224 research outputs found
Islamic education has existed since the Prophet Muhammad SAW and continues to develop until now. Islam once reached the peak of glory, called the golden age, because, at that time, Islamic education was very developed and produced an extraordinary scientific civilization recognized throughout the world with evidence of the development of various Islamic educational institutions during the Classical period. Therefore, it is essential to know the history of Islamic education, especially during the classical era of the Umayyads and Abbasids, to learn from this history. The aim of this research is the institution of Islamic education during the Classical period of the Umayyads and Abbasids. The research method uses library research by collecting various sources of books, articles, and documents about Islamic educational institutions during the Umayyad and Abbasid eras. The results of the study show that Islamic Educational Institutions began to develop during the Umayyad period, such as the Kuttab, Khan, and other Madrasas, then reached their peak during the Abbasid era, such as the Kuttab, Library, and Observatory, elementary, middle to high-level Madrasas. However, not long after that, the Abbasids were destroyed, and Islamic education began to decline. Therefore, it is essential not to be lulled by progress glory days and to continue to love science so that Islamic education can develop as befor
Pemahaman Politik Islam Studi Tentang Wawasan Pengurus dan Simpatisan Partai Politik Berasas Islam di Malang Raya
PEMAHAMAN POLITIK ISLAMSTUDI TENTANG WAWASAN PENGURUS DAN SIMPATISANPARTAI POLITIK BERASAS ISLAM DI MALANG RAYAPolitical Understanding Islam Study on the Management Insights and InvestigatorsPolitical Parties berasas Islam in MalangIshomuddinPascasarjana, Pendidikan Agama Islam, Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangEmail: [email protected] the Islamic discourse there is a difference between politics and political Islam. The word politicsis always associated with the concepts and the order of life rooted in the scientific community and theWestern tradition. While the term political Islam is a typical term that refers to the Islamic concepts,especially the terms that appear in the time of Prophet Muhammad and his followers. Islamic politicalpractices referred to in the ways of the Prophet Muhammad and the periods subsequent to the period ofthe first four caliphs and later periods, modern and contemporary. After doing research, the results are asfollows; Political Islam is to promote and uphold the teachings of Islam. Islam may not be implementedproperly if not through a mass movement in the form of a political party. Muslims also actually directly ornot is to implement political in the broadest sense. So political Islam that is done behaviors aimed atimproving the people, in this case Muslims. Islam is not separated from the teachings set of human sociallife. Without partisan we may not be able to fight for Muslims to acquire rights in life which is plural.Stated that political Islam is true is that how we can implement the teachings of Islam in accordance withthe conditions and contexts that exist today. Political Islam is a strategy to implement the Islamic da'wahright and on the intended target. Political Islam is a government based on Islam itself as ever fought by theProphet that the State Medina. Islamic Propagation may not be implemented optimally if not usingpolitical means.Keywords: political party , political IslamABSTRAKDi dalam wacana keislaman terdapat perbedaan antara politik dan politik Islam. Kata politik selaludihubungkan dengan konsep-konsep dan tatanan kehidupan masyarakat yang berakar pada keilmuandan tradisi Barat. Sedangkan istilah politik Islam adalah suatu istilah khas yang merujuk pada konsep-konsepIslam terutama istilah-istilah yang muncul pada masa Nabi Muhammad dan para pengikutnya. Praktek politikIslam dirujuk pada cara-cara bagaimana Nabi Muhammad dan periode-periode setelahnya yakni pada periodeKhulafaur Rasyidin dan periode-periode berikutnya, modern dan kontemporer. Setelah dilakukanpenelitian maka hasilnya adalah sebagai berikut; Politik Islam adalah memperjuangkan dan menegakkanajaran-ajaran Islam. Tidak mungkin Islam dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik jika tidak melalui gerakan massaberupa partai politik. Beragama Islam juga sebenarnya secara langsung atau tidak adalah melaksanakanpolitik dalam arti luas. Jadi politik Islam itu adalah perilaku-perilaku yang dilakukan bertujuan memperbaikiumat, dalam hal ini adalah umat Islam. Islam sesungguhnya tidak terlepas dari ajaran-ajaran mengaturkehidupan sosial manusia. Tanpa berpartai tidak mungkin kita dapat memperjuangkan umat Islam untukmemperoleh hak-haknya dalam berkehidupan yang plural ini. Dinyatakan bahwa politik Islam itusesungguhnya adalah bahwa bagaimana kita bisa melaksanakan ajaran- ajaran Islam itu sesuai dengankondisi dan konteks yang ada sekarang ini. Politik Islam adalah startegi melaksanakan dakwah Islam yangtepat dan mengenai sasaran yang dituju. Politik Islam adalah pemerintahan yang berbasis pada Islam itusendiri sebagaimana yang pernah diperjuangkan oleh Nabi yaitu Negara Madinah. Dakwah Islam tidakmungkin dapat dilaksanakan secara maksimal jika tidak menggunakan sarana politik.Kata Kunci : Partai Politik, Politik Isla
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