6 research outputs found


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    Manisan merupakan makanan ringan masyarakat Indonesia dengan harganya relatifterjangkau. Beraneka macam manisan yang beredar di pasaran baik yang berasal dariprodusen besar maupun dari pengusaha kecil. Bahan baku manisan bermacam-macam, tapipengusah mitra berinovasi dengan membuat manisan jelly berbahan baku wortel, menirandan manisan berbahan baku kencur serta jahe.Pengusaha mitra - 1 (Ibu Kety Kania, ST) membuat inovasi manisan jelly dari bahan bakuwortel dan mengembangkan produk lain berbahan baku meniran. Bahan baku wortel banyakdi kota Batu yang merupakan sentra sayuran, dan meniran yang umumnya sebagai bahanbahu jamu untuk meningkatkan stamina yang banyak tumbuh liar di persawahan.Pengusaha mitra-2 (Ibu Siti Aminah, S. Si., S.Pd) membuat manisan dari bahan baku kencurdan jahe. Bahan baku ini mudah diperoleh di Kota Malang dengan harga yang relatif murah.Tujuan dari program PKM adalah untuk membantu masyarakat khususya pengusaha mitraagar mampu meningkatkan kapasitas produksi dan omzet penjualannya serta mampumembuat pencatatan keuangan.Permasalahan pengusaha mikro pada umumnya tidak mampu meningkatkan produksinyakarena keterbatasan modal, yang berdampak tidak mampu menambah atau menggantifasilitas produksinya yang lebih modern. Keterbatasan pemasaran dan tidak melakukanpembukuan keuangan dengan baik. Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) yangmemberikan hibah peralatan penunjang produksi dan pembenahan manajemen dapatdipastikan akan meningkatkan hasil produksi.Solusi yang ditawarkan program PKM untuk meningkatkan kapasitas produksi mitra-1 yaitumemberikan juicer, sterilitator, mixer, sealer, kopor gas, timbangan digital. SedangkanPengusaha mitra-2 fasilitas produksi yang diberikan berupa mesin perajang untuk mengirisbahan baku, kompor gas, oven besar untuk mengeringkan produk.Dalam rangka membenahi manajemen dan pemasaran produk, Tim memberikan pelatihandan pendampingan akuntansi dan teknologi informasi dengan membuatkan blog profileusaha. Diharapkan pengusaha mitra mampu membuat pencatatan keuangan(cash flow)danmemasarkan hasil produk melalui internet marketing.Pengusaha mitra-1 dan pengusaha mitra-2 dengan bantuan peralatan baru dari program PKMmentargetkan produksi akan meningkat 50% sampai dengan 100%. Optimis target initercapai disebabkan juice, sterilitator, mesin perajang, oven besar dan fasilitas produksi lebihmodern, pengusaha akan mampu melayani permintaan konsumen yang lebih banyak


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    Candy is a snack that is loved by children and adolescents, because it tastes sweet, has a distinctive aroma and is affordable. Many types of candy both made from artificial ingredients and from natural ingredients. Specially soft and chewy jelly candy is much loved by young people.A businessman partner named Dian Falah Fitriyana, ST is located at Jl. Ikan Hiu II / 19 Tunjungsekar Village, Lowokwaru District, Malang City innovates by producing jelly candy from fruit raw materials (apple jelly candy and dragon fruit jelly candy) and made from vegetable raw materials (Moringa jelly candy and carrot jelly candy). As it is known that apples, dragon fruit and vegetable Moringa and carrots have many health benefits. Raw material for jelly candy is only taken from the juice and not added with preservatives.The purpose of the PKM program is to increase the production capacity of partner entrepreneurs and provide online marketing training, training and accounting assistance, so that partner entrepreneurs can make financial reports needed for a productive business.The problem of micro entrepreneurs in general is not being able to increase their production because of limited capital, which has the effect of not being able to add or replace their more modern production facilities. Marketing limitations and not doing financial records properly. The Community Partnership Program (PKM), which provides production support equipment and management improvements, will certainly increase production outputThe solutions offered by the PKM program to increase the production capacity of partner entrepreneurs are to provide juicers, sterilitators, sealers, digital scales, LPG ovens, containers, trays, containers. Meanwhile, to improve financial management and product marketing, the Team provides training and mentoring in accounting and marketing training. It is expected that partner entrepreneurs are able to make financial records (cash flow) and market their products through internet marketing.Partner entrepreneurs with the help of new equipment from the PKM program are targeting production to increase by 50% to 100%. This optimistic target is achieved due to juice, sterilitators, chopper machines, large ovens and more modern production facilities, entrepreneurs will be able to serve the demands of more consumers.The progress of PKM program activities has reached 70% of the target, but there are still activities to assist in making financial reporting and online marketing

    Program Pengembangan Produk Ekspor Pengusaha Camilan di Kota Blitar dan Kabupaten Tulungagung Jawa Timur

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    Tujuan Program Pengembangan Produk Ekspor (PPPE) ini adalah untuk meningkatkan volume dan daya saing mitra PPPE.produk ekspor camilan. Mitra dari Program Pengembangan Produk Ekspor ini terdiri dari mitra I berlokasi di Kabupaten Tulungagung dan mitra II di Kota Blitar. Permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra I adalah belum terpenuhinya permintaan pasar disebabkan karena keterbatasan peralatan yang dimiliki oleh mitra, pengetahuan manajemen tentang savety produce masih kurang, kemampuan manajemen di bidang pembukuan, pemasaran, personalia, yang masih rendah, belum memiliki SOP (Standard Operasional Procedure) yang jelas, diversifikasi produk ekspor yang masih sedikit, belum menggunakan media internet untuk melakukan promosi produk. Permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra II, belum terpenuhinya permintaan pasar disebabkan karena keterbatasan peralatan yang dimiliki oleh mitra (kapasitas mixer yang kecil), kemampuan manajemen di bidang pembukuan, pemasaran, personalia, yang masih rendah, belum memiliki SOP yang jelas, produk yang dihasilkan belum memiliki SNI.Metode pelaksanaan dari kegiatan PPPE adalah melalui pelatihan dan pendampingan. Pelatihan dan pendampingan dilakukan dibidang keuangan, pemasaran dan produksi serta mensinergikan hubungan kerjasama antara mitra 1 dan mitra 2.Luaran program ini adalah terjalinnya hubungan antar mitra, penyediaan peralatan, pembukuan laporan keuangan sesuai PSAK, keamanan operasional produksi, branding, adanya webb, dan kemasan produk yang lebih baik serta HAKI


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    The increasingly narrow land in urban areas makes people have to take advantage of the existing land. The concept of urban farming provides a solution by creating green open land in the midst of dense urban buildings. Empowerment of students is a positive effort to realize the goal of Islamic boarding schools to equip students with religious knowledge and general knowledge.The objectives of this activity are: 1) To increase the knowledge and skills of the students in farming on limited land. 2) Provide knowledge about urban farming that can foster an entrepreneurial spirit in the students. 3) Creating a new source of income for the cottage at least from the results of urban farming that can be consumed by the residents of the Islamic boarding school so that they can save on shopping expenses. 4) Empowering productive economic activities in Islamic boarding schools.The implementation method is carried out through training for students, coaches and teachers at Ponpes El Yasmin Banjararum, Singosari, Malang. The result of this activity is to increase the knowledge of the students to learn to live independently, foster an entrepreneurial spirit and fulfill the needs of vegetables independently


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    The majority of Selorejo villagers are farmers of citrus crops. Selorejo orange product is famous and has 12 kinds of oranges. Regent of Malang, Mr. H. Rendra Krisna expects Selorejo village to be a pilot village of citrus picking tour in Malang regency.The problems of Selorejo Village, Malang, are: a) people are still not ready to receive tourist visit from both domestic and foreign; b) Spatial village is not yet tidy including layout of bus parking and tour vehicle; c) The need to centralize the sale of citrus and other processed citrus products; d) Assisting the empowerment of villagers with more rooms for tourists; and e) lack of promotion.Solutions are offered 1-year IbDM Program that is a) Entrepreneurship Training, GAPOKTAN, PKK, Karang Taruna / Tour manager; b) Map of Citrus Tourist Sites; c) Making citrus kiosks and village superior products; d) Clean the sewer from plastic waste; e) Website Creation; f) Making of drainage in citrus hut; and g) Making of citrus hut.The method of implementation in achieving the specific objectives of the IbDM Program is in accordance with the needs of the villagers of Selorejo, the Implementing Team conducts training to GAPOKTA, PKK, Tour Manager / Karang Taruna, including entrepreneurship training, marketing, accounting. In addition, the team implements the implementation of science and technology in the form of website creation, and improvement of tourism infrastructure facilities.Achievements of 1st year IbDM program activities are: a) Prime Service Training, Entrepreneurship and Accounting for GAPOKTAN, PKK, Tour Manager / Karang Taruna; b) Map of Citrus Tourist Sites; c) Create a Gazebo for the marketing of the Village's Featured Products; d) Website Creation; e) Making drains in citrus huts; and f) Making of citrus hut. So 100% of 1 year IbDM program has been implemented