29 research outputs found

    In margine a Valerio Massimo, «De indole» III 1

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    The article examines five episodes concerning four figures (Emilius Lepidus, Cato Uticensis, Cassius Longinus and Alcibiades), presented by Valerio Massimo (3,1) in relation to the topic of De Indole. Precocious qualities and singular attitudes can also be seen in many other young people in the Antique period and, in the end, only Alcibiades and Cato fit into the proposed topic.Se examinan cinco episodios referidos a cuatro personajes (Emilio Lépido, Catón el Uticense, Casio Longino y Alcibíades) presentados por Valerio Máximo en relación con el tema de De Indole. Rasgos de cualidades precoces y de actitudes singulares pueden rastrearse en otros jóvenes de la Antigüedad, aunque en el tema propuesto solo encajen Alcibíades y Catón.Si esaminano cinque episodi riguardanti quattro personaggi (Emilio Lepido, Catone Uticense, Cassio Longino e Alcibiade), presentati da Valerio Massimo (3,1) relativamente alla tematica De Indole. Qualità precoci ed atteggiamenti singolari sono riscontrabili anche in molti altri giovani dell’antichità e nella tematica proposta rientrano in fondo solo Alcibiade e Catone

    Il fr. 5 della Storia Sannitica di Appiano

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    This fragment concerns Manius Curius Dentatus’ consulship in 290 BC, not his appointment as tribune. Yet the ideology of the passage can hardly fit the beginning of the third century, rather bringing back to the age of the Gracchi

    Überlegungen zu Gestalten der römischen Republik in Ammianus Marcellinus

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    L’objectif de la contribution est d’examiner le traitement par Ammien des personnalités républicaines, qui dans ses Res Gestae sont comparées à des personnages de son époque. Au cours de ce processus, les éléments qui fondent la comparaison sont souvent estompés et les fondements de la mise en parallèle ne sont plus reconnaissables. Ce trait pourrait déjà avoir figuré dans les recueils utilisés comme sources par Ammien.The object of this contribution is to examine how Ammian deals with the republican personalities who in his Res Gestae are compared with characters of his own time. In the process the elements which determine the comparison are often blurred and the foundations of the parallels are no longer perceptible. This characteristic might have been already extant in the collections used as sources by Ammian.Ziel des Beitrages ist es, Ammians Behandlung republikansicher Persönlichkeiten zu untersuchen, die in seinen Res Gestae mit Gestalten der eigenen Zeit verglichen werden. Dabei wird die Vergleichsbasis oft verschoben und sind die ursprünglichen Zusammenhänge nicht mehr klar erkenntlich. Dies könnte  bereits in von Ammian benutzten Sammelwerken geschehen sein

    Greek diminutives in Gothic

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    Investigation of the outcomes of Greek diminutive nouns in the Gothic New Testament reveals a variety of translation strategies. The Gothic Version does not automatically carry over a word’s diminutive character. Most cases of Greek diminutives translated with Gothic diminutives are part of a Gothic pattern, centred on children. In other cases, the usual range of Gothic translation decisions are found, ranging from subtle discriminations to elisions of distinction.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Vestali integrate nella societĂ  romana

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    Mazzarino e la storiografia greca

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    Karl Christ (1923-2008)

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    Mazzarino e la storiografia greca

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    SOMMARIO: Nonostante in studi recenti sia stata riproposta, con nuovi argomenti, l'identificazione deH'Anonimo post Dionem con Pietro Patrizio, si cerca di difendere la tesi di Santo Mazzarino (e di altri, prima di lui) che i due storici sono da distinguere; soprattutto in base alla profonda diversitĂ  delle raccolte di Costantino Porfirogenito, dalle quali provengono; frammenti.ABSTRACT: Although in recent studies is proposed with new arguments the identification between the Anonimous post Dionem and Petrus Patricius, in this work is intended to defend the Santo Mazzarino thesis (and others before him) conducing to the diference between the two historians. This idea is based in the deep difference of the C. Porfirogenitus versions in the origin of the same fragments

    Karl Christ (1923-2008)

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