981 research outputs found

    Enabling Technologies of Cyber Crime: Why Lawyers Need to Understand It

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    This Article discusses the enabling technologies of cyber crime and analyzes their role in the resolution of related legal issues. It demonstrates the translation of traditional legal principles to a novel technological environment in a way that preserves their meaning and policy rationale. It concludes that lawyers who fail to understand the translation will likely pursue a suboptimal litigation strategy, face speculative recovery prospects, and may overlook effective and potentially powerful defenses

    The trends and future of biotechnology crops for insect pest control

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    Biotech crops, including those that are genetically modified (GM) with Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) endotoxins for insect resistance, have been cultivated commercially and adopted in steadily increasing numbers of countries over the past 14 years. This review discusses the current status of insect resistant transgenic crops and the often raised concern that its resilience is limited and that its efficacy will be compromised by insect resistance. We consider this trait as it is currently deployed in fields across the world as well as potential candidates that are at various stages of development along the pathway between the laboratory and deregulation. Future trends and prospects for biotechnological applications to mediate crop protection against insects are also considered. These include strategies employing stacked genes, modified Bt toxins, vegetative insecticidal proteins, lectins, endogenous resistance mechanisms as well as novel approaches. In addition, the benefits and risks associated with the adoption of GM insect resistant crops, especially for developing countries and resource-poor smallholder farmers are also discussed.Key words: Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), endotoxins, Cry proteins, transgenic crops, insect resistanc

    Cantons de Puiseaux, Malesherbes et Pithiviers

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    Cette nouvelle campagne de prospections aériennes dans le nord Loiret est dirigée par Christophe Devilliers avec la collaboration de photographes aériens : Annick Tardif, Francis Tardif, Sylvain Hervé, Charles Kister, Éric Fortier (Société archéologique de la région de Puiseaux). Les vols se font à l’aide d’ULM (bases des Drôles d’Oiseaux à Marsainvilliers et de la Cailletterie à Mondreville). L’année 2018 marque le vingtième anniversaire des prospections aériennes au sein de l’association. C..

    Estimating the Template in the Total Space with the Fréchet Mean on Quotient Spaces may have a Bias: a Case Study on Vector Spaces Quotiented by the Group of Translations

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    International audienceWhen we have a deformation group acting on a vector space of observations, these data are not anymore elements of our space but rather orbits for the group action we consider. If the data are generated from an unknown template with noise, to estimate this template, one may want to minimize the variance in the quotient set. In this article we study statistics on a particular quotient space. We prove that the expected value of a random variable in our vector space mapped in the quotient space is different from the Fréchet mean in the quotient space when the observations are noisy

    Histologic evaluation of bone healing of adjacent alveolar sockets grafted with bovine- and porcine-derived bone: a comparative case report in humans

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    To evaluate and compare histomorphometrically the bone response to two xenografts, one bovine and the other porcine, grafted in adjacent extraction sockets in a human. In this case report, two adjacent maxillary premolars were extracted, and the sockets were filled with two different xenogeneic bone substitutes (first premolar with bovine bone, and second premolar with porcine bone) to counteract post-extraction volume loss. Following 6 months bone core specimens were harvested during the placement of implants at the regenerated sites. Histomorphometrically, for the bovine xenograft the percentage of newly formed bone (osteoid) was 26.85%, the percentage of the residual graft material was 17.2% and the percentage of connective tissue 48.73%, while for the porcine xenograft, newly formed bone (osteoid) represented 32.19%, residual graft material was 6.57% and non-mineralized connective tissue was 52.99%. Histological results indicated that both biomaterials assessed in this study as grafts for socket preservation technique are biocompatible and osteoconductive. Bovine bone derived demonstrated to be less resorbable than porcine bone derived. Both xenogenic biomaterials did not interfere with the normal bone reparative processe

    Clinical, radiographic, and histologic evaluation of maxillary sinus lift procedure using a highly purified xenogenic graft (Laddec(®))

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical, radiographic and histologic results when a highly purified xenogenic bone (Laddec(®)) was used as grafting material in maxillary sinuses

    Consistance des statistiques dans les espaces quotients de dimension infinie

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    In computational anatomy, organ shapes are assumed to be deformation of a common template. The data can be organ images but also organ surfaces, and the deformations are often assumed to be diffeomorphisms. In order to estimate the template, one often uses the max-max algorithm which minimizes, among all the prospective templates, the sum of the squared distance after registration between the data and a prospective template. Registration is here the step of the algorithm which finds the best deformation between two shapes. The goal of this thesis is to study this template estimation method from a mathematically point of view. We prove in particular that this algorithm is inconsistent due to the noise. This means that even with an infinite number of data, and with a perfect minimization algorithm, one estimates the original template with an error. In order to prove inconsistency, we formalize the template estimation: deformations are assumed to be random elements of a group which acts on the space of observations. Besides, the studied algorithm is interpreted as the computation of the Fréchet mean in the space of observations quotiented by the group of deformations. In this thesis, we prove that the inconsistency comes from the contraction of the distance in the quotient space with respect to the distance in the space of observations. Besides, we obtained a Taylor expansion of the consistency bias with respect to the noise level. As a consequence, the inconsistency is unavoidable when the noise level is high.En anatomie computationnelle, on suppose que les formes d'organes sont issues des déformations d'un template commun. Les données peuvent être des images ou des surfaces d'organes, les déformations peuvent être des difféomorphismes. Pour estimer le template, on utilise souvent un algorithme appelé «max-max» qui minimise parmi tous les candidats, la somme des carrées des distances après recalage entre les données et le template candidat. Le recalage est l'étape de l'algorithme qui trouve la meilleure déformation pour passer d'une forme à une autre. Le but de cette thèse est d'étudier cet algorithme max-max d'un point de vue mathématique. En particulier, on prouve que cet algorithme est inconsistant à cause du bruit. Cela signifie que même avec un nombre infini de données et avec un algorithme de minimisation parfait, on estime le template original avec une erreur non nulle. Pour prouver l'inconsistance, on formalise l'estimation du template. On suppose que les déformations sont des éléments aléatoires d'un groupe qui agit sur l'espace des observations. L'algorithme étudié est interprété comme le calcul de la moyenne de Fréchet dans l'espace des observations quotienté par le groupe des déformations. Dans cette thèse, on prouve que l'inconsistance est dû à la contraction de la distance quotient par rapport à la distance dans l'espace des observations. De plus, on obtient un équivalent de biais de consistance en fonction du niveau de bruit. Ainsi, l'inconsistance est inévitable quand le niveau de bruit est suffisamment grand

    Characterisation of aged HDPE pipes from drinking water distribution : investigation of crack depth by Nol ring tests under creep loading

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    International audienceHDPE pipes are used for the transport of drinking water. However, disinfectants in waterseem to have a strong impact on their mechanical behaviour, limiting their lifetime inoperation. Indeed, oxidation occurs when they are in contact with disinfectants leading to theformation of a thin oxidised layer coupled to the cracks initiation of cracks of different lengthsfrom the inner wall surface. An original method is proposed here to characterise the ageingeffect of the pipe mechanical behaviour. Inspired from the ASTM D 2290-04 standard, NolRing tests have been performed under tensile and creep loadings on smooth rings. Aconstitutive equation has been determined from these tests using a finite element (FE)modelling. FE simulations have been performed to study the influence of the thin oxidised PElayer. Precracked specimens with different crack depth ratio have also been modelled. Thecrack depth ratio is an important parameter to quantify pipe ageing

    Microgenomics in ameloblastoma

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    Ameloblastoma, the second most common tumor arising from odontogenic epithelium of the jawbones, is characterized by a benign but locally invasive behavior with a high risk of recurrence. RNA was isolated and amplified from laser capture microdissected (AutoPix™) epithelial cells from five samples of formalin fixed decalcified paraffin embedded, (FFDPE) ameloblastoma tissue. The aminoallyl antisense RNA (aa-aRNA) was hybridized to 40,000-oligonucleotide expression microarrays and compared with Human Universal Reference RNA. Of the 210 significantly over-expressed genes, many were previously associated with tumor development, including Ras, cMic, Fos, WNT10A, FGF13 and T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia 1. Other genes associated with tumor progression were also noted including Integrins, IL-17 , Spondin 2 and Beta adrenergic receptor kinase 2. Finally polymerase (DNA directed) gamma 2 , a DNA-repair gene product, was also up-regulated in ameloblastoma