7 research outputs found


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    Adalah hak setiap warga negara mendapatkan hak politiknya sesuai yang diamanatkan oleh Konstitusi kita, dan pesta demokrasi pemilihan umum kepala daerah merupakan salah satu moment penting dalam pelaksanaan hak politik tersebut karena pada saat itulah seluruh warga negara di daerah pemilihan menjalankan hak memilih dan hak dipilihnya. Namun menjadi menarik ketika Mahkamah Konstitusi No 56/PUU-XVII/2019 menyatakan adanya rentang waktu tunggu selama 5 tahun bagi mantan terpidana untuk ikut konstentasi tersebut.  Tulisan ini berupaya membahas putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No 56/PUU-XVII/2019 dari sisi pidana utamanya berkaitan dengan tujuan pemidanaan. Penulisan ini ini mengunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dengan menganalisis putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi  dan perundang-undangan  yang berkaitan dengan hak politik mantan terpidana dalam mengikuti pilkada,  kemudian dianalisis dengan pendapat-pendapat para ahli hukum atau doktrin, serta peraturan perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan isu hukum yang dibahas dan diambil kesimpulan.Konsekuensi Hukum  Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi  No 56/PUU-XVII/2019 tentang Norma Hak Politik Mantan Terpidana adalah, mantan terpidana yang akan mengikuti konstentasi pemilihan kepala daerah harus telah melewati jangka waktu 5 (lima) tahun setelah mantan terpidana selesai menjalani pidana penjara berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap dan secara jujur atau terbuka mengumumkan mengenai latar belakang jati dirinya sebagai mantan terpidana. Putusan tentang rentang waktu tunggu selama 5 (lima) tahun bagi mantan terpidana setelah melaksanakan hukuman pidana, pada dasarnya tidak selaras dengan konsep pemidanaan saat ini dan dengan sistem pemasyarakatan berdasarkan UU No. 12 Tahun 1995 tentang Sistem Pemasyarakatan, yang bertujuan membentuk warga binaan/terpidana menjadi warga negara yang baik yang sama derajat, hak, kewajiban  dan perilakunya dengan warga negara lain

    The Handling of the Pandemic Covid 19 in the Consciousness of the Legal Community in Bali

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      This study discusses the legal awareness of the people of Bali are influenced by local wisdom in the face of pendemi covid-19. The purpose of this study is to analyze the success of handling Covid-19 in Bali in conjunction with legal awareness/ social culture of the Balinese people. There are two issues to be discussed, first how the legal regulation of countermeasures and efforts to break the chain of plague Covid-19 in Bali. Second, whether the local genius and social culture that has been there and is inherent in the fabric of Balinese life is effectively help the success of the handling of the Covid-19 in Bali ?The Research method used is normative law research Method reviewing the written law from various aspects, the approach of legislation (statute approach), the historical approach (historical approach), and a conceptual approach (conseptual approuach) and comparative approach (comparative approach) with the writing of descriptive analytical. The results of the research show that the Law is used to direct it to the goal-the desired destination, and creates patterns of behavior of new/social change in line with one of the functions of law, namely the function of the law as a means of social change, or a means to engineer society (social engineering). Tri Hita Karana (THK) as a frame of local wisdom in Bali in the life of indigenous peoples has been attached is the local wisdom that are rooted from culture and the hindu religion be a guideline and reference by the public in Bali to act/ behave this affects the legal awareness of the public to remain obedient and loyal in lawless in the community

    Street Crime during Covid-19 Pandemic in Perspective of Routine Activity Law Theory and it Influence on Indonesian Criminal Law

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    The initial prediction is that the condition of covid-19 pandemic will shake people's lives in all aspects, and this condition has a great potential for rising crime. With all of its character, it is very interesting to discuss how street crime developed during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study use a mixed research method, where data is collected from facts in the field, legal sources or applied regulations, associated with legal materials obtained from literature review research and overall data obtained from both primary data and secondary data. The conclusion from this research is that street crime during the Covid-19 Pandemic cannot be stated expressly decreased or increased for each region has dynamics that differ from one another according to the characteristics of the region. The correlation of PSBB policy during the Covid-19 Pandemic with the level of street crime in the perspective of routine activity theory can be seen from several street crimes that change the type and location of their objects / targets as well as the increasing number of drug and cybercrime cases that are striking. PSBB conditions during Pandemic Covid-19 against crimes that require a new system that is integrated with the internet, a pattern of punishment with massive amounts of assimilation to reduce the density of prison and a virtual court examination system that should be a part of the criminal justice system in Indonesi

    A compendium of solid-phase chemistry publications

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