Efforts To Optimize Counseling Guidance To Overcome Students Droping Out Of School In MAN 3 Kota Padang Panjang


Guidance and counseling services are carried out directly and indirectly, provided individually, in groups, classically, and in large classes or across classes. The target of guidance and counseling services is all individuals who are categorized as normal, and in the education unit. The target is students who need and who are deemed to need help. There are differences in the characteristics of students from one another, both in terms of gender and level of education. This study aims to determine the optimization of counseling guidance to overcome dropout students. The sample of data sources was selected from students who dropped out of MAN 3 Padang Panjang city. The data analysis used in this study is a qualitative analysis carried out descriptively. The results of this study were BK teachers in home visit services had provided advice and solutions to overcome dropout students through the Amil Zakat Agency. BAZ is willing to provide assistance for school needs

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