33 research outputs found


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    ASEAN Economic Society forces the workers to compete for employment opportunities in ASEAN countries, especially local workers from South East Asia. The workers who have high job competition absolutely receive more benefit than others. Improving human resources is needed to face this situation, especially for University graduates, to create international graduates who have professional skills, language skills, and cross-cultural skills. To fulfill the international standard, the University must increase their lecturer quality, curriculum, and facilities. Universities are also to develop good cooperation ability with others institution and development student’s activity unit which is expected to create educated and skilled human resources. Indonesia will become the big country and capable of being “Man of the Match” or it could even be worse because of the its competition as the of joining MEA


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    Moral deviation that occurs in most people because they growt in a poor educational environment. So how urgency of an education that is able to bring the hope of the nation's generation to the peak height of morals spread happiness and tranquility. Sufi or moral importance of education requires an educator in order to keep their students from evil and ugliness. With Sufi education students probably will not do anything bad. Three principal Sufi teachings in the world of education are reflected in akhlâqi sufism, amali sufism and philosophical sufism. Akhlâqi sufism aimed at cleansing the soul of passion that is not good towards the divine presence. Amali sufism aims to fill one's heart after cleaning of the properties despicable how to understand and practice the commendable traits through inner and outer aspects. Philosophical sufism can not be regarded as a philosophy, because the teachings and methods based on taste (dzauq).Moral deviation that occurs in most people because they growt in a poor educational environment. So how urgency of an education that is able to bring the hope of the nation's generation to the peak height of morals spread happiness and tranquility. Sufi or moral importance of education requires an educator in order to keep their students from evil and ugliness. With Sufi education students probably will not do anything bad. Three principal Sufi teachings in the world of education are reflected in akhlâqi sufism, amali sufism and philosophical sufism. Akhlâqi sufism aimed at cleansing the soul of passion that is not good towards the divine presence. Amali sufism aims to fill one's heart after cleaning of the properties despicable how to understand and practice the commendable traits through inner and outer aspects. Philosophical sufism can not be regarded as a philosophy, because the teachings and methods based on taste (dzauq)

    Islam Nusantara As A Counter-Hegemony Againts The Radicalism Of Religion In Indonesia

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    Tulisan ini  membahas tentang Islam Nusantara sebagai counter-hegemony melawan Radikalisme Agama di Indonesia. Berdasarkan kajian yang dilakukan terdapat relevansi atas apa yang diwacanakan Gus Dur dengan beberapa gejala yang muncul pada Islam Indonesia saat ini. Pertama, Pandangan Jihad yang keliru disebagian tubuh kalangan Islam sendiri yaitu munculnya terorisme secara terbuka yaitu gerakan ISIS di Indonesia. Kedua, Kekerasan atas nama agama semakin merebak yaitu oleh kalangan Islam Garis Keras seperti Front Pembela Islam (FPI), Forum Umat Islam (FUI), Majelis Mujahiddin Indonesia (MMI) dan lain-lain. Ketiga, Munculnya kembali perdebatan soal Pancasila dan Khilafah terutama digaungkan oleh Hibut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) dan beberapa kalangan Islam yang mendukung perseteruan Khilafah vis a vis Pancasila. Dalam membahas Islam nusantara, penulis mendayagunakan teori counter-hegemony Antonio Gramsci dimana  perlawanan atas radikalisme agama dilakukan dengan melakukan budaya tanding dengan wajah Islam yang toleran. Oleh sebab itu, tulisan ini akan mengupas dan menjelaskan secara mendalam wacana Islam Nusantara dengan manarik jauh atas gagasan yang dikenalkan oleh Gus Dur yaitu melalui pribumisasi Islam-nya sejak era 80-an sampai gagasan Islam Nusantara yang dimunculkan PBNU saat ini. Sehingga dapat dicapai suatu pengetahuan (knowledge) dan pemahaman (verstehen) menuju peradaban Islam Nusantara yang menghargai pluralitas, toleran dan rahmatan lil alamin. This paper discusses about Islam Nusantara as a counter-cultural hegemony againts the radicalism of religion in Indonesia. Based on studies conducted there is relevance for what discured Wahid with some symptoms that appear in Islamic Indonesia at this moment. First, the view of Jihad according to among Muslims, namely the emergence of terrorism openly i.e. movement of ISIS in Indonesia. Second, Violence in the name of religion is increasingly spread by the Hard-line Islamic circles such as the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Muslim Forum (FUI, Indonesian Mujahideen Council (MMI) and others. Third, the reappearance of the debate the question of Pancasila and the Caliphate was mainly undertaken by Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) and some Islamic circles that supported caliphate feud vis a vis the Pancasila. In discussing Islam Nusantara, the authors utilize the theory of counter-hegemony Antonio Gramsci where resistance against religious radicalism is done by doing a counter culture with the face of a tolerant Islam. Therefore, this article will discuss and explain in depth discourse of Islam Nusantara with interested much on the idea introduced by Gus Dur, namely through its indigenization of Islam since the '80s. In order to achieve a knowledge and understanding (verstehen) toward Islam Nusantara civilization that respects plurality, tolerance and rahmatan lil Alamin

    اللغة العربية بإندونيسيا (السياسة، التاريخ، الوضع الحالي

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    The Arabic language is spoken by Indonesian society as well as being religious language in the Holy Qur’an. The prestige of this noble life to ensure its existence since the early days of their entry  to Indonesia with the simultaneous introduction of Islam. Conclusion of this research can be described as follows: (a). The Arabic language education in Indonesia "religious political question" about the history of the spread of the Islamic faith of  Indonesia, (b). history reminds us that there is an old business relationship between Indonesians and two Arab started since the third century AD. and spread the Arabic language significantly after the advent of  Islam the beginning of the connection between the Arabic and Indonesian. Finally,  became the Arabic words in the Indonesian language as verbally, structures, semantics and sounds, and (c). the methods of teaching Arabic in Indonesia  are such as: Directly, audio-verbal, analysis of the sentence and selectivity

    Reconstruction of the Islamic Educational Development in Indonesia in Dealing with ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)

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    Quality education is the most important thing to realize, for the creation of human qualities and the quality of Indonesian society that is progressive and self can be realized only if public education successfully upgraded, then the role of educational institutions in Indonesia, including ASEAN countries, which includes one aspect of a very large where the system education should be integrated in accordance with the needs and wants of today in order to create a knowledgeable and skilled people. In this paper presenter will submit opinions or suggestions in order to reconstruct the Islamic education in Indonesia especially in welcoming ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is in progress, in this case education in Indonesia that the majority of Muslims trying to reconstruct in the development of Islamic Education in an effort to promote and develop education in Indonesia in order to meet the needs and desires in order to be competitive with other countries, among them building Orientation Islamic education in determining the pattern, direction, and the achievement of certain desired, creating a human resources (HR) Islamic credible and professional, their access to education and the cost of education affordable, lack of synergy between educational institutions and institutions of vocational training as well as the fulfilment of the national standard education in hopes of institutions of Islam should be optimistic and can be used as momentum and golden opportunity to generate and promote a wide range of sectors have a role most strategic in determining development and the nation's progress by immediately activating synergies in unity, vision, mission and goals together in the face of competition in the face of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)


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    Tulisan ini  membahas tentang Islam Nusantara sebagai counter-hegemony melawan Radikalisme Agama di Indonesia. Berdasarkan kajian yang dilakukan terdapat relevansi atas apa yang diwacanakan Gus Dur dengan beberapa gejala yang muncul pada Islam Indonesia saat ini. Pertama, Pandangan Jihad yang keliru di sebagian kalangan Islam sendiri yaitu munculnya terorisme secara terbuka yaitu gerakan ISIS di Indonesia. Kedua, Kekerasan atas nama agama semakin merebak yaitu oleh kalangan Islam Garis Keras seperti Front Pembela Islam (FPI), Forum Umat Islam (FUI), Majelis Mujahiddin Indonesia (MMI) dan lain-lain. Ketiga, Munculnya kembali perdebatan soal Pancasila dan Khilafah terutama digaungkan oleh Hibut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) dan beberapa kalangan Islam yang mendukung perseteruan Khilafah vis a vis Pancasila. Dalam membahas Islam Nusantara, penulis mendayagunakan teori counter-hegemony Antonio Gramsci dimana  perlawanan atas radikalisme agama dilakukan dengan melakukan budaya tanding dengan wajah Islam yang toleran. Oleh sebab itu, tulisan ini akan mengupas dan menjelaskan secara mendalam wacana Islam Nusantara dengan manarik jauh atas gagasan yang dikenalkan oleh Gus Dur yaitu melalui pribumisasi Islam-nya sejak era 80-an sampai gagasan Islam Nusantara yang dimunculkan PBNU saat ini. Sehingga dapat dicapai suatu pengetahuan (knowledge) dan pemahaman (verstehen) menuju peradaban Islam Nusantara yang menghargai pluralitas, toleran dan rahmatan lil ‘alamin.  This paper discusses about Islam Nusantara as a counter-cultural hegemony againts the radicalism of religion in Indonesia. Based on studies conducted there is relevance for what discured Wahid with some symptoms that appear in Islamic Indonesia at this moment. First, the view of Jihad among of most Muslims, namely the emergence of terrorism openly i.e. movement of ISIS in Indonesia. Second, Violence in the name of religion is increasingly spread by the Hard-line Islamic circles such as the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Muslim Forum (FUI, Indonesian Mujahideen Council (MMI) and others. Third, the reappearance of the debate the question of Pancasila and the Caliphate was mainly undertaken by Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) and some Islamic circles that supported caliphate feud vis a vis the Pancasila. In discussing Islam Nusantara, the authors utilize the theory of counter-hegemony Antonio Gramsci where resistance against religious radicalism is done by doing a counter culture with the face of a tolerant Islam. Therefore, this article will discuss and explain in depth discourse of Islam Nusantara with interested much on the idea introduced by Gus Dur, namely through its indigenization of Islam since the '80s. In order to get a knowledge and understanding (verstehen) toward Islam Nusantara civilization that respects plurality, tolerance and rahmatan lil ‘Alamin


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    Cost readiness is a picture of a good economic situation. The family's economic situation is closely related to children's learning. This, in line with the opinion of Slameto, states that children who are learning must meet their basic needs for learning facilities. The learning facilities can only be fulfilled if the family has enough money. That means, a person's economic situation will influence his choice of education to carry out further studies. Universities should observe income trends, personal savings, and banks as services to help finance education. This will affect the number of prospective students who will carry out further studies and can take steps to redesign, reposition, and reassign the work program quickly. Therefore, according to Slameto that the family economy is related to children who will study further, because learning facilities can only be fulfilled if the family has enough money. Language readiness is the second supporter besides cost readiness. Therefore, to enter Postgraduate, there are Arabic and English language test requirements, in addition to the TPA test and knowledge about the subject matter. This was stated in the SOP of the IAIN Metro Postgraduate New Student Registration. Support from parents or family is very important. This is according to Slameto's opinion that the Family is the first and foremost educational institution. Family that is very big means for education in small size, but it is to determine education in large measure, namely the education of the nation. Or in other words that the family can greatly influence the future study of prospective graduate students. The desire factor to improve knowledge and worship is one of the motivations for further study. This is according to Slameto's opinion, that motivation is a psychological factor in a person. Someone has needs at a time. There are biological needs, which arise from forced circumstances such as hunger, thirst, or feeling uncomfortable. Other needs are psychological, arising from the need to be recognized, valued, or belonging.Kesiapan biaya merupakan gambaran dari keadaan ekonomi yang baik. Keadaan ekonomi keluarga erat hubungannya dengan belajar anak. Hal itu, sejalan dengan pendapat Slameto yang menyatakan bahwa Anak yang sedang belajar harus terpenuhi kebutuhan pokok kebutuhan fasilitas belajarnya.Fasilitas belajar itu hanya dapat terpenuhi jika keluarga mempunyai cukup uang. Itu artinya, situasi ekonomi seseorang akan mempengaruhi pilihan pendidikanya untuk melakukan studi lanjut. Perguruan tinggi seharusnya mengamati tren pendapatan, tabungan pribadi, dan bank sebagai pelayanan membantu pembiayaan pendidikan. Hal tersebut akan mempengaruhi jumlah calon mahasiswa yang akan melakukan studi lanjut serta dapat mengambil langkah–langkah untuk merancang ulang, mereposisi, dan menetapkan kembali program kerja dengan cepat.Oleh karena itu, menurut Slameto bahwa ekonomi keluargaerat hubunganya dengan anak yang akan studi lanjut belajar,karena fasilitas belajar hanya dapat dipenuhi jika keluarga mempunyai cukup uang. Kesiapan bahasa merupakan pendukung kedua disamping kesiapan biaya. Oleh karena itu untuk masuk Pascasarjana ada persyaratan tes bahasa Arab maupun bahasa Inggris, selain tes TPA dan pengetahuan tentang keprodian. Hal itu telah tercantum dalam SOP pendaftaran mahasiswa baru Pascasarjana IAIN Metro. Dukungan dari orang tua atau keluarga sangat penting. Hal itu sesuai pendapat Slameto bahwa Keluarga adalah lembaga pendidikan yang pertama dan utama. Keluarga yang sangat besar artinya untuk pendidikan dalam ukuran kecil, tetapi bersifat untuk menentukanpendidikan dalam ukuran besar, yaitu pendidikan bangsa. Atau dengan kata lain bahwa keluarga dapat sangat mempengaruhi akan studi lanjut bagi calon mahasiswa Pascasarjana. Faktor keinginan untuk meningkatkan ilmu dan Ibadah adalah salah satu motivasi untuk lanjut studi. Hal itu sesuai pendapat Slameto, bahwa motivasi merupakan faktor psikologis seseorang. Seseorang mempunyai kebutuhan pada suatu saat. Ada kebutuhan biologis, yang muncul dari keadaan yang memaksa seperti rasa lapar, haus, atau merasa tidak nyaman. Kebutuhan lainnya bersifat psikologis, muncul dari kebutuhan untuk diakui, dihargai, ataupun rasa memiliki


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    Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) merupakan salah satu tomografi yang non-destruktif. EIT adalah teknik memperoleh informasi keadaan internal suatu objek fisis melalui potensial batas permukaan objek. Metoda EIT yang akan dibahas disini adalah metoda penentuan distribusi resistivitas objek dengan menggunakan induksi medan magnet atau bisa disebut dengan Induced Current Electrical Impedance Tomography (ICEIT). Distribusi medan magnet yang homogen dapat menghasilkan distribusi arus induksi yang lebih merata dan menjangkau seluruh permukaan objek sehingga deteksi terhadap anomaly didalam objek dan rekonstruksi citra semakin baik. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan konfigurasi koil yang bisa menghasilkan distribusi medan magnet yang lebih baik. Pada penelitian ini, mencari nilai kehomogenan menggunakan objek dari tiga bentuk koil yang berbeda yaitu koil segienam, persegi dan lingkaran dilakukan dengan cara eksperimen. Hasil Eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa objek dengan ukuran 8x8 lebih baik daripada objek 10x10 dengan terdapat perbedaan antara ketiga koil tersebut, hasil koil persegi adalah hasil yang terbaik dari ketiganya dikarenakan nilai kehomogenannya sebesar 0.66458 dan image mendekati kehomogenan. Kata Kunci : induced current, konfigurasi koil, bentuk koil, kehomogenan medan magnet


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     Jurnal ini ditulis dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis keabsahan tindakan Notaris menahan suatu sertipikat milik Penghadap dalam hal terjadi kekurangan pembayaran Komisi Jasa Pengurusan Sertipikat milik Penghadap. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Yuridis Normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan, dan juga pendekatan konseptual yang dalam penyelesaiaannya dideskripsikan, serta dianalisis menggunakan teori Keabsahan Hukum. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa perbuatan Notaris yang memberikan jasa pengurusan sertipikat tersebut seperti perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh seorang Komisioner (Pasal 76 KUHDagang) yang bertindak atas permintaan orang lain dan mendapatkan komisi/provisi. Namun dalam hal ini karena ia bertindak atas nama Pemberi Kuasa, sesuai ketentuan Pasal 79 KUHDagang maka ia tunduk pada ketentuan Pemberian Kuasa yakni pada Bab XVI KUHPerdata. Seorang Notaris berhak menahan sertipikat milik kliennya dalam terjadi kekurangan pembayaran komisi jasa pengurusan sertipikat, dengan didasarkan pengaturan pada Pasal 1729 dan Pasal 1812 KUHPerdata. Berdasarkan kedua pasal tersebut orang yang menerima titipan/kuasa pekerjaan dapat menahan kepunyaan milik pemberi titipan/kuasa apabila biaya jasa dan juga biaya-biaya yang timbul selama penitipan dan kuasa tersebut harus dibayar lunas oleh Pemberi titipan/kuasa, sehingga sah apabila Notaris menahan sertipikat milik penghadapnya dalam hal terjadi kurang bayar Komisi Jasa Pengurusannya.Kata-Kunci: Hak Retensi, Notaris, Jasa Pengurusan, KomisiThe journal was written with the aim of finding out and analyzing the legality of Notary’s action in withholding a certificate belonging to an Appearer on a shortage of payment Certificate Management Service Commission belonging to the Appearer. The research was a normative juridical research using laws and regulations approach, as well as a conceptual approach in which the solution was described and analyzed using Legal Validity theory. The result of the research was the act of a notary who provided certificate management service was like an act of commissioner (Article 76 of Commercial Code) who acted at the other request and got a commission/provision. However, he acted on behalf of the authorizer in accordance with Article 79 of Commercial Code, so he obeyed to the terms of Power of Attorney, namely in Chapter XVI of Civil Code. Based on the two articles, the person who received the power may retain the property of the authorizer if the service fee and other costs during the safekeeping and the power must be paid in full by the authorizer. It is legal if the notary retains the deed of the Appearer in the event of a shortage of payment Management Service Commission. Keywords: Retention Rights, Notary, Management Service, Commission