26 research outputs found

    Influence of Conversion and Anastomotic Leakage on Survival in Rectal Cancer Surgery; Retrospective Cross-sectional Study

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    De bereiding van thioureum: Fabrieksschema

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    Document(en) uit de collectie Chemische ProcestechnologieDelftChemTechApplied Science

    Improvements in spatiotemporal outcomes, but not in recruitment of automatic postural responses, are correlated with improved step quality following perturbation-based balance training in chronic stroke

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    INTRODUCTION: People with stroke often exhibit balance impairments, even in the chronic phase. Perturbation-based balance training (PBT) is a therapy that has yielded promising results in healthy elderly and several patient populations. Here, we present a threefold approach showing changes in people with chronic stroke after PBT on the level of recruitment of automatic postural responses (APR), step parameters and step quality. In addition, we provide insight into possible correlations across these outcomes and their changes after PBT. METHODS: We performed a complementary analysis of a recent PBT study. Participants received a 5-week PBT on the Radboud Fall simulator. During pre- and post-intervention assessments participants were exposed to platform translations in forward and backward directions. We performed electromyography of lower leg muscles to identify changes in APR recruitment. In addition, 3D kinematic data of stepping behavior was collected. We determined pre-post changes in muscle onset, magnitude and modulation of recruitment, step characteristics, and step quality. Subsequently, we determined whether improvements in step or muscle characteristics were correlated with improved step quality. RESULTS: We observed a faster gastrocnemius muscle onset in the stance and stepping leg during backward stepping. During forward stepping we found a trend toward a faster tibialis anterior muscle onset in the stepping leg. We observed no changes in modulation or magnitude of muscle recruitment. Leg angles improved by 2.3° in forward stepping and 2.5° in backward stepping. The improvement in leg angle during forward stepping was accompanied by a -4.1°change in trunk angle, indicating a more upright position. Step length, duration and velocity improved in both directions. Changes in spatiotemporal characteristics were strongly correlated with improvements in leg angle, but no significant correlations were observed of muscle onset or recruitment with leg or trunk angle. CONCLUSION: PBT leads to a multi-factorial improvement in onset of APR, spatiotemporal characteristics of stepping, and reactive step quality in people with chronic stroke. However, current changes in APR onset were not correlated with improvement in step quality. Therefore, we suggest that, in addition to spatiotemporal outcomes, other characteristics of muscle recruitment or behavioral substitution may induce step quality improvement after PBT

    Giant worm-shaped ESCRT scaffolds surround actin-independent integrin clusters.

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    Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport (ESCRT) proteins can be transiently recruited to the plasma membrane for membrane repair and formation of extracellular vesicles. Here, we discovered micrometer-sized worm-shaped ESCRT structures that stably persist for multiple hours at the plasma membrane of macrophages, dendritic cells, and fibroblasts. These structures surround clusters of integrins and known cargoes of extracellular vesicles. The ESCRT structures are tightly connected to the cellular support and are left behind by the cells together with surrounding patches of membrane. The phospholipid composition is altered at the position of the ESCRT structures, and the actin cytoskeleton is locally degraded, which are hallmarks of membrane damage and extracellular vesicle formation. Disruption of actin polymerization increased the formation of the ESCRT structures and cell adhesion. The ESCRT structures were also present at plasma membrane contact sites with membrane-disrupting silica crystals. We propose that the ESCRT proteins are recruited to adhesion-induced membrane tears to induce extracellular shedding of the damaged membrane

    Maintenance of Peripheral Naive T Cells Is Sustained by Thymus Output in Mice but Not Humans

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    Parallels between T cell kinetics in mice and men have fueled the idea that a young mouse is a good model system for a young human, and an old mouse, for an elderly human. By combining in vivo kinetic labeling using deuterated water, thymectomy experiments, analysis of T cell receptor excision circles and CD31 expression, and mathematical modeling, we have quantified the contribution of thymus output and peripheral naive T cell division to the maintenance of T cells in mice and men. Aging affected naive T cell maintenance fundamentally differently in mice and men. Whereas the naive T cell pool in mice was almost exclusively sustained by thymus output throughout their lifetime, the maintenance of the adult human naive T cell pool occurred almost exclusively through peripheral T cell division. These findings put constraints on the extrapolation of insights into T cell dynamics from mouse to man and vice versa