44 research outputs found

    Bioengineered Wound Healing Skin Models: The Role of Immune Response and Endogenous ECM to Fully Replicate the Dynamic of Scar Tissue Formation In Vitro

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    The healing of deep skin wounds is a complex phenomenon evolving according with a fine spatiotemporal regulation of different biological events (hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, remodeling). Due to the spontaneous evolution of damaged human dermis toward a fibrotic scar, the treatment of deep wounds still represents a clinical concern. Bioengineered full-thickness skin models may play a crucial role in this direction by providing a deep understanding of the process that leads to the formation of fibrotic scars. This will allow (i) to identify new drugs and targets/biomarkers, (ii) to test new therapeutic approaches, and (iii) to develop more accurate in silico models, with the final aim to guide the closure process toward a scar-free closure and, in a more general sense, (iv) to understand the mechanisms involved in the intrinsic and extrinsic aging of the skin. In this work, the complex dynamic of events underlaying the closure of deep skin wound is presented and the engineered models that aim at replicating such complex phenomenon are reviewed. Despite the complexity of the cellular and extracellular events occurring during the skin wound healing the gold standard assay used to replicate such a process is still represented by planar in vitro models that have been largely used to identify the key factors regulating the involved cellular processes. However, the lack of the main constituents of the extracellular matrix (ECM) makes these over-simplistic 2D models unable to predict the complexity of the closure process. Three-dimensional bioengineered models, which aim at recreating the closure dynamics of the human dermis by using exogenous biomaterials, have been developed to fill such a gap. Although interesting mechanistic effects have been figured out, the effect of the inflammatory response on the ECM remodelling is not replicated yet. We discuss how more faithful wound healing models can be obtained by creating immunocompetent 3D dermis models featuring an endogenous ECM

    Organ on Chip Technology to Model Cancer Growth and Metastasis

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    Organ on chip (OOC) has emerged as a major technological breakthrough and distinct model system revolutionizing biomedical research and drug discovery by recapitulating the crucial structural and functional complexity of human organs in vitro. OOC are rapidly emerging as powerful tools for oncology research. Indeed, Cancer on chip (COC) can ideally reproduce certain key aspects of the tumor microenvironment (TME), such as biochemical gradients and niche factors, dynamic cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, and complex tissue structures composed of tumor and stromal cells. Here, we review the state of the art in COC models with a focus on the microphysiological systems that host multicellular 3D tissue engineering models and can help elucidate the complex biology of TME and cancer growth and progression. Finally, some examples of microengineered tumor models integrated with multi-organ microdevices to study disease progression in different tissues will be presented

    Bioengineered skin substitutes: the role of extracellular matrix and vascularization in the healing of deep wounds

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    The formation of severe scars still represents the result of the closure process of extended and deep skin wounds. To address this issue, different bioengineered skin substitutes have been developed but a general consensus regarding their effectiveness has not been achieved yet. It will be shown that bioengineered skin substitutes, although representing a valid alternative to autografting, induce skin cells in repairing the wound rather than guiding a regeneration process. Repaired skin differs from regenerated skin, showing high contracture, loss of sensitivity, impaired pigmentation and absence of cutaneous adnexa (i.e., hair follicles and sweat glands). This leads to significant mobility and aesthetic concerns, making the development of more effective bioengineered skin models a current need. The objective of this review is to determine the limitations of either commercially available or investigational bioengineered skin substitutes and how advanced skin tissue engineering strategies can be improved in order to completely restore skin functions after severe wounds

    Capturing the spatial and temporal dynamics of tumor stroma for on-chip optimization of microenvironmental targeting nanomedicine

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    Malignant cells grow in a complex microenvironment that plays a key role in cancer progression. The "dynamic reciprocity" existing between cancer cells and their microenvironment is involved in cancer differentiation, proliferation, invasion, metastasis, and drug response. Therefore, understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying the crosstalk between cancer cells and their surrounding tissue (i.e., tumor stroma) and how this interplay affects the disease progression is fundamental to design and validate novel nanotherapeutic approaches. As an important regulator of tumor progression, metastasis and therapy resistance, the extracellular matrix of tumors, the acellular component of the tumor microenvironment, has been identified as very promising target of anticancer treatment, revolutionizing the traditional therapeutic paradigm that sees the neoplastic cells as the preferential objective to fight cancer. To design and to validate such a target therapy, advanced 3D preclinical models are necessary to correctly mimic the complex, dynamic and heterogeneous tumor microenvironment. In addition, the recent advancement in microfluidic technology allows fine-tuning and controlling microenvironmental parameters in tissue-on-chip devices in order to emulate the in vivo conditions. In this review, after a brief description of the origin of tumor microenvironment heterogeneity, some examples of nanomedicine approaches targeting the tumor microenvironment have been reported. Further, how advanced 3D bioengineered tumor models coupled with a microfluidic device can improve the design and testing of anti-cancer nanomedicine targeting the tumor microenvironment has been discussed. We highlight that the presence of a dynamic extracellular matrix, able to capture the spatiotemporal heterogeneity of tumor stroma, is an indispensable requisite for tumor-on-chip model and nanomedicine testing

    Building a tissue in vitro from the bottom up: implications in regenerative medicine

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    Tissue engineering aims at creating biological tissues to improve or restore the function of diseased or damaged tissues. To enhance the performance of engineered tissues, it is required to recapitulate in vitro not only the composition but also the structural organization of native tissues. To this end, tissue engineering techniques are beginning to focus on generating micron-sized tissue modules having specific microarchitectural features that can be used alone as living filler in the damaged areas or serve as building blocks to engineer large biological tissues by a bottom-up approach. This work discusses the shortcomings related to traditional "top-down" strategies and the promises of emerging ''bottom-up" approaches in creating engineered biological tissues. We first present an overview of the current tissue-building techniques and their applications, with an analysis of the potentiality and shortcomings of different approaches. We then propose and discuss a novel method for the biofabrication of connective-like micro tissues and how this technique can be translated to cardiac muscle fabrication

    Endogenous human skin equivalent promotes in vitro morphogenesis of follicle-like structures

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    Three-dimensional constructs formed by cells embedded in an exogenous scaffold could not represent a faithful in vitro replica of native and functional tissues. In this work we produced an endogenous human skin equivalent by means of a tissue engineering process that induces the full morphogenesis of functional dermal and epidermal compartments. In such an organotypic context we demonstrated that -by using adult human skin cells-it is possible to generate follicle-like structures in vitro resembling what occurs in vivo in the fetal skin. Immunotypization evidences an inward-oriented differentiation of the follicular-like structures through immunopositivity for epithelial stem cell markers such as p63 and K19. Moreover we detected the presence of versican within the intricate network of the dermal compartment, suggesting its role as an inductive factor for the morphogenesis of appendage-like structures. These results support the importance of the repository and regulatory role of the endogenous extra cellular matrix in guiding tissue morphogenesis. The microenvironment provided by the endogenous human skin equivalent preserves p63 and K19 positive cells and could finally be involved in: (i) triggering the arrangement of the keratinocytes in follicle-like structures; (ii) promoting the convolute profile of the derma-epidermal junction and (iii) improving epidermis barrier function. We argue that the nature of dermal compartment plays a role in directing epithelial cell fate and function in vitr

    The role of microscaffold properties in controlling the collagen assembly in 3D dermis equivalent using modular tissue engineering

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    The realization of thick and viable tissues equivalents in vitro is one of the mayor challenges in tissue engineering, in particular for their potential use in tissue-on-chip technology. In the present study we succeeded in creating 3D viable dermis equivalent tissue, via a bottom-up method, and proved that the final properties, in terms of collagen assembly and organization of the 3D tissue, are tunable and controllable by micro-scaffold properties and degradation rate. Gelatin porous microscaffolds with controlled stiffness and degradation rate were realized by changing the crosslinking density through different concentrations of glyceraldehyde. Results showed that by modulating the crosslinking density of the gelatin microscaffolds it is possible to guide the process of collagen deposition and assembly within the extracellular space and match the processes of scaffold degradation, cell traction and tissue maturation to obtain firmer collagen network able to withstand the effect of contraction