14 research outputs found

    Deploying an Inter‐European Quantum Network

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    Around 40 years have passed since the first pioneering works introduced the possibility of using quantum physics to enhance communications safety. Nowadays, quantum key distribution (QKD) exited the physics laboratories to become a mature technology, triggering the attention of States, military forces, banks, and private corporations. This work takes on the challenge of bringing QKD closer to a consumer technology: deployed optical fibers by telecommunication companies of different States have been used to realize a quantum network, the first-ever connecting three different countries. This work also emphasizes the necessity of networks where QKD can come up besides classical communications, whose coexistence currently represents the main limitation of this technology. This network connects Trieste to Rijeka and Ljubljana via a trusted node in Postojna. A key rate of over 3 kbps in the shortest link and a 7-hour-long measurement demonstrate the system's stability and reliability. The network has been used to present the QKD at the G20 Digital Ministers' Meeting in Trieste. The experimental results, together with the interest that one of the most important events of international politics has attracted, showcase the maturity of the QKD technology bundle, placing it in the spotlight for consumer applications in the near term

    Fatti, fonti e metodi di studio per la toponomastiea di Roma e del Lazio delle origini

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    Ribezzo Francesco. Fatti, fonti e metodi di studio per la toponomastiea di Roma e del Lazio delle origini. In: Onomastica. Revue Internationale de Toponymie et d'Anthroponymie, 2e annÊe N°1, mars 1948. Deuxième congrès international de toponymie et d'anthroponymie (2e sÊrie) pp. 29-48

    Substrat méditerranéen : Di quattro nuove voci mediterranee gia credute celtiche (ébhura ‘tasso’ ; leme ‘olmo’ ; támara, ‘uva di siepe’ ; sámara ‘fosso d’acqua’)

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    Ribezzo Francesco. Substrat méditerranéen : Di quattro nuove voci mediterranee gia credute celtiche (ébhura ‘tasso’ ; leme ‘olmo’ ; támara, ‘uva di siepe’ ; sámara ‘fosso d’acqua’) . In: Revue Internationale d'Onomastique, 2e année N°1, mars 1950. pp. 13-25

    Carattere eteroglotto dei toponimi Sicani

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    Ribezzo Francesco. Carattere eteroglotto dei toponimi Sicani. In: Revue Internationale d'Onomastique, 1e annÊe N°1-2, Mars-Juin 1949. pp. 41-60

    Single Point Failure Kinematic Mounts for Unmanned Spacecraft-Damage Tolerance Assessment

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    Nowadays the structural verification of unmanned spacecraft programmes follows typically a protoflight approach1, wherein the flight structure is tested to levels somewhat above limit stress (or load) but below yield strength, rather than the more conventional prototype approach. Often, such option implies exposing flight items to extensive fatigue loading (incl. on-ground vibration testing at different levels of integration). Usually, as far as possible, the structures are designed to be hyperstatic (i.e. with multiple load paths) to ensure sufficient strength for enduring the loading environment even in fail-safe condition. In a hyperstatic design, when one of the load paths is lost due to local failure, the loads may redistribute among the remaining structure preventing the complete failure. In many cases, owing to restrictive design and mission requirements, it is not possible to realize redundant structures and it is necessary to introduce one or more critical structural items like isostatic mounts in the main load path, being these widely used in unmanned spacecraft designs. These are typically monolithic parts constituting a single-point-failure of the design and must be considered Potential Fracture Critical Items under a reduced fracture control programme. Normally their damage tolerance capacity is demonstrated via crack-growth analysis. For a crack-growth evaluation it is necessary to derive the stress spectra for each event phase of the operating life and afterwards define the complete stress spectra in the most critical areas. Typically the isostatic mounts are designed to support relatively large masses (e.g. optical benches, etc.); these items have their design optimized for (a certain level of) flexibility in order to comply with alignment and stability (e.g. of the optical bench) under extreme environmental conditions. These requirements drive the design, frequently resulting in parts with regions of reduced cross-section and relatively high stresses

    Evoluzione della concezione dell'istituto del matrimonio

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    Costumi, usanze e tradizioni sono le parole chiave dell'istituto giuridico che genera l'unità familiare. Nato in un modo, si è reinventato continuamente, adattandosi ai tempi e alle circostanze, cambiando pur rimanendo solido. Questo lavoro si propone di analizzare due momenti di questa evoluzione: l'età romana e quella moderna, due mondi separati da secoli di storia che ci mostreranno quanto è stato conservato e quanto è andato perduto all'insegna di un unico fil rouge: il matrimonio

    Induced modifications on algae photosynthetic activity monitored by the pump-and-probe technique

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    Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Biblioteca Centrale / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Practical analysis of decoy method in QKD over underwater optical fiber

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    Quantum key distribution (QKD) is the first commercial application of the second quantum revolution. Although QKD systems have already been developed and implemented all around the world, some open challenges are limiting the overall deployment of this technology (limited key rate, limited link distance, etc.). By improving the current QKD protocols, it is possible to increase the final secret key generation rate. In this work, we compare 1-decoy with 2-decoy methods in BB84 protocol over an underwater optical fiber link connecting Malta to Italy, showing that 2-decoy can achieve more than twice the key rate of 1-decoy method.</p

    QKD protocol over 100 km long submarine optical fiber assisted by a system-in-package fast-gated InGaAs single photon detector

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    A QKD link established between Sicily (Italy) and Malta has been utilized to test the performances of a fast-gated InGaAs single photon detector, achieving a fourteen times higher key rate than using a commercial detector