35 research outputs found

    The roles of pre–P-wave versus peri–P-wave fractionated electrograms for atrial substrate beyond entrainment response

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    Atrial tachycardia (AT) with alternating cycle lengths is sparsely reported, and, hence, the ideal mapping strategy has not been firmly established. Beyond the entrainment during tachycardia, some fragmentation characteristics might also give important clues for its possible participation in the macro–re-entrant circuit. We discuss a patient with prior atrial septal defect surgical closures who presented with dual macro–re-entrant ATs related to a fragmented area on the right atrial free wall (240 ms) and the cavotricuspid isthmus (260 ms), respectively. After ablation of the fastest AT on the lateral right atrial free wall, the cycle of the first AT changed to the second AT that was interrupted on cavotricuspid isthmus, proving the dual tachycardia mechanism. This case report addresses the utilization of electroanatomic mapping information as well as fractionated electrogram timing with respect to the surface P-wave as guides for ablation location

    Paradoxical para-hisian pacing response

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    Para-Hisian pacing (PHP) is among the most useful maneuvers in cardiac electrophysiology during sinus rhythm and identifies whether retrograde conduction is dependent on the atrioventricular (AV) node. In this maneuver, the retrograde activation time and pattern are compared during capture and loss of capture of the His bundle while pacing from a paraHisian position. A common misconception about PHP is that it is useful only for septal accessory pathways (APs). However, even with left or right lateral pathways, as long as pacing from the para-Hisian region conducts to the atrium with the activation sequence being analyzed, it can be used to determine whether that activation is AV node–dependent or AP-dependent

    Lizozim adsorpsiyonu için yeni nesil kriyojellerin sentezi

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    Bu çalışma, organik dialdehit monomer sentezi ve bunların kopolimer olarak kullanıldığı kriyojel formundaki polimerlerin sentezi olmak üzere iki kısımdan oluşmaktadır. Tezin ilk kısmında, monemerlerin sentezi ve bu monomerlerin spektroskopik yöntemlerle yapıları aydınlatıldı. Tezin ikinci kısmında, bu monomerler kullanılarak sentezlenen kopolimerik kriyojellerin yapı ve karakterizasyon analizleri yapıldı. Ayrıca, karakterize edilen kriyojeller lizozim saflaştırılmasında kullanılarak biyoteknolojik uygulaması yapıldı. Adsorpsiyon deneyleri, farklı ortam koşullarında (pH, başlangıç derişimleri, sıcaklık, iyon şiddeti) kesikli deney sisteminde incelendi. Son olarak adsorpsiyon-desorpsiyon döngüsü 5 kez tekrarlandı ve adsorpsiyon kapasitesinde önemli bir değişim gözlenmeden lizozim saflaştırılmasında kullanılabilir olduğu gözlendi