320 research outputs found

    High Density Polyethylene Composites Containing Alumina-Toughened Zirconia Particles: Mechanical and Tribological Behavior

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    Alumina-toughened Zirconia (ATZ) was used as filler to endow High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) with enhanced mechanical and wear properties, hence widening the application field of the polyolefin as biomaterial. Composites at different ATZ loadings were produced by melt extrusion followed by compression molding. A good filler dispersion was obtained for all the materials, despite the presence of few voids and agglomerates observed at high ATZ loadings. The combination of high crystallinity and, mainly, lack of voids and agglomerates, appeared responsible for the improvement of Young modulus and mechanical strength. Besides, the filler positively affected the wear resistance of the composites under lubricated conditions

    EVALITA 2020: Overview of the 7th evaluation campaign of natural language processing and speech tools for Italian

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    The Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian (EVALITA) is the biennial initiative aimed at promoting the development of language and speech technologies for the Italian language. EVALITA is promoted by the Italian Association of Computational Linguistics (AILC) and it is endorsed by the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA) and the Italian Association for Speech Sciences (AISV). EVALITA provides a shared framework where different systems and approaches can be scientifically evaluated and compared with each other with respect to a large variety of tasks, suggested and organized by the Italian research community. The proposed tasks represent scientific challenges where methods, resources, and systems can be tested against shared benchmarks representing linguistic open issues or real world applications, possibly in a multilingual and/or multi-modal perspective. The collected data sets provide big opportunities for scientists to explore old and new problems concerning NLP in Italian as well as to develop solutions and to discuss the NLP-related issues within the community. Some tasks are traditionally present in the evaluation campaign, while others are completely new. This paper introduces the tasks proposed at EVALITA 2020 and provides an overview to the participants and systems whose descriptions and obtained results are reported in these Proceedings


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    After the seismic period during 2001-2002 that has interested the Plain of Guidonia, situated about fifteen kilometres NE of Rome, which events greatest resentment reached the V-VI MCS, have been installed a local seismic purchased by Comune of Guidonia-Montecelio (Rm). The seismic network (RLG) consists of three digital seismic stations with distances of each other about 2 kilometers, activated to leave from the June 2004 and equipped with three components 1 Hz sismometer. Subsequently, the RLG has enriched of other four digital stations equipped with three components 5 Hz sismometer This network has like main objective the high quality data that agree a better definition of the seismic local activity. These data, that integrate those of the Seismographic Centralized National Network (SCNN), agreed a better ipocentre location. Network geometriy was chosen so as to give back the RLG an independent structure to carry out reliable seismicity locations that characterizes the plain of Guidonia. Unfortunately, industrial and human activity, increases in considerable manner the seismic noise, giving back difficult the record of small events. For this motive the location of the sites was more times changed, and lately, after a seismic crisis in the northern side of the Mountains Cornicolani, that has presented with the same features of that of 2001 of Guidonia, some stations were moved in the neighboring village of Palombara Sabina (Rm)

    Frequency reallocation based on cochlear place frequencies in cochlear implants: a pilot study

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to evaluate speech perception outcomes after a frequency reallocation performed through the creation of an anatomically based map obtained with Otoplan®, a tablet-based software that allows the cochlear duct length to be calculated starting from CT images. Methods: Ten postlingually deafened patients who underwent cochlear implantation with MED-EL company devices from 2015 to 2019 in the Tertiary referral center University Hospital of Verona have been included in a retrospective study. The postoperative CT scans were evaluated with Otoplan®; the position of the intracochlear electrodes was obtained, an anatomical mapping was carried out and then it was submitted to the patients. All patients underwent pure tonal and speech audiometry before and after the reallocation and the audiological results were processed considering the Speech Recognition Threshold (SRT), the Speech Awareness Threshold (SAT) and the Pure Tone Average (PTA). The differences in the PTA, SAT and SRT values before and after the reallocation were determined. The results were statistically processed using the software Stata with a significance value of α < 0.05. Results: The mean values of SRT (61.25 dB versus 51.25 dB) and SAT (49 dB versus 41 dB) were significantly lower (p: 0.02 and p: 0.04, respectively) after the reallocation. No significant difference was found between PTA values (41.5 dB versus 39.25 dB; p: 0.18). Conclusions: Our preliminary results demonstrate better speech discrimination and rapid adaptation in implanted postlingually deaf patients after anatomic mapping and subsequent frequency reallocation

    Prevalence of obesity and obesity-associated muscle wasting in patients on peritoneal dialysis

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    Background and aims: A progressive decrease in muscle mass until full-blown sarcopenia may occur in patients on peritoneal dialysis (PD) and worsen their life quality and expectancy. Here we investigate the prevalence of obesity and obesity-associated muscle wasting in PD patients. Patients and methods: The study design was observational, cross sectional. Body composition was assessed with BIA and BIVA in 88 PD patients (53.4 ± 13.1 years; 67% male). Patients with obesity and/or with reduced muscle mass were identified using FMI and SM/BW cutoff values, respectively. Inflammatory status was assessed by measuring CRP and fibrinogen blood levels. Results: A total of 44.3% of the patients showed a reduced muscle mass (37.5% moderate and 6.8% severe). The prevalence of obesity was 6.1%, 81.8%, and 100% in patients with normal, moderately, and severely reduced muscle mass, respectively (p < 0.05). Of the total, 15.2% of the patients with normal muscle mass, 18.4% of those with moderately reduced muscle mass, and 66.7% of those with severely reduced muscle mass had diabetes. The prevalence of severe muscle mass loss was higher in those with diabetes than in those without diabetes (22.2% vs. 2.8%, p < 0.05). Patients with obesity-associated muscle wasting showed higher fibrinogen (613.9 ± 155.1 vs. 512.9 ± 159.5 mg/dL, p < 0.05) and CPR (1.4 ± 1.3 vs. 0.6 ± 0.8 mg/dL, p < 0.05) blood concentrations than those with normal body composition. Conclusion: Obesity and diabetes were strongly associated with muscle mass loss in our PD patients. It remains to be established whether prevention of obesity with nutritional interventions can halt the occurrence of muscle mass loss in patients on PD

    Recent seismicity of the «Acque Albule» travertine basin

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    The seismic period which occurred in a portion of Guidonia Montecelio and Tivoli territory, two towns situated about twenty kilometres NE of Rome, affected four areas with a high density of population: Guidonia, Collefiorito, Villalba and Bagni di Tivoli. Even though the events had a very low magnitude (less than 3.0), local phenomena, like rumbles and strong vibrations of the ground, frightened inhabitants also because some months before (January 26, 2001) in a village named Marcellina situated a few kilometres away from Guidonia, a large sinkhole (600 m) had appeared without fore signals. The «Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia» (INGV) installed some digital stations that monitored the seismic phenomena. This paper has the aim to process all the information acquired during the period, both from the micro and macro seismic point of view, in order to explain the phenomenology that involved the area. The synergy of the two methodologies lead us to the conclusion that two different seismotectonic structures originated the events, one in an anti-apenninic direction, the other in a N-S direction

    Ageritin from pioppino mushroom: The prototype of ribotoxin-like proteins, a novel family of specific ribonucleases in edible mushrooms

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    Ageritin is a specific ribonuclease, extracted from the edible mushroom Cyclocybe aegerita (synonym Agrocybe aegerita), which cleaves a single phosphodiester bond located within the uni-versally conserved alpha-sarcin loop (SRL) of 23–28S rRNAs. This cleavage leads to the inhibition of protein biosynthesis, followed by cellular death through apoptosis. The structural and enzy-matic properties show that Ageritin is the prototype of a novel specific ribonucleases family named ‘ribotoxin-like proteins’, recently found in fruiting bodies of other edible basidiomycetes mushrooms (e.g., Ostreatin from Pleurotus ostreatus, Edulitins from Boletus edulis, and Gambositin from Calocybe gambosa). Although the putative role of this toxin, present in high amount in fruiting body (&gt;2.5 mg per 100 g) of C. aegerita, is unknown, its antifungal and insecticidal actions strongly support a role in defense mechanisms. Thus, in this review, we focus on structural, biological, antipathogenic, and enzymatic characteristics of this ribotoxin-like protein. We also highlight its biological relevance and potential biotechnological applications in agriculture as a bio-pesticide and in biomedicine as a therapeutic and diagnostic agent

    Effect of a Short-Course Treatment with Synbiotics on Plasma p-Cresol Concentration in Kidney Transplant Recipients.

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    We evaluated whether a short-term course with synbiotics may lower plasma p-Cresol concentrations in kidney transplant patients (KTRs) who accumulate this uremic toxin both because of increased production by their dysbiotic gut microbiome and because of reduced elimination by the transplanted kidneys. METHODS: Thirty-six KTRs (29 males, mean age 49.6 ± 9.1 years) with transplant vintage > 12 months, stable graft function, and no episode of acute rejection or infection in the last 3 months were enrolled in this single-center, parallel-group, double-blinded, randomized (2:1 synbiotic to placebo) study. Synbiotic (Probinul Neutro, CadiGroup, Rome, Italy) or placebo was taken at home for 30 days, as 5 g powder packets dissolved in water three times a day far from meals. The main outcome measure was the decrease in total plasma p-Cresol measured by high-performance liquid chromatography at baseline and after 15 and 30 days of placebo or synbiotic treatment. RESULTS: After 15 and 30 days of treatment, plasma p-Cresol decreased by 40% and 33% from baseline (both p < 0.05), respectively, in the synbiotic group, whereas it remained stable in the placebo group. After 30 days of treatment, no significant change was observed in either group in renal function, glycemia, plasma lipids, or albumin concentration. Treatment was well tolerated and did not induce any change in stool characteristics. CONCLUSION: The results of this pilot study suggest that treatment with synbiotics may be effective to lower plasma p-Cresol concentrations in KTRs. Prospective larger scale, longer term studies are needed to establish whether cardiovascular prognosis could also be improved with this nutritional intervention

    Electron-Beam-Induced Grafting Of Chitosan Onto HDPE/ATZ Composites for Biomedical Applications

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    HDPE and HDPE/ATZ surfaces were functionalised with chitosan Via electron-beam irradiation technique in order to prepare materials suitable for biomedical purposes. ATR–FTIR and wettability measurements were employed for monitoring the surface changes after both irradiation and chitosan grafting reaction. The presence of ATZ influenced both the EB irradiation process and the surface functionalisation. Mechanical properties of irradiated materials were not remarkably affected by irradiation processing. Biological assays indicated that electrostatic interactions between the negative charges of the surface of cell membranes and the –NH3+ sites on chitosan chains promoted cell adhesion, while some oxidized species produced during the irradiation process were thought to cause a detrimental effect on the cell Viability
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