26 research outputs found

    Food System Digitalization as a Means to Promote Food and Nutrition Security in the Barents Region

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    The consumption of food and its safety are important for human security. In this paper, we reviewed the literature on future possibilities for transforming the food system through digital solutions in the Barents region. Such digital solutions will make food business operators more efficient, sustainable, and transparent. Developing cross-border infrastructures for digitalization in the region will break the isolation of the local food system, thus simplifying the availability of processed, novel and safe traditional food products. It is necessary for food growers and processors to respond to the trends driven by consumers’ demand while ensuring their safety. Our review highlights the opportunities provided by digital technology to ensure safety and help food business operators predict consumer trends in the future. In addition, digitalization can create conditions that are necessary for the diversification of organizational schemes and the effective monitoring of food processing operations that will help to promote food and nutrition security in the Barents region

    Sufficient conditions for the solvability of the problem of synthesis of non-resonant systems with locally integrable coefficients

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    In this paper it is proved that the problem of synthesis of non-resonant linear non-stationary control system with locally integrable and integrally bounded coefficients and disturbance is solved if the upper general exponent of Bohl of the system (7) is globally controllable, i.e if this linear system has the property of uniform global quasi-attainability or the property of uniform full controllability

    Sufficient conditions for the solvability of the problem of synthesis of non-resonant systems with locally integrable coefficients

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    In this paper it is proved that the problem of synthesis of non-resonant linear non-stationary control system with locally integrable and integrally bounded coefficients and disturbance is solved if the upper general exponent of Bohl of the system (7) is globally controllable, i.e if this linear system has the property of uniform global quasi-attainability or the property of uniform full controllability


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    The need of studying of jet fuels chemical stability incorporating a hydrogenation component is required. The kinetic method of an assessment of chemical stability of jet fuels is offered.Показана необходимость изучения химической стабильности топлив для реактивных двигателей, имею- щих в своем составе гидрогенизационный компонент. Предложен кинетический метод оценки химической ста- бильности топлив для реактивных двигателей

    Location-Based Protocol for the Pairwise Authentication in the Networks without Infrastructure

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    In this paper, we consider security issues arising in the development of the wireless networks without infrastructure, with the rapidly changing composition of the elements of such a network The LEAP Initial Protection (LEAP-IP) protocol proposed, which closes the vulnerability of the LEAP at the network initialization stage. Advanced LEAP-IP protocol allows to resist attacks on the radio channel, physical attacks on the device, and is energy efficient, that is especially important for devices with a limited power resource. Also, a classification of self-organizing networks and some variants of using the proposed pairwise authentication protocol is presented

    Logic model to building enterprise-wide non-homogenous information network

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    Application of Graph Variational Autoencoders for History Matching Problem of Brugge Field

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    We present an approach to generate reservoir models conditioned on well log and production data along with uncertainty estimation with Variational Autoencoders based on Graph Convolutions. This approach demonstrates the ability to implicitly parameterize geological representations into a latent space of reduced dimensionality and provides ways to uncertainty quantification and production profiling across multiple geological concepts. GVAE links the static model and its dynamic response via latent space, which is a reduced-order representation of geological model complexity. GVAE can handle unstructured data represented as graphs, opposed to a conventional VAE applied in similar works. On the Brugge field dataset, we showed that GVAE reliably reproduces geology by comparison static and dynamic properties of reference (initial) model with generated representations. GVAE utilizes the notion of a latent space depicting the variation of geological concepts and other geological properties. Navigation and optimization through the latent space provide a model update and an ensemble of history-matched models


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