754 research outputs found

    Quale legalitĂ ? Rom e gagi a confronto

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    Si sa poco dei rom, dei sinti e degli altri gruppi di lingua romanì residenti in Italia. «Rom», o più precisamente rrom, in romanì significa «uomo». Spesso vengono anche denominati «zingari», «zigani» o «gitani» 1. La maggior parte di loro chiama chi non appartiene ai rispettivi gruppi con il termine gagé, o gagi. Un’etichetta che vuol dire semplicemente «non rom» e che faremo nostra, per esigenze di chiarezza e per evitare formulazioni improprie che rischiano di ingenerare confusione, nelle pagine che seguono (...)

    I sondaggi e il loro uso. Problemi di cecitĂ  logica a partire dal caso dei Rom

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    La pubblicazione di sondaggi sul sentimento di ostilità nei confronti di minoranze, e nello specifico verso gli «zingari», pone questioni deontologiche e normative profonde. Il basso livello di accettazione verso questi gruppi, una volta misurato, può giustificare visioni naturalizzate e deterministe dell’esclusione dei gruppi più marginali. L’articolo esplora diverse strategie di presentazione dei dati, che puntano a una loro maggiore contestualizzazione (comparazione nello spazio e nel tempo, composizione sociale di chi esprime un’opinione maggiormente favorevole a politiche sociali di integrazione; opinioni dei leader rom sugli stereotipi che li riguardano). L’articolo si conclude con una riflessione sull’importanza di un approccio relazionale che, pur valorizzando la ricerca sull’opinione pubblica, tenti di limitare gli effetti di cecità logica che alcuni risultati di sondaggi possono creare (...)

    On the estimation of the Lorenz curve under complex sampling designs

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    This paper focuses on the estimation of the concentration curve of a finite population, when data are collected according to a complex sampling design with different inclusion probabilities. A (design-based) Hajek type estimator for the Lorenz curve is proposed, and its asymptotic properties are studied. Then, a resampling scheme able to approximate the asymptotic law of the Lorenz curve estimator is constructed. Applications are given to the construction of (i) a confidence band for the Lorenz curve, (ii) confidence intervals for the Gini concentration ratio, and (iii) a test for Lorenz dominance. The merits of the proposed resampling procedure are evaluated through a simulation study

    Regards croisés. Anti-tsiganisme et possibilité du 'vivre ensemble', Roms et gadjés, en Italie

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    Dans cet article, nous nous proposons de décrire le très haut niveau d’hostilité envers les groupes tsiganes, ainsi que les caractéristiqu de ceux qui pensent que la vie ensemble est possible. En confrontant, entre autre, les opinions et les préjugés des uns à l’égard des autres, nous montrerons à quel point les Roms et les gadje1 ont deux conceptions différentes de la légalité. Contrairement à ce que l’on pense, les Roms et les Sinti ne se moquent pas de la légalité et ne s’y opposent pas : la définition qu’ils en donnent, identique à celle des gadje, consiste dans le respect des règles dans un Etat de droit. Toutefois, ils décrivent des conditions qui rendent possible le respect de cette légalité en des termes très différents de la majorité des gadje. L’exploration de leur point de vue réserve de nombreuses surprises et révèle une complexité de raisonnement qui mérite d’être considérée avec sérieux et évaluée avec attention. Pour l’apprécier pleinement, il est tout d’abord nécessaire de confronter les différents points de vue afin de comprendre la force des préjugés qui peu à peu se sont ancrés dans les esprits2

    Anemia en ancianos

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    La anemia es común en los ancianos y su predominio aumenta con la edad, pero no debe ser considerada como consecuencia inevitable del envejecimiento. Utilizando el criterio de la OMS para su diagnóstico, se considera en esta condición las mujeres con concentración de hemoglobina (Hb) inferior a 12 g/dL, en varones Hb menor a 13 g/dL, en adultos mayores cuando la Hb es inferior o igual a 11 g/dL, en ambos sexos. Cuando la anemia no puede explicarse, se la denomina “anemia senil”, que debe considerarse inadecuado. Las anemias que aparecen en el adulto mayor no obedecen al envejecimiento; son la consecuencia de una alta frecuencia de enfermedades anemizantes. Los estudios clínicos y epidemiológicos han demostrado que la prevalencia de anemia está significativamente aumentada en los adultos mayores y está relacionada a varios de los grandes síndromes geriátricos

    Management of Intra-abdominal Infections due to Carbapenemase-Producing Organisms.

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    The prevalence of bacterial resistance to carbapenem antibiotics continues to increase because of bacteria producing metallo-β-lactamases (MBL), called carbapenemase-producing organisms (CPO). Enterobacteriaceae, which can be a common cause of intra-abdominal infections (IAIs), have become carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE). Updated international guidelines for the treatment of both IAIs and IAIs due to CRE have been published. Given the multifaceted nature of these infections, these recommendations have been jointly reviewed and endorsed by the Surgical Society and the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease. The aims of this review are to summarize the general and new generation of multimodal procedure to manage IAIs due to CRE and review the data available on the combination of interventions to reduce CRE. Future research should focus on the development of novel and safe antimicrobial therapies and the quantification of the incremental effect of infection control programmes and new methods to rapidly detect pathogens before patients enter the surgical settin

    COX-1 Inhibitors: Beyond Structure Toward Therapy

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    Biosynthesis of prostaglandins from arachidonic acid (AA) is catalyzed by cyclooxygenase (COX), which exists as COX-1 and COX-2. AA is in turn released from the cell membrane upon neopathological stimuli. COX inhibitors interfere in this catalytic and disease onset process. The recent prominent discovery involvements of COX-1 are mainly in cancer and inflammation. Five classes of COX-1 inhibitors are known up to now and this classification is based on chemical features of both synthetic compounds and substances from natural sources. Physicochemical interactions identification between such molecules and COX-1 active site was achieved through X-ray, mutagenesis experiments, specific assays and docking investigations, as well as through a pharmacometric predictive model building. All these insights allowed the design of new highly selective COX-1 inhibitors to be tested into those disease models in which COX-1 is involved. Particularly, COX-1 is expressed at high levels in the early to advanced stages of human epithelial ovarian cancer, and it also seems to play a pivotal role in cancer progression. The refinement of COX-1 selective inhibitor structure has progressed to the stage that some of the inhibitors described in this review could be considered as promising active principle ingredients of drugs and hence part of specific therapeutic protocols. This review aims to outline achievements, in the last 5 years, dealing with the identification of highly selective synthetic and from plant extracts COX-1 inhibitors and their theranostic use in neuroinflammation and ovarian cancer. Their gastrotoxic effect is also discussed

    Direct Palladium-Catalysed Cross-Coupling Reactions Between Organolithium or Organozinc Reagents and (Hetero)Aryl Bromides in Nonconventional Solvents

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    In spite of their enormous synthetic relevance, the use of highly polar organometallic reagents has been to date restricted to anhydrous conditions, inert atmosphere and low temperatures to avoid their fast decomposition and to control their reactivity. One of the most momentous challenge in organic synthesis is the replacement of harsh and volatile organic compounds by more environmentally responsible solvents.[1] Building upon our recent findings on the use of organometallics of in unconventional reaction media [e.g., the so-called deep eutectic solvents (DESs), water],[25] in this Communication we report that a wide range of alkyl- and aryllithium or organozinc reagents can undergo fast chemo- and regioselective cross-coupling reactions with (hetero)aryl bromides in the presence of a Pd catalyst, under mild reaction conditions and under air, using bulk water or DES as a privileged reaction medium, to afford the desired adducts in yields up to 98%.[6] The described protocols have been optimised so as to minimize the formation of byproducts mainly arising from a metal-halogen exchange and from a -hydride elimination reaction. This methodology opens up new vistas in the perspective of the development of a sustainable organometallic chemistry in bio-inspired solvents
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