8 research outputs found

    Efforts To Optimize Counseling Guidance To Overcome Students Droping Out Of School In MAN 3 Kota Padang Panjang

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    Guidance and counseling services are carried out directly and indirectly, provided individually, in groups, classically, and in large classes or across classes. The target of guidance and counseling services is all individuals who are categorized as normal, and in the education unit. The target is students who need and who are deemed to need help. There are differences in the characteristics of students from one another, both in terms of gender and level of education. This study aims to determine the optimization of counseling guidance to overcome dropout students. The sample of data sources was selected from students who dropped out of MAN 3 Padang Panjang city. The data analysis used in this study is a qualitative analysis carried out descriptively. The results of this study were BK teachers in home visit services had provided advice and solutions to overcome dropout students through the Amil Zakat Agency. BAZ is willing to provide assistance for school needs

    Development Of Collaborative Learning Model Based On Guided Inquiry In Increasing Learning Outcomes Of Students Of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 City Of Padang Panjang

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    Collaborative learning Based on guided inquiry emphasizes cooperation between participants in groups. This is based on the thought that it is easier for everyone to understand a concept if they discuss the problem together. Most of them in guided inquiry-based collaborative learning will form togetherness by considering differences in academic ability, gender and characteristics. The development of this model is expected to be useful for implementation in the learning carried out and will have an impact on increasing the enthusiasm for learning, so of course it will also have an impact on increasing student learning outcomes. The data sources for this research are students at MAN 3 Padang Panjang City for the academic year 2021/2022, totaling 300 people. Data analysis in this study will be carried out by checking the validity of the data. The results of this study show that the concept of Collaborative Learning Based on Guided Inquiry can be combined into one Collaborative Learning Based on Guided Inquiry. Because these two models emphasize the process of obtaining student information and providing stimulus to students in the form of presenting an invention they have obtained.Collaborative learning Based on guided inquiry emphasizes cooperation between participants in groups. This is based on the thought that it is easier for everyone to understand a concept if they discuss the problem together. Most of them in guided inquiry-based collaborative learning will form togetherness by considering differences in academic ability, gender and characteristics. The development of this model is expected to be useful for implementation in the learning carried out and will have an impact on increasing the enthusiasm for learning, so of course it will also have an impact on increasing student learning outcomes. The data sources for this research are students at MAN 3 Padang Panjang City for the academic year 2021/2022, totaling 300 people. Data analysis in this study will be carried out by checking the validity of the data. The results of this study show that the concept of Collaborative Learning Based on Guided Inquiry can be combined into one Collaborative Learning Based on Guided Inquiry. Because these two models emphasize the process of obtaining student information and providing stimulus to students in the form of presenting an invention they have obtained

    Implementation of the Egyptian Education System at MAN 3 Padang Panjang City In Tahfizh Subjects

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of memorizing the Qur'an in every Islamic educational institution, both schools and madrasas because it is an effort to maintain the originality of the Qur'an which is an absolute obligation for Muslims, to form a noble personality and increase intelligence. The formation of a noble and intelligent person, namely a person who is devoted to Allah and His Messenger, and progress in the field of science. The success of the tahfidz al-Qur'an program in an Islamic educational institution is a bridge to achieving excellence over other disciplines. The data in this study are using data from interviews and data from observations. Interviews were conducted to obtain data regarding the reasons for the high interest of school students in Egypt. Observations were made by comparing existing documents in the field with data from interviews with resource persons. The results of this study. shows the implementation of the Egyptian education system for tahfizh subjects at MAN 3 Padang Panjang city as expected. The program went well, there was a strong desire from students to memorize the Koran. From the comparison score of 4:6 obtained a percentage of 66.67% of the observed criteria.

    Manajemen Kurikulum Sekolah Islami di Sekolah Dasar Islam

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana teori manajemen menurut William Spriegel yang meliputi perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengendalian secara harmonis dapat diterapkan pada manajemen SD Islam Plus YLPI Kota Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metodologi kualitatif induktif, dan subyek utamanya adalah Kepala Sekolah,  Wakil Kepala sekolah dan guru. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi dan wawancara serta analisis dokumen. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa teori POC sejalan dengan manajemen SD Islam Plus YLPI Kota Pekanbaru dalam aspek kurikulum. Kurikulum saat ini yang telah dirancang dengan baik secara teori dan kegunaannya ketika diterapkan secara langsung dalam pembelajara

    Improvement of Critical Thinking Skills of Students of Class X Mia Man 3 Kota Padang Panjang Using Guided Inquiry

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    Education is an effort to develop students in terms of knowledge, attitudes and skills in a social environment in which interaction occurs between students and educators. The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement of knowledge competencies, attitude competencies and skills competencies of students by using a guided inquiry model. The research subjects were class X MIA MAN 3 Kota Padang Panjang. The data analysis used in this study is qualitative analysis carried out descriptively. The design of this study uses classroom action research. This classroom action research was conducted in 2 cycles, each cycle of which was held 3 times. The results of this study indicate that the average score of knowledge, attitudes and skills of students of class X MIA has increased. The first cycle obtained an average of 77.87%, while in the second cycle there was an increase of 82,49%. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the students' critical thinking skills using guided inquiry models can improve the learning outcomes of students of class X MIA MAN 3 Kota Padang Panjang

    Application of Alternative Assessment in Madrasah Education During the Covid-1 Pandemic

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    Abstract—This electronic document is a “live” template and already defines the components of your paper [title, text, heads, etc.] in its style sheet. The condition of the COVID-19 pandemic has opened our minds about new innovations in learning. Learning at MAN 3 Padang Panjang City continues even though it is online and offline. Students and teachers try to maximize learning. The purpose of this study was to analyze the application and impact of alternative assessments during the Covid-19 period at MAN 3 Padang Panjang City. The method used is a qualitative method. Data collection techniques using triangulation techniques. The results showed that an average of 8.7 out of a scale of 10 illustrates the level of achievement of the learning process is good. This alternative assessment is a non-test assessment based on the ability of students to become a form of educational reform in the field of assessment or evaluation. The implication or impact on the MAN 3 Padang Panjang school is the awareness of the responsibility of students to do the assignments given by the teacher very well. For teachers need serious attention to implement this alternative assessment in schools, To the government, the authors hope not to ignore education. The impact of education will be felt in the next 10 or 20 years. Educational outcomes cannot be measured 1 or 2 years in the futur

    Implementation of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in MAN 3 City Of Padang Panjang

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    Abstract -- Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a prerequisite for teacher educators. The importance of CPD for teacher educators lies in the fact that it helps them to improve their professional and instructional practice. As part of implementation, teachers act as developers and creators of their professional learning opportunities and activities. The research also illustrates that several factors can have a negative impact on the attitudes and capacities of teacher educators to initiate their CPD activities. This study aims to determine the application of CPD and the challenges they face. The data for conducting the research were collected from a sample of 30 teachers using CPD indicators in accordance with the Menpan RB regulations, the data analysis used in this study was a qualitative analysis carried out descriptively. The results of this study indicate that the application of CPD teachers at MAN 3 Padang Panjang City is carried out in stages by prioritizing Government employees teachers. Teachers' scientific publications have not been optimally facilitated. Facilities for scientific publications do not yet exist so that teachers are lazy to write scientific papers, there are not enough sources and references to support teachers in making scientific writings

    Development and Implementation of Collaborative Guided Inquiry (CGI) Models in Improving Students' Critical Thinking in Biology Subjects at MAN 3 Padang Panjang City

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    Abstract___Education is an effort to self-develop students in terms of knowledge, attitudes and skills in a social environment in which there is interaction between students and educators. It is in this interaction that learning of behavior and norms takes place that is able to develop students' thinking potential. Collaborative Guided Inquiry learning is a structured and systematic model, in which small groups work together to achieve common goals and is a core part of contextual-based learning activities. It is hoped that the knowledge and skills acquired by students are not the result of remembering a set of facts but the result of discovering them yourself. The purpose of this study was to analyze the development and implementation of the Collaborative Guided Inquiry Model at MAN 3 Padang Panjang City. The method used is a qualitative method. Data collection techniques using triangulation techniques. Based on these conclusions, the researcher provides the following suggestions. For teachers, it can be used as a guide for learning guided inquiry models and used as an alternative learning to improve student learning outcomes. Introducing the stages of learning to students in advance, so that students can work independently and be more focused in doing practicum