24,190 research outputs found

    A visita domiciliária ao recém-nascido pré-termo após a alta da neonatologia

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    A visita domiciliária é entendida como prática de saúde no cuidado à criança e família, com o objectivo principal de maximizar ganhos em saúde e enquadrar a actuação dos diversos actores, famílias e profissionais de forma humanizada. Considerando importante e necessário reflectir acerca da forma como promover ajuda aos pais e recém-nascidos pré-termo, abraçamos este estudo sobre a visita domiciliária após a alta da Neonatologia. Os objectivos principais são compreender a importância que os médicos pediatras atribuem à visita domiciliária e identificar os motivos porque não prescrevem visitas domiciliárias a um maior número de recém-nascidos pré-termo após a alta. É um estudo com características do tipo qualitativo, descritivo, com uma abordagem fenomenológica. A amostra é intencional, constituída por 12 médicos pediatras. O método para colheita de dados foi a aplicação de um questionário, que decorreu durante o mês de Maio de 2011. A abordagem da análise dos dados qualitativos foi realizada recorrendo à técnica de análise de conteúdo, do tipo temático e frequencial, de acordo com Bardin (1991, 2007) e Amado (2000). Após a análise dos questionários, definiram-se categorias, sub-categorias e indicadores. Das principais conclusões destaca-se a necessidade de melhorar o tipo e a forma de comunicação entre enfermeiros e pediatras facilitando as oportunidades de melhoria do processo da visita domiciliária, uma maior responsabilização dos profissionais de saúde e garantia da fiabilidade de informação conduzindo à satisfação dos utentes e profissionais, e à reflexão e melhoria dos mecanismos de monitorização dos cuidados prestados promotores das boas práticas da equipa de saúde. Palavras–chave: Visita domiciliária, recém-nascido pré-termo, família, continuidade e qualidade de cuidados, análise qualitativa. ABSTRACT A personal visit is understood as a health practice in child and family care, with the main goal to maximize health gains and to frame the performance of several actors, families and professionals in a humane way. It is important and necessary to think about the way how to promote help to parents and preterm newborns, so that’s why we embrace this study about personal visit after Neonatology discharge. The main goals are to understand the importance that paediatricians give to personal visits and to identify the motives why they don’t assign personal visits to a larger number of preterm newborns after discharge. It is a study with qualitative and descriptive characteristics with a phenomenological approach. The sample is intentional, composed by 12 paediatricians. The method for data collection was the application of a questionnaire, which was held during May 2011. The approach of quality data analysis was done using content analysis technique, of thematic and frequency type, according to Bardin (1991, 2007) and Amado (2000). After the questionnaire analysis, categories, sub-categories and indicators were defined. From the main conclusions we can stand out the need to improve the type and the way that nurses and paediatricians communicate, making the improvement of the opportunities of the personal visit process easier. We can also stand out the need for a bigger responsibility of health professionals and certainty of information reliability leading to users and professionals satisfaction and the reflection and improvement of monitoring mechanisms of the provided cares which develop health team good practices. Keywords: Personal visit, preterm newborn, family, continuity and quality of care, quality analysis

    Wittgenstein: an expressivist approach about emotions

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    This paper aims to show that Wittgenstein’s approach to the concepts of sensation and emotion can shed light on many philosophical dilemmas that remain present in the contemporary debate. My analysis will start by characterizing Jesse Prinz’s approach to emotions (heavily influenced by the physiological theory of William James) and, then, it will proceed to show that Prinz is subject to the same criticisms that Wittgenstein expressed about William James’s theory. Finally, I will argue that Wittgenstein, in Philosophical Investigations, advocated for a peculiar kind of expressivism that, while having profound differences from traditional expressivism, is able to appear as a non-cognitivist position. I will argue further that William James’s error (and hence also Prinz’s) is disregarding the multiple uses of psychological terms (that is, to think that psychological terms have a uniform use)

    Cuticular Hydrocarbon Variation of Castes and Sex in the Weaver Ant Camponotus textor (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

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    Cuticular hydrocarbons play important roles as chemical signatures of individuals, castes, sex and brood. They also can mediate the regulation of egg laying in ants, by informing directly or indirectly the reproductive status of queens. In this study we asked whether cuticular hydrocarbon profiles are correlated with castes and sex of Camponotus textor. Cuticular hydrocarbons were extracted from part of a mature colony (80 workers, 27 major workers, 27 queens, 27 virgin queens and 27 males). Results showed that cuticular hydrocarbons varied quantitatively and qualitatively among the groups and this variation was sufficiently strong to allow separation of castes and genders. We discuss the specificity of some compounds as possible regulatory compounds of worker tasks and reproduction in C. textor

    Knowledge and Power of the Civil Society: an empirical study of Brazilian professionals working in the NGOs

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    This study critically analyses the way Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) operate in Brazil and their contribution to the development of the Brazilian civil society. The notion of "power fields" and "habitus", proposed by Bourdieu (1989; 1996), provides the theoretical backdrop to our discussions. This focusses largely on the recursive connection between structure and agency which resonates with the work of Fligstein (2006). This study seeks to critically analyse the learning and social practice developed by professionals in NGOs in their daily activities. This study is based on qualitative research and the results indicated that the knowledge produced by Brazilian NGOs, through the recursive connection between the agents of the fields and the structures underpinning them, contributes to the expansion and transformation of the field in which they operate. This perspective shows that the knowledge generated by this NGOs give them a certain level of power and influence in the Brazilian civil society

    Out-Of-The_Money Monte Carlo Simulation Option Pricing: the join use of Importance Sampling and Descriptive Sampling

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    As in any Monte Carlo application, simulation option valuation produces imprecise estimates. In such an application, Descriptive Sampling (DS) has proven to be a powerful Variance Reduction Technique. However, this performance deteriorates as the probability of exercising an option decreases. In the case of out of the money options, the solution is to use Importance Sampling (IS). Following this track, the joint use of IS and DS is deserving of attention. Here, we evaluate and compare the benefits of using standard IS method with the joint use of IS and DS. We also investigate the influence of the problem dimensionality in the variance reduction achieved. Although the combination IS+DS showed gains over the standard IS implementation, the benefits in the case of out-of-the-money options were mainly due to the IS effect. On the other hand, the problem dimensionality did not affect the gains. Possible reasons for such results are discussed.

    Les étagères de la "bibliothèque mondiale" de Vila-Matas: une visite guidée

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    Centre de Recherches Littérature et Poétique Comparées NanterreTout en appliquant la théorie à la pratique romanesque de Vila-Matas (en ce qui concerne, surtout, le premier item), on est frappé par la citatiomanie et par l’allusiophilie qui, le plus souvent cryptées, débouchent sur le plagiat génial, l’omniparodie exquise et le ludique pastiche généralisé. En fait, si nous nous penchons sur Dublinesca, qui raconte le déplacement à Dublin de Riba, Javier, Ricardo et du jeune Nietzky (répliques de Leopold Bloom, Simon Dedalus, Martin Cunningham et John Power) pour fêter le « Bloomsday » et pour célébrer un requiem pour la constellation Gutenberg – « todo el rato navegando entre dos aguas, entre el mundo de los libros y el de la Red » (2010a : 66) –, nous pouvons constater la profusion d’exemples de cette pratique citationnelle subversive, notamment par rapport au mythe homérique d’Ulysse, à Ulysses de James Joyce et au Curso de Literatura Europea de Vladimir Nabokov. De même, dans Aire de Dylan (hommage à Bob Dylan et à la culture de l’« infraleve » de Marcel Duchamp), Vilnius, fils de l’écrivain Juan Lancastre, prend la résolution de mettre en scène une simulation du Hamlet de Shakespeare, afin d’accuser sa mère et l’amant de celle-ci, Claudio Aristides Maxwell, de l’assassinat de son père. Quant à París no se acaba nunca, Enrique Vila-Matas, qui avait rencontré à Paris Marguerite Duras, au moment où elle rédigeait L’après-midi de Monsieur Andesmas (dont elle lui a fait le résumé), nous raconte les instructions que l’écrivaine née en Indochine lui a données : « Tomé la cuartilla […] Leí las instrucciones que contenía […] 1. Problemas de estructura. 2. Unidad y armonía. 3. Trama e historia. 4. El factor tiempo. 5. Efectos textuales. 6. Verosimilitud. 7. Técnica narrativa. 8. Personajes. 9. Diálogo. 10. Escenarios. 11. Estilo. 12. Experiencia. 13. Registo lingüístico. » (Vila-Matas, 2003 : 29). Fasciné par le thème de l’attente, l’écrivain ne cite pas un fragment de ce récit, mais adapte, plutôt, un épisode du durassien Écrire, gommant, comme d’habitude, sa provenance… Finalement, le Dietario Voluble surgit comme la preuve la plus évidente de la « bibliothèque mondiale » de l’écrivain barcelonais, tout en s’apparentant à une digression par la littérature et à un voyage à travers les œuvres de Flaubert (qui abomine la stupidité universelle), de Proust (moins affecté que Céline), d’Albert Camus (félicité par l’excellence de l’incipit de L’Étranger), de Kafka (revisité à travers La Métamorphose) et de Julien Gracq (distingué par ce grand roman sur l’attente éclairée, érigée par Breton comme art de vivre, qui s’intitule Le rivage des Syrtes), entre autres références de relief. Des méandres de cette immense bibliothèque d’un bibliothécaire invétéré, source vivante d’un recyclage continu et dynamique, nous avons l’intention de privilégier la section consacrée à Marguerite Duras et à Julien Gracq, ainsi que les étagères qui accueillent Shakespeare et James Joyce.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Em legítima defesa: In vino veritas

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    O vinho, um dos mais longevos temas que cimentam a tradição literária ocidental, na obra de João Penha e de Charles Baudelaire.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio