas of Rembang, Bungo Tebo, Serang and West Lombok Districts

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    Penelitian untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku (PSP) masyarakat perdesaan dalam pengelolaan air bersih di daerah bantuan proyek telah dilakukan di empat kabupaten yaitu Rembang, Bungo Tebo, Serang, dan Lombok Barat pada tahun 1994. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur, diskusi kelompok terfokus (DKT), inspeksi sanitasi, dan pengumpulan data sekunder. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode acak bertingkat dengan jumlah sampel untuk kuesioner sebanyak 1827 kepala keluarga (KK) dan sampel untuk DKT sebanyak 24 kelompok yang terdiri dari kepala keluarga, kader, dan tokoh masyarakat. Tingkat PSP untuk responden KK dibagi dalam tiga kategori yakni rendah, sedang, dan tinggi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengetahuan adalah status kependudukan, status kemasyarakatan, status ekonomi, pendidikan, penyuluhan. bantuan sarana, pemberian kartu rumah, dan kunjungan kader. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi sikap adalah status ekonomi, pendidikan, kunjungan kader, dan penyuluhan. Adapun faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku adalah sama dengan faktor yang mempengaruhi pengetahuan ditambah dengan faktor adanya keluarga binaan dan pengetahuan. Tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna antara desa bantuan dengan desa bukan bantuan. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengetahuan linear dengan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku sehingga disarankan faktor-faktor tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar untuk meningkatkan pengelolaan air bersih di perdesaan


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    Nusa Tengara Barat (NTB) province consists of two main islands, Lombok and Sumbawa, to the east of Bali Island, Indonesia. Most of the area is known to be moderately malaria endemic, but the exact malaria epidemiology has not been elucidated. At least 30 deaths per year are thought to be caused by falciparum malaria in Lombok alone, judging from the hospital data. According to the Gebrak Malaria Team in West Lombok, the annual incidence in the district of West Lombok from 1996 to 1999 was consistently over 40‰. In the present report, we describe the small malaria endemic foci in the West Lombok and Sumbawa districts. Falciparum malaria is predominant over vivax malaria and other types of malaria. There are 11 species of Anopheles vector, but three of these species, An. subpictus, An. maculates and An. barbirostris, are of primary importance in malaria transmission and An. sundaicus and An. aconitus are of secondary importance. Our data from Sekotong, West Lombok, and Sumbawa supported the importance of An. subpictus in coastal areas but suggested the existence of different transmission peaks according to environmental conditions. The usual transmission peak comes in the dry season but is affected by climatic and geographical conditions. Although there were many malaria endemic foci along the coast, the width and grade of the foci varied widely. The presence of malaria endemic foci inland, although likely, has not been definitively reported to date