2 research outputs found

    The Effect of Role Play Method towards Mother’s Behaviour about Sibling Rivalry on Preschool Children in PAUD KB Bukit Siwalan Gresik Pre-Experimental research

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    Preschool stage is tranforming stage from baby stage into school stage. Many health issues can come about in this stage. One of them is family relation issue that is sibling rivalry. This sibling rivalry can caused by lack of knowledge from mother. 80% of mother that having more than one children in PAUD KB Bukit Siwalan Gresik said did not know about sibling rivalry. 60% mothers scolded their children when seeing their children fight, 30% advised them and 10% dissociate each others. This study used Pra-Experimental one group pre-post test design. Populations were mothers that having more than one children in PAUD KB Bukit Siwalan Gresik. There were 20 samples taken by purposive sampling technique. The independent variable was health education about sibling rivaly using role play method. The dependent variable was mother’s behaviour (knowledge, attitude and practice) towards sibling rivalry on preschool children. Data were collected using questionnaires and observation checklist. Data were analyzed using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with level of significance p ≤ 0.05. The result showed that helath education through role play method has an effect on mother’s knowledge about sibling rivalry with p= 0,002. Helath education through role play method also effect on mother’s attitude about sibling rivaly with p= 0,001, and mother’s practice about sibling rivalry with p=0,002. It can be concluded that role play method significantly increase knowledge, attitude and practice to sibling rivalry among mothers with children in PAUD KB Bukit Siwalan Gresik. Role play method could be applied as health education for mother to increase knowledge, attitude and practice. Keyword : role play, knowledge, attitude and practice, sibling rivalr

    Pengaruh Metode Role Play Terhadap Perilaku Ibu Tentang Sibling Rivalry Pada Anak Usia Prasekolah Di Paud Kb Bukit Siwalan Gresik

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    Masa prasekolah adalah masa peralihan antara masa bayi dan masa anak sekolah. Berbagai masalah kesehatan dapat terjadi pada masa ini. Salah satunya yaitu permasalahan hubungan keluarga yaitu sibling rivalry. Sibling rivalry ini dapat disebabkan karena kurangnya pengetahuan ibu. 80% ibu yang memiliki anak lebih dari satu di PAUD KB Bukit Siwalan Gresik menyatakan tidak mengetahui tentang sibling rivalry. 60% ibu memarahi anaknya saat melihat anaknya bertengkar, 30 % menasehatinya dan 10 % menjauhkannya. Desain pada penelitian ini menggunakan desain pra eksperimen one group pre-post test. Populasinya adalah ibu yang memiliki anak lebih dari satu di PAUD KB Bukit Siwalan Gresik. Didapatkan 20 sample dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Variabel independen yang digunakan adalah pendidikan kesehatan tentang sibling rivalry menggunakan metode role play. Variabel dependen adalah perilaku (pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan) ibu tentang sibling rivalry pada anak usia prasekolah. Data diambil dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan juga lembar observasi. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik Wilcoxon dengan signifikan p ≤ 0,05. Hasil menunjukkan ada pengaruh metode role play terhadap pengetahuan ibu tentang sibling rivalry dengan hasil p=0,002. Metode role play juga berpengauh terhadap sikap ibu tentang sibling rivalry dengan hasil p=0,001, serta berpengaruh terhadap tindakan ibu tentang sibling rivalry dengan hasil p = 0,002. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode role play mempengaruhi perilaku (pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan) ibu tentang sibling rivalry di PAUD KB Bukit Siwalan Gresik. Metode role play dapat diaplikasikan sebagai pendidikan kesehatan pada ibu untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan