3 research outputs found

    Analisis Perjanjian Kerjasama dan Pola Perbandingan Penyelesaian Sengketadi Luar Pengadilan

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    The contract or agreement is rapidly growing at this time as the consequence logical from the development cooperation business people business. Many business cooperation carried out by businessmen in the form of a contract or written agreement. The purpose of this research is to know and understand the legal analysis against the risks that arise in the agreement as well as to know the form of resolving disputes outside of the courts in the perspective of positive law and Islamic law. The type of research used in this study are normative legal research which in the use of research analysis Techniques used are qualitative techniques for which information unearthed through in-depth interviews and information search through the library, either from legislation, documents relating to the writing of this thesis so that what is in question in the study answered with a maximum. Results of the study showed that a cooperation agreement with Sejahtera Corporateand Adil Makmur potentially cause conflict so that it appears in the dispute between the parties resulting from any such agreement surfaced that there are risks such as risks language, the risk of disputes. To resolve this issue then there needs to be a model of dispute resolution that is ADR in particular using arbitration institutions while the Model dispute resolution outside of court according to ACT No. 30 of 1999 are mediation, arbitration, consilition, which chosen by the parties in accordance with applicable LAW while according to customary law, the dispute could be resolved through private, family, head of the indigenous organizational institution. &nbsp

    Perspektif Politik Hukum terhadap Perlindungan dan Pembinaan Tenaga Kerja Luar Negeri di Indonesia

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    Pengiriman TKI ke luar negeri memang dapat memberikan manfaat ekonomi yang relatif besar tidak hanya bagi TKI itu sendiri dan keluarganya tetapi juga bagi negara tersebut, karena Negara tersebut menganggap pengiriman TKI ke luar negeri merupakan jawaban atas tidak adanya negara dalam menyediakan lapangan kerja. Penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunajan jenis penelitian hukum normatif yang digunakan untuk menyusun penelitian. Review hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Undang-Undang Hukum Politik Nomor 39 Tahun 2004 tentang perlindungan dan pembangunan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia di luar negeri ada 4 (empat) yaitu 1) Memberdayakan dan mendayagunakan tenaga kerja secara optimal dan manusia; 2) Menciptakan pemerataan peluang kerja dan penyediaan tenaga kerja sesuai dengan pembangunan nasional dan kebutuhan kabupaten; 3) memberikan perlindungan kepada pekerja dalam menciptakan kesejahteraan; dan 4) kesejahteraan buruh dan keluarganya sementara Faktor hukum politik implementasi hukum memengaruhi hukum Nomor 39 Tahun 2004 tentang perlindungan dan pembangunan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia di luar Negri terkait dengan perlindungan hukum di luar negeri memiliki TKI 2 (dua) yaitu 1) Struktur ( Ketenagakerjaan Dewan, b. Menjadi Keluhan minimal yang disediakan oleh Penguasa di luar negeri untuk TKI) dan 2) Substansi

    Kepastian Hukum Penerbitan Sertifikat Hak Komunal sebagai Pelaksanaan Reforma Agraria

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    : The existence of communal rights certificates to ensure legal certainty over customary land tenure by indigenous peoples is agrarian reform through progressive legal breakthrough. But in its development where the certificate of communal rights still need to be revised and adapted the principles of agrarian reform by attention to the rules contained in Law No. 5 of 1960 as the fundamental rules of the land. Communal rights should be conceived as a concept of property rights is not only public but also private natur