8 research outputs found

    Face recognition along with DWT based steganography for net banking

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    Face recognition technique now a days is emerging as the most significant and challenging aspects in terms of security for identification of images in various fields like banking, police records, biometric etc. other than an individual’s thumb and documented identification proofs. Till date for efficient net banking to be initiated, one has to provide the appropriate user name and password for purpose of authentication. This paper introduces a more reliable authentication of an individual by providing Face Image along with User Name and Password to the system. In this an individual’s face is identified by biometric authentication support with which, only a person whose account is, can access it. However while transferring this sensitive data of user image, from client machine to bank server it has to be protected from hackers and intruders from manhandling it, hence it is transferred using covert communication called Wavelet Decomposition based steganography

    Analysis of Roller Unit Assembly of Calcination Drum

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    Solid waste management is posing a great problem as the population is increasing day by day. The municipal sewage waste has to be disposed properly otherwise it will lead to air pollution and cause the serious effects on the health of human beings. The most common practice adopted is generating methane from municipal solid waste. For this purpose it is necessary that the municipal solid waste which is sent for further processing should be in the form of homogenous mass. In order to form the homogenous mass it is necessary that it should be separated in degradable and non degradable. This degradable waste is then converted into fine particles. To achieve this task the engineers have designed a special instrument named Calcination Drum. Usually Calcination Drum is also known as Rotary Kilns. In primary stage when the Calcination Drum was implemented it was found that some problems were encountered. The main aim of this project is to solve the problems related to guide ring and support roller shaft of Calcination Drum. The shaft is redesigned by changing its material and considering all forces acting on it. Similarly the modified fabrication process is also suggested for guide ring. In this paper Analysis of roller shaft, roller and Calcination drum is carried out and the stress and deformation is found out in static and dynamic condition. For theoretical calculations of shaft the standard data is taken from design data book and for guide ring Hertz contact stress theory is used

    Smart Approach for Public Transport

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    This paper is to provide public a Smart Assistance in Public Transport System. The paper is to be implemented for public bus (for PMTs in Pune). It has the entire smart assistance system required for public security and safety. The smart system includes safety form rash driving as well. It has accident detection and monitoring facility. It also has user friendly application for user to track bus on smart their phones. The smart system designed has both online (GPS) and offline (GSM) for user friendly service. It allows user to save its time by acknowledging no. of persons present in the bus as well as no. of seats available in the bus along with the current and next stop acknowledgment with its arrival timings. It also has ramp facility for handicap people. The system also many additions feature to make public transport system an intelligent and easy to use system so that public can take smart advantage of it. The system is specially designed for Smart Cities as it\u27s the recent development plan

    Design and Development of Mono Leaf Spring by using Composite Material (Epoxy-Carbon Fiber)

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    According to the demand of recent world, the more concentration is on weight reduction in automobiles. The possible weight reductions are wheel assembly, axles, and part of the weight of suspension spring and shock absorbers. The leaf spring accounts for 10-20% of the un-sprung weight. The composite materials made it possible to reduce the weight of machine element without any reduction of the load carrying capacity. Because of composite material\u27s high elastic strain energy storage capacity and high strength-to weight ratio compared with those of steel. FRP spring also have excellent fatigue resistance and durability. But the weight reduction of the leaf spring is achieved not only by material replacement but also by design optimization. Weight reduction has been the focus of automobile manufacturers in the present scenario. The replacement of steel with optimally designed composite leaf spring can provide 75%-78% weight reduction. The material selected is carbon epoxy against conventional steel. The optimization study consists of use of software\u27s such as NASTRAN / ANSYS software. The experimentation on UTM is carried out and results are compared. Moreover, the composite leaf spring has lower stresses compared to steel spring. All these will result in fuel saving which will make countries energy independent because fuel saved is fuel produced

    Finite Element Analysis and Experimental Study of Composite Leaf Spring

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    Leaf springs are the suspension components used in the automobile industry. For conservation of natural resources and to economize energy, weight reduction has been the focus of automobile Industries. Weight is the main issue related to the automobile industry. Thus automobile manufacturers are giving importance to reduction of weight. While reducing weight of the component designer has to think about increasing or maintaining strength of the component

    Fire Detection and Control System Using Arduino

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    The fire alarm and controlling method present in this paper includes the use of various electrical and electronics instruments and water sprinkling system. Fire is considered as the most dangerous hazard at Residential Area, Commercial Area, industries etc. It is very dangerous and can affect human life and cause a mass destruction of properties that's why we require high security and control to avoid this mass destruction. That's why to protect from the danger caused by fire, preventive measures are to install an automatic fire alarm detector at endangered locations, hence the Arduino fire alarm detection and control system was proposed. It is capable of automatically detecting smoke or fire in a given environment, sound an alarm, switch off MCB switch of the building and also spray water to reduce the intensity of fire. The system uses a LM35 sensor, MQ2 sensor, a 5V buzzer, 230V DC (Direct Current) motor, a GSM (Global System Mobile) Module sim800l to send SMS (Short Message Service), GPS (Global Positioning System) Module Neo 6, an LCD screen 16X2, Relay and Arduino UNO Atmega328p Fire Alarm and controlling system is a system that sense the fire from respective sensors and activates Buzzer. Fire Alarm System and controlling is the important to sense fire in the proper time and take safety measures to avoid many hazards to humans or property. Fire Alarm System, smoke and tempreture Sensors are a part of the entire systems which help in detecting the fire and take necessary actions to avoid damage. in the market there are many fire alarms available, but they are expensive and having complicated design and system, but in our system we have designed in simple form and it includes the water sprinkling also. The primary purpose of this fire alarm and controlling system is to give an immediate warning of fire so that respective person of that building can be informed and immediate action can be taken so that prevent fire effect and hazards caused by it as soon as possible