34 research outputs found

    L' émigration basque

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    Durante 60 años, desde 1832-1835 más de 79.000 personas emigraron a América solamente en Baja Navarra y Zuberoa. Se analizan las características de los emigrantes y las razones de su emigración principalmente en las provincias vasco-francesasOver 60 years, from 1832-1835, more than 79.000 people migrated to America only in the lower Navarre and Zuberoa. The characteristics of the migrants are analysed together with the reasons for their emigration, mainly in the French Basque province

    Sur le Salve Regina: Paraphrase de l\u27antienne liturgique

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    A French arrangement for solo voice of the Salve Regina, one of the Marian antiphons sung during night prayers (Compline). The music was composed by Charles Bordes and the lyrics were written by Pierre Lhande. Included as part of a supplement in the May 1911 issue of Mois Littéraire et Pittoresque, a monthly Catholic magazine published by the Maison de la Bonne Presse, which was run by the Augustine Fathers of the Assumption.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/imri_sheetmusic/1042/thumbnail.jp

    Sur l\u27alma redemptoris: Paraphrase de l\u27antienne liturgique

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    A French arrangement for solo voice of the Alma Redemptoris Mater, one of the Marian antiphons sung during night prayers (Compline). The music was composed by Charles Bordes and the lyrics were written by Pierre Lhande. Included as part of a supplement in the May 1911 issue of Mois Littéraire et Pittoresque, a monthly Catholic magazine published by the Maison de la Bonne Presse, which was run by the Augustine Fathers of the Assumption.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/imri_sheetmusic/1040/thumbnail.jp

    Bulletin de littérature basque

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    L' émigration basque

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    Durante 60 años, desde 1832-1835 más de 79.000 personas emigraron a América solamente en Baja Navarra y Zuberoa. Se analizan las características de los emigrantes y las razones de su emigración principalmente en las provincias vasco-francesasOver 60 years, from 1832-1835, more than 79.000 people migrated to America only in the lower Navarre and Zuberoa. The characteristics of the migrants are analysed together with the reasons for their emigration, mainly in the French Basque province

    Le théatre basque de plein air, Maitena

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    El único teatro vasco de este tipo son las pastorales o misterios que se representan todos los años en Zuberoa. Se hace un resumen de "Maitena", pastoral escrita en dos partes por Etienne Decrept y Charles Cokin, cuya primera representación fue en Bilbao en 1909The only Basque theater of this kind are the pastorals or mysteries that are performed every year in Zuberoa. A summary is made of "Maitena", a pastoral written in two parts by Etienne Decrept and Charles Cokin, first performed in Bilbao in 190

    Chronique de littérature basque

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    En zigzag à travers les Amériques

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    El Padre Lhande alerta sobre los riesgos que plantea la emigración para los vascos, al poner en peligro el sentimiento religioso y las virtudes tradicionales de este pueblo. Como remedio propone la organización de obras para la protección y asistencia del emigrante.Aita Lhandek euskaldunen emigrazioak planteatzen dituen arriskuez ohartarazten du, gure herriaren sentimendu erlijiosoa eta bertute tradizionalak arriskuan jartzen dituelako. Konponbide gisa, emigrantearen babes eta laguntzarako egintzak antolatzea proposatzen du.Le Père Lhande insiste sur les dangers que fait courir aux Basques, l'émigration: elle met en péril la conservation du sentiment religieux et les vertus traditionnelles caractéristiques de ce peuple. Le remède consiste dans l'organisation d'oeuvres chargées deprotéger et d'assiter l'émigrant.Father Lhande alerts on the risks posed by emigration for the Basques, as it endangers the religious feeling and the traditional virtues of this people. As a remedy he proposes the organisation of projects for the protection and assistance of emigrants

    Louis, of de geschiedenis van een kind

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