3 research outputs found

    Correlation of Ability Opinion Suggested About Right and Duty of Student in the School with Violation of a Rule in Junior Hight School 20 Bandar Lampung on 2012/2013

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    The aims of this research was to explain the correlation of ability opinion suggested about right and duty of student in the school with violation of a rule in Junior hight School 20 Bandar Lampung on 2012/2013. Method used correlational research. Sample was 21 persons. Data analyses used Chi Quadrate. Research result showed that: (1) correlation of ability opinion suggested about right and duty of student in the school (X) dominant on able enough category or 66,67%, (2) violation of a rule (Y) dominant on light category or 47,62%, (3) research result showed that there was positive, significant correlation and high bounded between correlation of ability opinion suggested about right and duty of student in the school with violation of a rule it means that if ability opinion suggested about right and duty of student in the school was more able, so violation of a rule of student was light

    Pengaruh Stock Split terhadap Harga dan Likuiditas Saham

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    This study aimed to analyze the effect of stock split announcement to the stock priceand liquidity in the Indonesian Stock Exchange by taking a sample of 34 firms in theperiod 2002 to 2005. During the study period 111 days, divided into two periods,100 day estimation period and event period 11 days including five days before, oneday events, and five days after. To examine the changes in prices made during thetest period abnormal return events with analysis based on the concept of marketmodel. Observed stock liquidity through trading activities/Tranding Volume Activity(TVA). The testing device used is one sample t-test and paired sample t-test. Theresults show that there is a significant abnormal return on stock split, there aresignificant differences in abnormal return between the periods before and after thestock split, and there was no significant difference in the activity of stock tradingvolume between the period before and after the stock spl