832 research outputs found

    Congo 1961: Tracking CIA-Backed Weapon Smuggling in Africa\u27s Copper Belt

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    In 1960, the newly independent Congo erupted into civil war. Belgium, France, the United States, and the Soviet Union all rushed to influence the outcome. Congo sits atop some of the richest mineral deposits in the world; it was a critical Cold War battleground. The CIA came to the aid of one of the warring parties: the rebel state of Katanga. One of the critical ways they aided Katanga was by supplying otherwise unavailable weaponry. I focus on one instance of arms smuggling in particular: when three fighter jet aircraft were smuggled to the rebel Katangan regime. Historians have not come to a consensus of where these jets came from, or who paid for them. In this study, I make the case that the CIA planned the smuggling through a complex network of front companies, legitimate businesses, and partners in foreign governments.This smuggling was orchestrated by a Zambian arms dealer with complicity from the French and Belgian governments, a French aircraft manufacturer, a Belgian bank, and an American charter airline secretly owned by the CIA. For this study, I collected and read over 1,000 pages of State Department documents from the National Archives, over 1,000 pages from the CIA\u27s archive, 29 pages of never before released UN archival documents, and smaller numbers of documents from many other archives including the National Military Museum of the Netherlands, the Eugene McDermott Library at UT-Dallas, and UNLV Special Collections. I also found great utility in US Air Force and FAA airplane transaction logs, in following paper trails left by smugglers. Thanks to this research, I found the first name and business partner of the Zambian arms dealer, known to other historians by his last name only, and have confirmed that the American airline, suspected of CIA ties by other historians, was in fact covertly owned and operated by the CIA. This helps establish what I believe was a wider pattern of CIA strategy in covert operations throughout the era.https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/fsrs2020/1058/thumbnail.jp

    Paral lelismes lèxics en aragonès xistaví i català: préstec o fenomen de contínuum?

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    A part de l"ús del pretèrit perifràstic, format amb el verb ir + infinitiu (xistaví) o anar + infinitiu (català), els paral lelismes més interessants entre el xistaví i el català són de tipus lèxic. Tanmateix, sovint no resulta gens fàcil decidir si les formes compartides són préstecs directes o si constitueixen part d"un tresor comú. Determinades paraules com ara sep i boc, amb oclusiva final, i llesca, amb [ʎ] inicial, porten l"empremta d"identitat catalana, així com borde < bord, amb vocal de suport final en aragonès i en castellà, i cotón, sense l"article àrab aglutinat (però amb [n] final en aragonès). La forma mielsa és un catalanisme tan antic que presenta diftongació de la vocal radical en aragonès. A més a més, tancar, que és específic de l"Aragó oriental, sembla ser resultat de l"expansió del català a territoris dialectals veïns. En canvi, bachoca és tan generalitzat també es troba a Múrcia i València que no pot ésser considerat com el cas anterior. En aquest article intentem d"avaluar l"impacte del lèxic català en l"aragonès de Gistaín (xistaví)

    Postmodifying prepositional phrases in English and Spanish (with special reference to locative modifiers)

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    Las frases preposicionales constituyen el tipo más frecuente de posmodificación en todos los registros del inglés (Biber et a. 1999: 634). En el español, las expresiones locativas suelen incorporar un pronombre relativo y un verbo (the books [which are] on the table > los libros que están encima de la mesa), o bien expresarse mediante una frase introducida por la preposición de (los libros de encima de la mesa). Wonder (1979) sostiene que el español permite el uso de preposiciones que no sean de en las frases locativas en el caso de "situaciones ‘activas'" (el aterrizaje en pleno campo) frente a "situaciones estáticas" (*el sofá en la sala), y también si la frase puede tener una función adverbial antes que, o además de, una interpretación adjetiva (el ruido en la calle), sobre todo si dicha frase encierra la idea de una posición alternativa para un objeto, o bien un contraste con otro objeto similar (el sofá en la sala contigua). El presente estudio pretende examinar este argumento y, además, explorar la posmodificación preposicional en español de un modo más general, a la par que propone una explicación sobre la elección de estructura en español que se basa en el criterio de la densidad léxica

    The rise of the middle passive in Modern English

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    The paper discusses the increasing number of originally transitive verbs used as middles in Modern English (The shirt irons well), and attempts to categorize them and suggest reasons for their recent spread. Observations will also be made on their equivalents in other languages, e.g. Spanish, which may use the reflexive passive (or other constructions) to convey the nuances of English middles. Key words: English grammar, middle voice, ergatives, passivization, reflexivization

    Variation in Traditional Cockney and Popular London Speech

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    In this paper I examine recordings of two elderly Londoners, one male and one female, in an attempt to show the range of variation that can be found in the traditional speech of London as regards typical features such as H-dropping, TH-fronting, T-glottalling and L-vocalization. The female speaker lacks some of the traits that are generally considered characteristic of Cockney. Keywords: English dialectology, English sociolinguistics, Cockney, Popular London speech

    The Monophthongs of Traditional Cockney and Popular London Speech in Context

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    [eng] The paper examines the pure vowels of Traditional Cockney as pronounced in connected speech by three elderly male speakers and compares the F1 and F2 values with those obtained for RP by Deterding, and those from a previous experiment with the same speakers for the vowels in citation form (in the context /h_d/). KEYWORDS: Cockney, English dialectology, English pure vowels, English sociolinguistics, Popular London speech.[hbs] Ovaj rad ispituje monoftonge tradicionalnog koknija proizvedene u vezanom govoru tri starija mu ka ispitanika i upoređuje vrednosti F1 i F2 sa onima koje je za op teprihvaćeni izgovor (eng. RP) izmerio Deterding, kao i sa vrednostima iz prethodnog eksperimenta sa istim tim ispitanicima u pojedinačnim izolovanim rečima (u kontekstu /h_d/). Ključne reči: kokni, engleska dijalektologija, engleski monoftonzi, engleska sociolingvistika, popularni govor London

    A first approach to the intonation of chistabino, compared to castilian

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    El presente trabajo expone los resultados de un estudio preliminar de la entonación de una variedad del aragonés: el chistabino, que se habla en el valle de Gistau, sobre todo en el pueblo de Gistaín, en la provincia de Huesca, España. Esta primera aproximación a la entonación del chistabino apunta hacia el hecho de que las aseveraciones no marcadas, igual que en castellano, se articulan con descenso final, las preguntas pronominales no marcadas con ascenso (típicamente descenso en castellano), y las preguntas absolutas no marcadas suelen decirse con patrón circunflejo al final (habitualmente ascenso en castellano). De todo ello se infiere que el chistabino hace más uso que el castellano de tonos ascendentes y de contornos circunflejos. Los núcleos no terminales, como en castellano, suelen realizarse con tono ascendente o formar parte de esa curva melódica. Cuando la distribución de las curvas entonativas no es la que acabamos de describir, se trata de la presencia de algún matiz pragmático (insistencia, cortesía, incertidumbre, etc.). El uso del patrón circunflejo en las preguntas absolutas también se da en Asturias, Galicia y el español del Caribe. En castellano, tal empleo es marcado.This paper reports on a preliminary study of the speech of the intonation of a variety of Aragonese: Chistabino, spoken in the valley of Gistau, especially in Gistaín, in the Province of Huesca, Spain. This first approach to the intonation of Chistabino suggests that unmarked statements, as in Spanish, are said on a terminal fall, unmarked pronominal questions are frequently pronounced on a rise (prototypically a fall in Spanish), and unmarked yes-no questions are often said with a rise-fall pattern (usually a rise in Spanish, if unmarked). So it appears that Chistabino uses rising contours and complex tunes more often than Spanish. Non-final nuclei, as in Spanish, tend to be performed on or form part of a rise. Where alternative patterns are used, there is some pragmatic nuance (insistence, politeness, uncertainty, etc.). Use of the fall-rise in yes-no questions has also been found in Asturias, Galicia and Caribbean Spanish, while in Castilian it is marked