2 research outputs found

    Goethe e sua “rede brasileira”: o Brasil visto de Weimar

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    No inĂ­cio do sĂ©culo XIX, o ducado de Sachsen-Weimar era um centro da recepção dos novos conhecimentos sobre o Brasil. O grande interesse do duque Carl August e as redes do seu homem de estado Goethe tiveram parte nisso. O grande editor Friedrich Justin Bertuch foi um dos que contribuĂ­ram desde Weimar para a divulgação desses novos conhecimentos.In the early 19th century, the Sachsen-Weimar duchy was a reception hub for new knowledge about Brazil. The great interest of duke Karl August and the “network” of the new member of his privy council, Goethe, played an important part in this. The great editor Friedrich Justin Bertuch was one of those who contributed from Weimar to the dissemination of this new knowledge