7 research outputs found

    High intrasexual competition is related to inflated height reports in male junior soccer players

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    Intrasexual competition refers to the rivalry between same-sex individuals over access to potential mates. Because in many animal species larger males are more likely to defeat smaller opponents over access to potential mates and additional resources, it has been suggested that intrasexual competition was a major driver in the emergence of male-biased sexual size dimorphism. In the same vein, human male height has been related to aggressive behavior, status and dominance. Given the value of body size in agonistic interactions, body inflation strategies are likely to have evolved in many animal species. In this study, we explored the relationship of the bias in reporting one's own height-a phenomenon reminiscent of animal self-inflation mechanisms-with intrasexual competition, and sociable and aggressive dominance, in the highly competitive context of Uruguayan pre-professional soccer. We also considered the bias in reporting additional operationalizations of body size, i.e., weight, and body mass index (BMI). We showed that intrasexual competition is positively correlated with height over-report. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to relate intrasexual competition and the bias in reporting one's own height, a putative indicator or power and status. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Soccer players awarded one or more red cards exhibit lower 2D:4D ratios

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    Anatomical, cognitive and behavioral sex differences are widely recognized in many species. It has been proposed that some of these differences might result from the organizing effects of prenatal sex steroids. In humans, males usually exhibit higher levels of physical aggression and prowess. In this study, we analyze the relationship between second-to-fourth digit (2D:4D) ratiosa proxy for prenatal androgen levelsand foul play and sporting performance in a sample of junior soccer players from a professional Uruguayan soccer club. Our results show that the most aggressive players (i.e., those awarded one or more red cards) have a more masculine finger pattern (lower 2D:4D ratio), while no relationship could be found between sporting performance and 2D:4D ratios. The results are discussed in the context of previous findings. Aggr. Behav. 42:417-426, 2016. (c) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc


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    There is considerable evidence supporting the existence of a difference in levels of aggression between men and women. It has also been proposed that testosterone levels could be related to aggressive behavior. This study explores the possible correlation of two different forms of dominance -sociable and aggressive dominance- and an indirect measure of fetal testosterone levels, the 2D:4D ratio, in a group of soccer players from the formative categories of a First Division team in Uruguay. The results obtained show a mild positive correlation of the 2D:4D ratio and aggressive dominance, but not sociable dominance. This paper discusses the results in the light of conflicting observations made in other populations. Additionally, basic psychometric properties of the sociable- and aggressive dominance scales applied in this study are presented.Existe considerable evidencia que apoya la existencia de una diferencia en los niveles de agresividad entre hombres y mujeres. Se ha propuesto adem谩s que los niveles de testosterona (T) estar铆an relacionados con las conductas agresivas. En este estudio se explora la eventual correlaci贸n entre dos formas de dominancia -la dominancia social y la dominancia agresiva- y una medida indirecta de los niveles de T fetal, la relaci贸n 2D:4D, en un grupo de jugadores de f煤tbol de las categor铆as formativas de un equipo de Primera Divisi贸n del Uruguay. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una leve correlaci贸n positiva de la relaci贸n 2D:4D y la dominancia agresiva, pero no con la dominancia social. En este trabajo se discuten los resultados a la luz de observaciones dispares observadas en otras poblaciones y se presentan algunas propiedades psicom茅tricas de las escalas de dominancia social y agresiva empleadas


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    This instrumental study analyses the psychometric characteristics of a scale that evaluates family functioning from the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale (FACES IV; Olson, 2011), applied to a sample of 356 families, selected through incidental sampling in Montevideo. The factorial structure, reliability and validitiy of the short version, is evaluated. The model of 6 factors that includes two balanced scales (cohesion and flexibility) and four unbalanced scales (chaotic, rigid, disengaged and enmeshed), each with 4 items, is evaluated through Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). All scales showed satisfactory psychometric properties, the CFA proved an adequate goodness of fit index (RMSEA = .034; CFI = .92; TLI = .91; IFI = .92). This version of the instrument is useful for the research of family functioning. More studies are necessary to improve the adaptation to our culture, through the analysis of content validity of the enmeshed and rigid scales.Este estudio instrumental analiza las propiedades psicom茅tricas de una聽 escala que eval煤a el funcionamiento familiar a partir del Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale (FACES IV; Olson, 2011), aplicada a una muestra de 356 familias, mediante muestreo incidental en Montevideo.聽 Se eval煤a la estructura factorial, fiabilidad y validez de la versi贸n abreviada. Se prueba mediante An谩lisis Factorial Confirmatorio (AFC) el modelo de 6 factores que incluye dos escalas balanceadas (cohesi贸n y flexibilidad) y cuatro escalas desbalanceadas (ca贸tica, r铆gida, desligada, y enmara帽ada), cada una con 4 铆tems. Todas las escalas demostraron tener adecuadas propiedades psicom茅tricas, el AFC presenta 铆ndices de ajuste aceptables (RMSEA = .034; CFI = .92; TLI = .91; IFI = .92). Esta versi贸n del instrumento resulta 煤til para la investigaci贸n del funcionamiento familiar. Es necesario realizar m谩s estudios para mejorar su adaptaci贸n a nuestra cultura, analizando la validez de contenido en las escalas enmara帽ada y r铆gida

    Trastornos de personalidad en consumidores de drogas: datos preliminares

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    Comorbility between licit and illicit drugs and personality disorders is studied in a sample of 320 adults who attended specialized addictions service. There is a predominance of single-male participants with a starting age at 20 on drug consumption while consultation begins around 35. Fifty percent of the consultations correspond to alcohol in both sexes. The more frequent Illicit drugs were marijuana and cocaine. Gender differences were found. Firstly, the use of sedatives in women and of marijuana in men, and, secondly different personality profi les. The more predominant personality disorders were the ones of the cluster B. The con- sumption of illicit drugs is associated with the borderline and antisocial personality disorders. In men, this was found concurrently with narcissistic personality disorder and in women, with the dependent and histrionic personality disordersSe estudia la Comorbilidad entre consumo de drogas legales e ilegales y el tipo de Trastorno de Personalidad en una muestra de 320 adultos: a trav茅s de Entrevista Cl铆nica Psiqui谩trica (estandarizada y normatizada) a pacientes que concurrieron a un servicio espe- cializado en adicciones. Hay un predominio del sexo masculino, solteros, con edad de inicio en el consumo de drogas de 20 a帽os y de consulta 鈥損romedio- de 35 a帽os. El 50% de las consultas fue por alcohol, en ambos sexos. Las drogas ilegales m谩s frecuentes fueron mari- huana y coca铆na. Se encontraron diferencias de g茅nero, entre ellas, el consumo de sedantes propio de las mujeres y el de marihuana en los hombres, as铆 como un perfi l de personalidad diferente.En los Trastornos de Personalidad predominaron los del grupo B. El consumo de drogas ilegales se asocia a los Trastornos Disocial y L铆mite. En los hombres se agrega el Narcisista y en las mujeres el Histri贸nico y Dependiente

    Construcci贸n y validez de la Bater铆a Neuropsicol贸gica Digital Infantil (BANEDI)

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    Resumen: Este reporte presenta informaci贸n sobre el proceso de construcci贸n y evidencia de validez de la Bater铆a Neuropsicol贸gica Digital Infantil (BANEDI) en base a los datos recolectados de una muestra de 988 ni帽os/adolescentes de Montevideo, Uruguay y Buenos Aires, Argentina. Enmarcado en aportes recientes de la neuropsicolog铆a cognitiva, BANEDI permite evaluar el desarrollo neuropsicol贸gico de ni帽os y adolescentes de 4 a 15 a帽os y cursando Educaci贸n Preescolar Nivel 4 a 3潞 de Educaci贸n Secundaria en la regi贸n del R铆o de la Plata. Apunta a ser un recurso de utilidad cl铆nica y rigor cient铆fico para recolectar informaci贸n sobre los siguientes ocho dominios cognitivos: memoria, atenci贸n y funciones ejecutivas, teor铆a de la mente, habilidades metaling眉铆sticas, lenguaje oral, habilidades viso-espaciales, lenguaje escrito y habilidades matem谩ticas. Consta de un total de 75 pruebas y dos cuestionarios para padres y docentes. En este art铆culo proveemos informaci贸n sobre los resultados de an谩lisis de parametrizaci贸n de los 铆tems de las pruebas, as铆 como evidencia de la validez de contenido, de criterio y evolutiva de la BANEDI. En conclusi贸n, los resultados reflejan que la BANEDI cumple con los criterios de calidad psicom茅trica necesarios para realizar una estimaci贸n v谩lida del funcionamiento neuropsicol贸gico de ni帽os/adolescentes entre 4 y 15 a帽os de edad y cursando Educaci贸n Preescolar Nivel 4 a 3潞 de Educaci贸n Secundaria en la regi贸n del R铆o de la Plata.Abstract: This report presents information on the design and validity of the Bater铆a Neuropsicol贸gica Digital Infantil (BANEDI - in English Digital Developmental Neuropsychological Test Battery) based on data collected from a sample of 988 children/adolescents in Montevideo, Uruguay and Buenos Aires, Argentina. Building on recent contributions from cognitive neuropsychology, this instrument aims to assess the neuropsychological development of children and adolescents aged 4 to 15 years and attending Preschool to 3rd year of Secondary school in the region of R铆o de la Plata. BANEDI intends to be a clinically useful and scientifically rigorous tool to collect information on the following eight cognitive domains: memory, attention and executive functions, theory of mind, metalinguistic skills, oral language, visual-spatial skills, written language and mathematical skills. It consists of a total of 75 subtests and two questionnaires for parents and teachers. In this report we provide information on the results of item parameter analyses of the subtests included in the battery, as well as evidence on the content, criterion and developmental validity of BANEDI. To conclude, results reflect that BANEDI meets the criteria to ensure psychometric quality and can therefore be used to complete a valid estimation of the neuropsychological functioning of children/adolescents aged 4 to 15 years and attending Preschool to 3rd year of Secondary school

    Escala de evaluaci贸n del funcionamiento familiar faces IV: proceso de adaptaci贸n a Montevideo, Uruguay

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    In this article we introduce the first stage in the process of adaptation and standardization of the FACES IV (Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales), an instrument devised to measure family functioning. The Circumplex Model (Olson, 1999) provides theoretical support for the instrument, used in all four of its versions, in international research. Our team has had the endorsement of the author and aimed for the translation and the study of the unidimensionality of the scales of the instrument as initial goals. A total of 584 subjects from the city of Montevideo completed the FACES IV in four consecutive pilot studies, in this article we present the first and the fourth study, completed by 275 subjects. The results for the dimensionality of each scale show that only the chaotic scale is not unidimensional. Provisional reliability for the eight scales was as follow: Balanced cohesion = .71; Balanced flexibility = .64; Disengaged = .77; Enmeshed = .63; Rigid = .68; Chaotic = .65; Communication = .88 and Satisfaction = .94.En este art铆culo presentamos los resultados preliminares de la primera etapa del proceso de adaptaci贸n y traducci贸n del FACES IV (Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales), que mide funcionalidad familiar. El Modelo Circunflejo (Olson, 1999) constituye el sustento te贸rico de este instrumento, utilizado en sus cuatro versiones, en investigaciones de nivel internacional. Nuestro equipo, contando desde el inicio con el aval de los autores, se propuso como primer objetivo la traducci贸n y el estudio preliminar de la unidimensionalidad de las escalas del instrumento. El mismo fue aplicado a 584 sujetos de Montevideo (Uruguay), en cuatro muestras pilotos consecutivos. En este art铆culo se presentar谩n la primera y 煤ltima administraci贸n (275 sujetos). Los resultados del estudio de dimensionalidad en cada escala, evidencian que solamente la escala ca贸tica no es unidimensional. La fiabilidad provisoria para las escalas que conforman el FACES IV son: Cohesi贸n balanceada =.71; Flexibilidad balanceada =.64; Desligada =.77; Enmara帽ada =.63; R铆gida =.68; Ca贸tica =.65; Comunicaci贸n =.88 y Satisfacci贸n =.94