68 research outputs found

    The angular momentum-mass relation: a fundamental law from dwarf irregulars to massive spirals

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    In a Λ\LambdaCDM Universe, the specific stellar angular momentum (jj_\ast) and stellar mass (MM_\ast) of a galaxy are correlated as a consequence of the scaling existing for dark matter haloes (jhMh2/3j_{\rm h}\propto M_{\rm h}^{2/3}). The shape of this law is crucial to test galaxy formation models, which are currently discrepant especially at the lowest masses, allowing to constrain fundamental parameters, e.g. the retained fraction of angular momentum. In this study, we accurately determine the empirical jMj_\ast-M_\ast relation (Fall relation) for 92 nearby spiral galaxies (from S0 to Irr) selected from the Spitzer Photometry and Accurate Rotation Curves (SPARC) sample in the unprecedented mass range 7logM/M11.57 \lesssim \log M_\ast/M_\odot \lesssim 11.5. We significantly improve all previous estimates of the Fall relation by determining jj_\ast profiles homogeneously for all galaxies, using extended HI rotation curves, and selecting only galaxies for which a robust jj_\ast could be measured (converged j(<R)j_\ast(<R) radial profile). We find the relation to be well described by a single, unbroken power-law jMαj_\ast\propto M_\ast^\alpha over the entire mass range, with α=0.55±0.02\alpha=0.55\pm 0.02 and orthogonal intrinsic scatter of 0.17±0.010.17\pm 0.01 dex. We finally discuss some implications for galaxy formation models of this fundamental scaling law and, in particular, the fact that it excludes models in which discs of all masses retain the same fraction of the halo angular momentum.Comment: A&A Letters, accepte

    A novel 3D technique to study the kinematics of lensed galaxies

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    We present a 3D Bayesian method to model the kinematics of strongly lensed galaxies from spatially-resolved emission-line observations. This technique enables us to simultaneously recover the lens-mass distribution and the source kinematics directly from the 3D data cube. We have tested this new method with simulated OSIRIS observations for nine star-forming lensed galaxies with different kinematic properties. The simulated rotation curves span a range of shapes which are prototypes of different morphological galaxy types, from dwarf to massive spiral galaxies. We have found that the median relative accuracy on the inferred lens and kinematic parameters are at the level of 1 and 2 per cent, respectively. We have also tested the robustness of the technique against different inclination angles, signal-to-noise ratios, the presence of warps or non-circular motions and we have found that the accuracy stays within a few per cent in most cases. This technique represents a significant step forward with respect to the methods used until now, as the lens parameters and the kinematics of the source are derived from the same 3D data. This enables us to study the possible degeneracies between the two and estimate the uncertainties on all model parameters consistently.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    (3D) BAROLO: a new 3D algorithm to derive rotation curves of galaxies

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    We present 3D3DBAROLO,† a new code that derives rotation curves of galaxies from emission-line observations. This software fits 3D tilted-ring models to spectroscopic data cubes and can be used with a variety of observations: from H I and molecular lines to optical/IR recombination lines. We describe the structure of the main algorithm and show that it performs much better than the standard 2D approach on velocity fields. A number of successful applications, from high to very low spatial resolution data are presented and discussed. 3D3DBAROLO can recover the true rotation curve and estimate the intrinsic velocity dispersion even in barely resolved galaxies (∼2 resolution elements) provided that the signal to noise of the data is larger than 2–3. It can also be run automatically thanks to its source-detection and first-estimate modules, which make it suitable for the analysis of large 3D data sets. These features make 3D3DBAROLO a uniquely useful tool to derive reliable kinematics for both local and high-redshift galaxies from a variety of different instruments including the new generation Integral Field Units, ALMA and the SKA pathfinders

    Gas accretion from minor mergers in local spiral galaxies

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    We quantify the gas accretion rate from minor mergers onto star-forming galaxies in the local Universe using Hi observations of 148 nearby spiral galaxies (WHISP sample). We developed a dedicated code that iteratively analyses Hi data-cubes, finds dwarf gas-rich satellites around larger galaxies, and estimates an upper limit to the gas accretion rate. We found that 22% of the galaxies have at least one detected dwarf companion. We made the very stringent assumption that all satellites are going to merge in the shortest possible time, transferring all their gas to the main galaxies. This leads to an estimate of the maximum gas accretion rate of 0.28 M⊙ yr-1, about five times lower than the average star formation rate of the sample. Given the assumptions, our accretion rate is clearly an overestimate. Our result strongly suggests that minor mergers do not play a significant role in the total gas accretion budget in local galaxies

    Dark matter halos and scaling relations of extremely massive spiral galaxies from extended H I rotation curves

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    We present new and archival atomic hydrogen (H I ) observations of 15 of the most massive spiral galaxies in the local Universe ( M (* )> 10 (11) M-?). From 3D kinematic modeling of the datacubes, we derive extended HI rotation curves, and from these, we estimate masses of the dark matter halos and specific angular momenta of the discs. We confirm that massive spiral galaxies lie at the upper ends of the Tully-Fisher relation (mass vs velocity, M infinity V (4) ) and Fall relation (specific angular momentum vs mass, j infinity M (0.6) ), in both stellar and baryonic forms, with no significant deviations from single power laws. We study the connections between baryons and dark matter through the stellar (and baryon)-to-halo ratios of mass f(M) equivalent to M (*) /M-h and specific angular momentum f (j, *) equivalent to j( *) /j(h) and f( j, bar) equivalent to j(bar) /j(h). Combining our sample with others from the literature for less massive disc-dominated galaxies, we find that f(M) rises monotonically with M (*) and M-h (instead of the inverted-U shaped f(M) for spheroid-dominated galaxies), while f (j, *) and f( j, bar) are essentially constant near unity o v er four decades in mass. Our results indicate that disc galaxies constitute a self-similar population of objects closely linked to the self-similarity of their dark halos. This picture is reminiscent of early analytical models of galaxy formation wherein discs grow by relatively smooth and gradual inflow, isolated from disruptive events such as major mergers and strong active galactic nuclei feedback, in contrast to the more chaotic growth of spheroids.National Science Foundation (NSF) 1616177European Research Council (ERC) European Commission 101040751 ERC under the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation program 834148Brinson FoundationMCIN/AEI PID2020-114414GB-100Junta de Andalucia P20_00334 FEDER/Junta de Andalucia-Consejeria de Transformacion Economica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades A-FQM-510-UGR20 NSF/AST-171482

    LITTLE THINGS in 3D: robust determination of the circular velocity of dwarf irregular galaxies

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    Dwarf Irregular galaxies (dIrrs) are the smallest stellar systems with extended HI discs. The study of the kinematics of such discs is a powerful tool to estimate the total matter distribution at these very small scales. In this work, we study the HI kinematics of 17 galaxies extracted from the `Local Irregulars That Trace Luminosity Extremes, The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey' (LITTLE THINGS). Our approach differs significantly from previous studies in that we directly fit 3D models (two spatial dimensions plus one spectral dimension) using the software 3D^\text{3D}BAROLO, fully exploiting the information in the HI datacubes. For each galaxy we derive the geometric parameters of the HI disc (inclination and position angle), the radial distribution of the surface density, the velocity-dispersion (σv\sigma_v) profile and the rotation curve. The circular velocity (Vc_{\text{c}}), which traces directly the galactic potential, is then obtained by correcting the rotation curve for the asymmetric drift. As an initial application, we show that these dIrrs lie on a baryonic Tully-Fisher relation in excellent agreement with that seen on larger scales. The final products of this work are high-quality, ready-to-use kinematic data (Vc\textrm{V}_\textrm{c} and σv\sigma_v) that we make publicly available. These can be used to perform dynamical studies and improve our understanding of these low-mass galaxies.Comment: 36 pages, 28 figures, 2 tables. Submitted to MNRAS (revised version after the referee report). The final rotation curves can be downloaded from http://www.filippofraternali.com/styled-9/index.htm

    Kinematics of local and high-z galaxies through 3D modeling of emission-line datacubes

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    The kinematics is a fundamental tool to infer the dynamical structure of galaxies and to understand their formation and evolution. Spectroscopic observations of gas emission lines are often used to derive rotation curves and velocity dispersions. It is however difficult to disentangle these two quantities in low spatial-resolution data because of beam smearing. In this thesis, we present 3D-Barolo, a new software to derive the gas kinematics of disk galaxies from emission-line data-cubes. The code builds tilted-ring models in the 3D observational space and compares them with the actual data-cubes. 3D-Barolo works with data at a wide range of spatial resolutions without being affected by instrumental biases. We use 3D-Barolo to derive rotation curves and velocity dispersions of several galaxies in both the local and the high-redshift Universe. We run our code on HI observations of nearby galaxies and we compare our results with 2D traditional approaches. We show that a 3D approach to the derivation of the gas kinematics has to be preferred to a 2D approach whenever a galaxy is resolved with less than about 20 elements across the disk. We moreover analyze a sample of galaxies at z~1, observed in the H-alpha line with the KMOS/VLT spectrograph. Our 3D modeling reveals that the kinematics of these high-z systems is comparable to that of local disk galaxies, with steeply-rising rotation curves followed by a flat part and H-alpha velocity dispersions of 15-40 km/s over the whole disks. This evidence suggests that disk galaxies were already fully settled about 7-8 billion years ago. In summary, 3D-Barolo is a powerful and robust tool to separate physical and instrumental effects and to derive a reliable kinematics. The analysis of large samples of galaxies at different redshifts with 3D-Barolo will provide new insights on how galaxies assemble and evolve throughout cosmic time

    Galaxy spin as a formation probe:the stellar-to-halo specific angular momentum relation

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    We derive the stellar-to-halo specific angular momentum relation (SHSAMR) of galaxies at z=0z=0 by combining i) the standard Λ\LambdaCDM tidal torque theory ii) the observed relation between stellar mass and specific angular momentum (Fall relation) and iii) various determinations of the stellar-to-halo mass relation (SHMR). We find that the ratio fj=j/jhf_j = j_\ast/j_{\rm h} of the specific angular momentum of stars to that of the dark matter i) varies with mass as a double power-law, ii) it always has a peak in the mass range explored and iii) it is 353-5 times larger for spirals than for ellipticals. The results have some dependence on the adopted SHMR and we provide fitting formulae in each case. For any choice of the SHMR, the peak of fjf_j occurs at the same mass where the stellar-to-halo mass ratio f=M/Mhf_\ast = M_\ast/M_{\rm h} has a maximum. This is mostly driven by the straightness and tightness of the Fall relation, which requires fjf_j and ff_\ast to be correlated with each other roughly as fjf2/3f_j\propto f_\ast^{2/3}, as expected if the outer and more angular momentum rich parts of a halo failed to accrete onto the central galaxy and form stars (biased collapse). We also confirm that the difference in the angular momentum of spirals and ellipticals at a given mass is too large to be ascribed only to different spins of the parent dark-matter haloes (spin bias).Comment: matches MNRAS published versio