411 research outputs found

    The political dimension of environmental education into research of Brazilian journals of science education

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    O presente texto tem como objetivo sistematizar resultados relacionados com a dimensão política da educação ambiental apresentada em artigos que estabelecem relações entre educação ambiental e o ensino das Ciências da Natureza, destacando aspectos em termos de democracia, cidadania e justiça social. Busca-se evidenciar o contexto da educação básica que tem sido privilegiado nessas pesquisas, tais como, áreas curriculares, temas ambientais, temas de estudo que têm sido selecionados pelos investigadores que se voltam para essa temática. As análises apontam certa predominância das perspectivas críticas em educação ambiental como referencial teórico. Por outro lado, constata-se que a dimensão política tem sido pouco considerada como foco de investigação e nas conclusões dos artigos analisados. Conclui-se, pela necessidade de maior explicitação sobre sentidos do que vem a ser a dimensão política da educação ambiental, pois por de trás dos consensos em torno dessa dimensão se escondem modelos de sociedade e de democracia que precisam ser discutidos. ABSTRACT: Through an analysis of texts linking environmental education to science education, this article aims to highlight the political dimensions of democracy, citizenship and social justice. It seeks to emphasize the context of compulsory education that has privileged research on certain curriculum areas, environmental issues and topics that have been selected by the researchers. The analyses indicated a slight predominance of critical perspectives on environmental education as a preferred theoretical framework. Taking into consideration that there are societal models underlying the consensus on this dimension that remain hidden and need to be brought out into the open to be critically discussed, we propose more clarification in this point. Likewise, we conclude that there is a need for greater clarification of the meaning of the political dimension of environmental education

    ZIKA: A New System to Empower Health Workers and Local Communities to Improve Surveillance Protocols by E-learning and to Forecast Zika Virus in Real Time in Brazil

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    The devastating consequences of neonates infected with the Zika virus makes it necessary to fight and stop the spread of this virus and its vectors (Aedes mosquitoes). An essential part of the fight against mosquitoes is the use of mobile technology to support routine surveillance and risk assessment by community health workers (health agents). In addition, to improve early warning systems, the public health authorities need to forecast more accurately where an outbreak of the virus and its vector is likely to occur. The ZIKΛ system aims to develop a novel comprehensive framework that combines e-learning to empower health agents, community-based participatory surveillance, and forecasting of occurrences and distribution of the Zika virus and its vectors in real time. This system is currently being implemented in Brazil, in the cities of Campina Grande, Recife, Jaboatão dos Guararapes, and Olinda, the State of Pernambuco and Paraiba with the highest prevalence of the Zika virus disease. In this paper, we present the ZIKA system which helps health agents to learn new techniques and good practices to improve the surveillance of the virus and offer a real time distribution forecast of the virus and the vector. The forecast model is recalibrated in real time with information coming from health agents, governmental institutions, and weather stations to predict the areas with higher risk of a Zika virus outbreak in an interactive map. This mapping and alert system will help governmental institutions to make fast decisions and use their resources more efficiently to stop the spread of the Zika virus. The ZIKA app was developed and built in Ionic which allows for easy cross-platform rendering for both iOS and Android. The system presented in the current paper is one of the first systems combining public health surveillance, citizen-driven participatory reporting and weather data-based prediction. The implementation of the ZIKA system will reduce the devastating consequences of Zika virus in neonates and improve the life quality of vulnerable people in Brazil

    MEWAR: Development of a Cross-Platform Mobile Application and Web Dashboard System for Real-Time Mosquito Surveillance in Northeast Brazil

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    Mosquito surveillance is a crucial process for understanding the population dynamics of mosquitoes, as well as implementing interventional programs for controlling and preventing the spread of mosquito-borne diseases. Environmental surveillance agents who performing routine entomological surveys at properties in areas where mosquito-borne diseases are endemic play a critical role in vector surveillance by searching and destroying mosquito hotspots as well as collate information on locations with increased infestation. Currently, the process of recording information on paper-based forms is time-consuming and painstaking due to manual effort. The introduction of mobile surveillance applications will therefore improve the process of data collection, timely reporting, and field worker performance. Digital-based surveillance is critical in reporting real-time data; indeed, the real-time capture of data with phones could be used for predictive analytical models to predict mosquito population dynamics, enabling early warning detection of hotspots and thus alerting fieldworker agents into immediate action. This paper describes the development of a cross-platform digital system for improving mosquito surveillance in Brazil. It comprises of two components: a dashboard for managers and a mobile application for health agents. The former enables managers to assign properties to health workers who then survey them for mosquitoes and to monitor the progress of inspection visits in real-time. The latter, which is primarily designed as a data collection tool, enables the environmental surveillance agents to act on their assigned tasks of recording the details of the properties at inspections by filling out digital forms built into the mobile application, as well as details relating to mosquito infestation. The system presented in this paper was co-developed with significant input with environmental agents in two Brazilian cities where it is currently being piloted

    A review exploring the overarching burden of Zika virus with emphasis on epidemiological case studies from Brazil

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    This paper explores the main factors for mosquito-borne transmission of the Zika virus by focusing on environmental, anthropogenic, and social risks. A literature review was conducted bringing together related information from this genre of research from peer-reviewed publications. It was observed that environmental conditions, especially precipitation, humidity, and temperature, played a role in the transmission. Furthermore, anthropogenic factors including sanitation, urbanization, and environmental pollution promote the transmission by affecting the mosquito density. In addition, socioeconomic factors such as poverty as well as social inequality and low-quality housing have also an impact since these are social factors that limit access to certain facilities or infrastructure which, in turn, promote transmission when absent (e.g., piped water and screened windows). Finally, the paper presents short-, mid-, and long-term preventative solutions together with future perspectives. This is the first review exploring the effects of anthropogenic aspects on Zika transmission with a special emphasis in Brazil

    Covid-19 Dynamic Monitoring and Real-Time Spatio-Temporal Forecasting

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    Background: Periodically, humanity is often faced with new and emerging viruses that can be a significant global threat. It has already been over a century post—the Spanish Flu pandemic, and we are witnessing a new type of coronavirus, the SARS-CoV-2, which is responsible for Covid-19. It emerged from the city of Wuhan (China) in December 2019, and within a few months, the virus propagated itself globally now resulting more than 50 million cases with over 1 million deaths. The high infection rates coupled with dynamic population movement demands for tools, especially within a Brazilian context, that will support health managers to develop policies for controlling and combating the new virus. / Methods: In this work, we propose a tool for real-time spatio-temporal analysis using a machine learning approach. The COVID-SGIS system brings together routinely collected health data on Covid-19 distributed across public health systems in Brazil, as well as taking to under consideration the geographic and time-dependent features of Covid-19 so as to make spatio-temporal predictions. The data are sub-divided by federative unit and municipality. In our case study, we made spatio-temporal predictions of the distribution of cases and deaths in Brazil and in each federative unit. Four regression methods were investigated: linear regression, support vector machines (polynomial kernels and RBF), multilayer perceptrons, and random forests. We use the percentage RMSE and the correlation coefficient as quality metrics. / Results: For qualitative evaluation, we made spatio-temporal predictions for the period from 25 to 27 May 2020. Considering qualitatively and quantitatively the case of the State of Pernambuco and Brazil as a whole, linear regression presented the best prediction results (thematic maps with good data distribution, correlation coefficient >0.99 and RMSE (%) <4% for Pernambuco and around 5% for Brazil) with low training time: [0.00; 0.04 ms], CI 95%. / Conclusion: Spatio-temporal analysis provided a broader assessment of those in the regions where the accumulated confirmed cases of Covid-19 were concentrated. It was possible to differentiate in the thematic maps the regions with the highest concentration of cases from the regions with low concentration and regions in the transition range. This approach is fundamental to support health managers and epidemiologists to elaborate policies and plans to control the Covid-19 pandemics

    COVID-SGIS: A Smart Tool for Dynamic Monitoring and Temporal Forecasting of Covid-19

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    Background: The global burden of the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is increasing at an unprecedented rate. The current spread of Covid-19 in Brazil is problematic causing a huge public health burden to its population and national health-care service. To evaluate strategies for alleviating such problems, it is necessary to forecast the number of cases and deaths in order to aid the stakeholders in the process of making decisions against the disease. We propose a novel system for real-time forecast of the cumulative cases of Covid-19 in Brazil. / Methods: We developed the novel COVID-SGIS application for the real-time surveillance, forecast and spatial visualization of Covid-19 for Brazil. This system captures routinely reported Covid-19 information from 27 federative units from the Brazil.io database. It utilizes all Covid-19 confirmed case data that have been notified through the National Notification System, from March to May 2020. Time series ARIMA models were integrated for the forecast of cumulative number of Covid-19 cases and deaths. These include 6-days forecasts as graphical outputs for each federative unit in Brazil, separately, with its corresponding 95% CI for statistical significance. In addition, a worst and best scenarios are presented. / Results: The following federative units (out of 27) were flagged by our ARIMA models showing statistically significant increasing temporal patterns of Covid-19 cases during the specified day-to-day period: Bahia, Maranhão, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte, Amapá, Rondônia, where their day-to-day forecasts were within the 95% CI limits. Equally, the same findings were observed for Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Paraná, and Santa Catarina. The overall percentage error between the forecasted values and the actual values varied between 2.56 and 6.50%. For the days when the forecasts fell outside the forecast interval, the percentage errors in relation to the worst case scenario were below 5%. / Conclusion: The proposed method for dynamic forecasting may be used to guide social policies and plan direct interventions in a cost-effective, concise, and robust manner. This novel tools can play an important role for guiding the course of action against the Covid-19 pandemic for Brazil and country neighbors in South America

    Detection of air trapping in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease by low frequency ultrasound

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Spirometry is regarded as the gold standard for the diagnosis of COPD, yet the condition is widely underdiagnosed. Therefore, additional screening methods that are easy to perform and to interpret are needed. Recently, we demonstrated that low frequency ultrasound (LFU) may be helpful for monitoring lung diseases. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether LFU can be used to detect air trapping in COPD. In addition, we evaluated the ability of LFU to detect the effects of short-acting bronchodilator medication.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Seventeen patients with COPD and 9 healthy subjects were examined by body plethysmography and LFU. Ultrasound frequencies ranging from 1 to 40 kHz were transmitted to the sternum and received at the back during inspiration and expiration. The high pass frequency was determined from the inspiratory and the expiratory signals and their difference termed ΔF. Measurements were repeated after inhalation of salbutamol.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found significant differences in ΔF between COPD subjects and healthy subjects. These differences were already significant at GOLD stage 1 and increased with the severity of COPD. Sensitivity for detection of GOLD stage 1 was 83% and for GOLD stages worse than 1 it was 91%. Bronchodilator effects could not be detected reliably.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude that low frequency ultrasound is cost-effective, easy to perform and suitable for detecting air trapping. It might be useful in screening for COPD.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov: <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01080924">NCT01080924</a></p

    Treatment of reducible unstable fractures of the distal radius in adults: a randomised controlled trial of De Palma percutaneous pinning versus bridging external fixation

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    Background: At present, there is no conclusive evidence regarding the best treatment method for reducible unstable fractures of the distal radius. This study compared the effectiveness of two methods used in surgical treatment of such fractures: percutaneous pinning and external fixation.Methods: We randomly allocated 100 patients into two groups treated surgically with modified de Palma percutaneous pinning and bridging external fixation. Independent but not blinded evaluators administered the DASH quality-of-life questionnaire at postoperative months 6 and 24, performed functional assessment of pain, range of motion, and palm grip strength, and radiographic examinations (volar and radial angle, and height of the radius) before the operation, immediately afterwards, and at 6 and 24 months postoperative. Modified de Palma percutaneous pinning patients used an above-elbow cast whereas external fixation group had unrestricted elbow motion after surgery. Patients who for any reason demonstrated treatment failure or required additional interventions were followed up and their results were included in the group into which these patients had initially been randomised according to the intention-to-treat principle. A significance level of 5% (alpha = 0.05). was used for all statistical tests, such that tests presenting a p-value less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant.Results: Ninety one (58.8 mean age and 66 participants were female) were included in the final assessment at 24 months. the DASH questionnaire evaluation showed a statistically significant result favouring the de Palma group (mean difference = -7.1 p = 0.044) after six months, but this was not maintained at 24 months. There were no statistically differences between the groups with respect to palm grip strength. Analysis of the range-of-motion limitation index (uninjured side minus affected side motion of) showed a statistical difference (mean difference = 2.4 p = 0.043) favoring the external fixator group with regard to the supination movement 6 months after the operation; however, this was not maintained at 24 months. the final results of the radiographic evaluation were similar for the two groups. Overall, five patients developed complications: two with de Palma pinning and three with external fixation.Conclusion: There was a small statistically significant difference favouring the de Palma method in early functional at 6 months according to the DASH questionnaire, and for supination movement favouring the fixator group. However, both were not clinical relevant. By 24 months the groups were similar for all outcome
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