225 research outputs found

    Nasopharyngeal Melanoma

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    Mucosal nasopharyngeal melanoma is a rare head and neck melanoma. Prognosis is poor (5-year overall survival rate of 10–30%) with high rates of metastases and local recurrence. Head and neck mucosal melanoma represents 0.8–3.7% of all melanomas and 0.03% of all neoplasms; the most commonly involved sites are the nose, paranasal sinuses, oral cavity, pharynx, and larynx. A slight female predominance has been described and the median age of presentation is 64.3. Irritants and carcinogenic substances, such as tobacco smoke and formaldehyde, seem to be related to its development. A lack of specific clinical features often leads to a late diagnosis. At an early stage, clinical features can include epistaxis, obstruction, difficulty breathing, serous otitis media, and nasal discharge; subsequently, pain, facial distortion, proptosis, and diplopia predominate the clinical pictures. Masses are mostly polyploid, friable, and bloody. They can be amelanotic or surrounded by black- or brown-pigmented dots. Nasopharyngeal melanoma resembles other common polypoid lesions; therefore, histology plays a pivotal role in confirming the diagnosis. Computed tomography, facial and total body scan, as well as magnetic resonance imaging are mandatory for a correct staging. Surgical treatment remains the gold standard. External or intranasal incision depends on tumor site and size. Sentinel lymph node biopsy is not usually performed. Neck dissection is indicated in cases of clinical and/or radiological positivity. Radiotherapy is mostly palliative, as radiotherapy lacks efficacy for mucosal melanomas. The effectiveness of target therapy and/or immunotherapy is undergoing evaluation

    Anorectal Melanoma

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    Anorectal melanoma (AM) is a rare malignancy, characterized by aggressive behavior and a poor prognosis. AM is more frequent in female patients aged over 50 years. AM accounts for 0.4–1.6% of all melanomas, 23.8% of all mucosal melanomas, and 1% of all anorectal malignant tumors. There are many theories regarding AM pathogenesis. Some consider that AM may be related to oxidative stress in the region and/or to immunosuppression. Others propose that AM may derive from Schwannian neuroblastic cells or cells of the amine-precursor uptake and decarboxylation system of the gut. Assessment of pigmented lesions located on hidden areas is difficult. Together with late and nonspecific signs and symptoms which usually occur only in conjunction with large masses, diagnosis of these mucosal melanomas is often delayed. Most frequently, the signs and symptoms are obstruction, rectal bleeding, pain, or rectal tenesmus. There are various histological variants of AM: epithelioid, spindle cell, lymphoma-like, and pleomorphic. Surgery (abdominoperineal resection or local excision) is the most effective treatment for AM; however, this is not associated with improved overall survival. Recurrence is more frequent in cases of anorectal and rectal involvement when compared with anal-only involvement. There is currently no consensus about the most appropriate systemic treatment. The efficacy of some protocols previously used in patients with cutaneous melanomas is currently being studied in mucosal melanoma

    First data on microflora of loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) nests from the coastlines of Sicily

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    Caretta caretta is threatened by many dangers in the Mediterranean basin, but most are human-related. The purposes of this research were: (i) to investigate microflora in samples from six loggerhead sea turtle nests located on the Sicilian coast and (ii) to understand microbial diversity associated with nests, with particular attention to bacteria and fungi involved in failed hatchings. During the 2016 and 2018 summers, 456 eggs and seven dead hatchling from six nests were collected. We performed bacteriological and mycological analyses on 88 egg samples and seven dead hatchlings, allowing us to isolate: Fusarium spp. (80.6%), Aeromonas hydrophila (55.6%), Aspergillus spp. (27.2%) and Citrobacter freundii (9%). Two Fusarium species were identified by microscopy and were confirmed by PCR and internal transcribed spacer sequencing. Statistical analyses showed significant differences between nests and the presence/absence of microflora, whereas no significant differences were observed between eggs and nests. This is the first report that catalogues microflora from C. caretta nests/eggs in the Mediterranean Sea and provides key information on potential pathogens that may affect hatching success. Moreover, our results suggest the need for wider investigations over extensive areas to identify other microflora, and to better understand hatching failures and mortality related to microbial contamination in this important turtle species

    Computational modelling approaches to vaccinology

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    Excepting the Peripheral and Central Nervous Systems, the Immune System is the most complex of somatic systems in higher animals. This complexity manifests itself at many levels from the molecular to that of the whole organism. Much insight into this confounding complexity can be gained through computational simulation. Such simulations range in application from epitope prediction through to the modelling of vaccination strategies. In this review, we evaluate selectively various key applications relevant to computational vaccinology: these include technique that operates at different scale that is, from molecular to organisms and even to population level

    Effects of training on plasmatic cortisol and testosterone in football female referees

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    none6Antonella Muscella; Giulia My; Selmi Okba; Daniele Zangla; Antonino Bianco; Santo MarsiglianteMuscella, Antonella; My, Giulia; Okba, Selmi; Zangla, Daniele; Bianco, Antonino; Marsigliante, Sant

    Diagnostic Value of Choline PET in the Preoperative Localization of Hyperfunctioning Parathyroid Gland(s): A Comprehensive Overview

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    Hyperparathyroidism is a metabolic disorder characterized by the excessive production of the parathyroid hormone. The diagnosis is based on clinical and laboratory data. In most cases the only treatment is surgery and a correct preoperatory localization of the hyperfunctioning parathyroid gland(s) is essential. Currently, ultrasonography combined with [Tc-99m]Tc-MIBI parathyroid scintigraphy, optionally associated with single photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT), represent the standard preoperative imaging. In recent years, a number of studies have evaluated the potential role of choline positron emission tomography (PET) in hyperparathyroidism with promising results. Most of the recent evidence underlined its higher sensitivity and diagnostic accuracy in the localization of hyperfunctioning parathyroid glands. Choline PET has a higher spatial resolution that is useful for the detection of smaller parathyroid glands and it also has shorter examination times and favorable radiation exposure. These are just a few of the aspects that support it to overcome traditional imaging. Moreover, from the preliminary data, the choline uptake mechanism seems to also have an impact on its better performance. For these reasons, if first used as second level imaging in patients with negative or inconclusive traditional imaging results, several authors have supported its use as a first line investigation. This comprehensive overview aims to provide an accurate description of the preliminary results available in the literature about the use of choline PET/CT in hyperparathyroidism and to compare these results with the performance of traditional imaging methods

    Sustainable valorisation of biowaste for soilless cultivation of salvia officinalis in a circular bioeconomy

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    The aim of this work is to assess the usefulness of biowaste deriving from Circular Bioeconomy (CBE) processes (i.e.,vermicompost, compost and digestate), as growing substrates for the partial or total replacement of peat, by measuring the vegetation biometric parameters of sage (Salvia officinalisL.)—leaf area; Soil Plant Analysis Development (SPAD) value (index of chlorophyll concentration); fresh and dry weight ofleaves; stem weight; root length. The results showed that vermicompost positively influenced most of above parameters (+16.7% for leaf area, +7.3% for fresh leaf weight, +6.4% for dry leaf weight, +8.5% for fresh stem weight, +0.9% for dry stem weight, +16% for root length) and, therefore,can be used as a sustainable growing substrate, alternative to peat, for the sage soilless cultivation. Yet, the results of some biometric parameters are better with peat rather than with compost (—7.2% for SPAD value,—47.3% for fresh leaf weight,—46.8% for dry leaf weight,—32.9% for fresh stem weight,—39.1% for dry stem weight,—52.4% for fresh root weight,—56.6% for dry root weight) and digestate (—30.2% for fresh leaf weight,—33.6% for dry leaf weight,—23.9% for fresh stem weight,—27% for dry stem weight,—51.8% for fresh root weight,—34.4% for dry root weight,—16% for root length). Therefore, these results are interesting for potted plants in nursery activity, while the above differences must be verified also after the transplanting of the testedplants in open field. However, the use of all the above growing substrates alternative to peat allows the sustainable valorization of food industry by-products, plant biomass, animal manure and the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste (OFMSW)

    Relazioni fra Mental Imagery e fattori di intelligenza: una verifica sperimentale

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    Il legame fra funzioni cognitive e Mental Imagery, evidenziato in letteratura, richiede uno studio approfondito delle componenti intellettive maggiormente correlate con i processi immaginativi, che implicano la capacità di riprodurre ed elaborare stimoli non immediatamente presenti nel campo percettivo. Scopo di questo studio è esaminare le relazioni tra capacità di Mental Imagery e fattori dell’intelligenza. Come strumenti per la misurazione di queste variabili sono stati usati il Mental Imagery Test (MIT), basato su prove di performance piuttosto che sulla valutazione soggettiva di vividezza delle immagini, e la scala di intelligenza WAIS-IV. Il campione della ricerca è costituito da 35 adulti, 17 maschi e 18 femmine, età 19- 51 anni. I risultati confermano l’ipotesi di correlazione tra MIT e intelligenza generale: a un più elevato QI corrisponde una maggiore capacità immaginativa. In particolare, le abilità di Mental Imagery risultano maggiormente connesse con il ragionamento visuo-percettivo e la comprensione verbale (e quindi con l’indice WAIS composito di Abilità Generale), piuttosto che con l’efficienza cognitiva (memoria di lavoro e velocità di elaborazione). L’analisi di scaling multidimensionale conferma la maggiore prossimità delle prove del MIT alle componenti visuo-percettive e verbali dell’intelligenza. All’interno delle prove di memoria quelle di riordinamento di cifre o lettere e numeri sono connesse al Mental Imagery più del tradizionale span di cifre. I risultati inducono a considerare con maggiore attenzione le specifiche componenti immaginative nella valutazione e nella riabilitazione delle funzioni cognitive, ad esempio nei casi di deficit o di deterioramento mentale. The link between cognitive functions and Mental Imagery, highlighted in literature, requires an in-depth study of the intellective components that are more closely related to the imaginative processes, which imply the ability to reproduce and process stimuli not immediately present in the perceptual field. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between the ability of Mental Imagery and intelligence factors. Instruments for measuring these variables were the Mental Imagery Test (MIT), based on performance tasks rather than on subjective evaluation of image vividness, and the WAIS-IV scale. The research sample consisted of 35 adults, 17 males and 18 females, age range 19-51. The results confirmed the main hypothesis of correlation between MIT and general intelligence: a higher QI corresponds to greater imaginative capacity. In particular, the Mental Imagery skills are more closely related to visual-perceptual reasoning and verbal comprehension (and hence the composite index of General Ability) rather than cognitive efficiency (work memory and processing speed). Multidimensional scaling analysis confirmed the proximity of MIT tests to visual perceptual and verbal components of intelligence. Within the memory tasks, reordering of digits, letters and numbers correlated with MIT scores more than traditional digit span. The results induce more attention to specific imaginative components in the assessment and planning rehabilitative interventions, regarding cognitive functions e.g., in cases of deficit or mental deterioration

    18F-Fluorocholine PET/CT, Tc-99m-MIBI and TC-99m-MDP SPECT/CT in Tertiary Hyperparathyroidism with Renal Osteodystrophy

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    Tertiary hyperparathyroidism (HPT) is a metabolic disorder characterized by the semi-autonomous hypersecretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH), leading to hypercalcemia. It can be the end result of persistent secondary hyperparathyroidism and is most commonly observed in patients with long-standing chronic kidney disease (CKD) and often after renal transplantation. Untreated HPT can lead to progressive bone disease, fibrocystic osteitis, and soft-tissue calcifications, along with other severe complications. In the 2009 Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) guidelines, CKD-Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD) is used to describe the broader clinical syndrome encompassing mineral, bone, and calcific cardiovascular abnormalities that develop as a complication of CKD. We report a 62-year-old female with a severe HPT evolved from advanced chronic kidney disease (stage 5D, KDIGO). Patient was evaluated with multimodality nuclear medicine functional imaging to assess hyperfunctioning parathyroid glands and bone lesions. Tc-99m-methoxyisobutylisonitrile (MIBI) dual-phase scintigraphy, Tc-99m-methylenediphosphonate (MDP) bone scan and 18F-Fluorocholine positron emission tomography/computed tomography ( 18F-FCH PET/CT) were performed before surgery

    Monitoring Psychometric States of Recovery to Improve Performance in Soccer Players: A Brief Review

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    In order to maximize adaptations and to avoid nonfunctional overreaching syndrome or noncontact injury, coaches in high-performance sports must regularly monitor recovery before and after competitions/important training sessions and maintain well-being status. Therefore, quantifying and evaluating psychometric states of recovery during the season in sports teams such as soccer is important. Over the last years, there has been substantial growth in research related to psychometric states of recovery in soccer. The increase in research on this topic is coincident with the increase in popularity obtained by subjective monitoring of the pre-fatigue state of the players before each training sessions or match with a strong emphasis on the effects of well-being or recovery state. Among the subjective methods for players’ control, the Hooper index (HI) assesses the quality of sleep during the previous night, overall stress, fatigue, and delayed-onset muscle soreness. Additionally, the total quality of recovery (TQR) scale measures recovery status. The HI and TQR recorded before each training session or match were affected by the variability of training load (TL) and influenced the physical and technical performances, and the affective aspects of soccer players. Researchers have recommended wellness monitoring soccer players’ psychometric state of recovery before each training session or match in order to detect early signs of fatigue and optimize high-level training performance. This method allows for better detecting signs of individual fatigue and allows coaches to adapt and readjust the TL, and avoid physical and technical gaps in order to improve the performance of soccer players
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