225 research outputs found

    Criblage de bactéries productrices d'enzymes (fucosidase et fucoïdane hydrolase) capables de dégrader les fucoïdanes

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    Les fucanes, ou fucoĂŻdanes, sont des polysaccharides caractĂ©ristiques des algues brunes comme Saccharina longicruris. Leur hydrolyse par des enzymes bactĂ©riennes amplifie leurs activitĂ©s biologiques. Cependant, peu d'enzymes capables d'hydrolyser les fucoĂŻdanes ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©couvertes et leurs actions sont spĂ©cifiques Ă  la structure de chaque fucoĂŻdane. Le but de ce projet est d'identifier des bactĂ©ries marines capables d'hydrolyser le fucoĂŻdane. Des bactĂ©ries fucosidase positives ont d'abord Ă©tĂ© isolĂ©es par des prĂ©enrichissements Ă  partir d'Ă©chantillons d'algues et d'eau de mer prĂ©levĂ©s dans le fleuve St-Laurent (Ste-Luce, mai 2007) et sĂ©lectionnĂ©es par une rĂ©action chromogĂ©nique. Le sĂ©quençage d'une section de la petite sous-unitĂ© du gĂšne d'ADNr 16S a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que les bactĂ©ries sĂ©lectionnĂ©es appartenaient Ă  Pseudoalteromonas spp. La cinĂ©tique de croissance d'une souche de Pseudoalteromonas dans un milieu Ă  base d'eau de mer (Marine Broth) avec ou sans les diffĂ©rents sucres composant le fucoĂŻdane (glucose, fucose ou galactose) n'a pas rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© de diffĂ©rence entre les milieux testĂ©s. Le dosage des activitĂ©s enzymatiques de type fucosidase et fucoĂŻdane hydrolase des extraits bruts de biomasse a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ© par la mesure de la libĂ©ration du nitrophĂ©nol lors de l'hydrolyse du PNP-oc-L-fucoside et par le dosage des sucres rĂ©ducteurs, respectivement. L'activitĂ© spĂ©cifique de la fucosidase, optimisĂ©e Ă  20°C, est d'environ 0,014 U/mg et elle est constante dans le temps. Celle de la fucoĂŻdane hydrolase, atteint sa valeur maximale de 0,67 U/mg aprĂšs une heure d'incubation et est optimale Ă  50°C. Ce travail a permis l'isolement d'une bactĂ©rie productrice de deux enzymes capables de dĂ©grader les fucoĂŻdanes, soit la fucosidase et la fucoĂŻdane hydrolase. Les gĂšnes codant pour ces enzymes pourront ultĂ©rieurement ĂȘtre identifiĂ©s et servir au dĂ©veloppement d'un procĂ©dĂ© commercial de fractionnement du fucoĂŻdane par bioconversion

    Early intervention for childhood overweight:A randomized trial in general practice

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    Objective. To evaluate the effect of two intervention modalities concerning overweight and obesity among children in general practice. Design. Prospective randomized controlled trial. Setting. A total of 60 general practices in the former County of Funen, Denmark. Subjects. Overweight children, identified by International Obesity Task Force criteria, aged 5–9 years. Intervention. Model 1 with health consultations in general practice during a two-year period or Model 2, an educational programme for the children and their families in addition to the health consultations. Main outcome measures. Change in body mass index (BMI) z-score in order to compare the results, independent of gender- and age-related changes over time. Results. A total of 80 children were recruited with 35 and 45 children allocated to Model 1 and Model 2, respectively. No significant differences were found in the change in BMI z-score (SDS) between the two groups. A decrease in the mean BMI z-score from baseline to study end of −0.20 (95%CI −0.38 to −0.01) in Model 1 and −0.26 (95%CI −0.44 to −0.09) in Model 2, respectively, was detected. The majority of the participants (2/3) continued in the study for more than one year in both models, with a mean of 12 consultations in general practice. Conclusion. In this particular setting the two intervention strategies against overweight and obesity did not differ significantly with regard to change in BMI z-scores

    Association between sexually transmitted disease and church membership:a retrospective cohort study of two Danish religious minorities

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    OBJECTIVES: Studies comprising Danish Seventh-day Adventists (SDAs) and Danish Baptists found that members have a lower risk of chronic diseases including cancer. Explanations have pointed to differences in lifestyle, but detailed aetiology has only been sparsely examined. Our objective was to investigate the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among Danish SDAs and Baptists as a proxy for cancers related to sexual behaviour. METHODS: We followed the Danish Cohort of Religious Societies from 1977 to 2009, and linked it with national registers of all inpatient and outpatient care contacts using the National Patient Register. We compared the incidence of syphilis, gonorrhoea and chlamydia among members of the cohort with the general population. RESULTS: The cohort comprised 3119 SDA females, 1856 SDA males, 2056 Baptist females and 1467 Baptist males. For the entire cohort, we expected a total of 32.4 events of STD, and observed only 9. Female SDAs and Baptists aged 20–39 years had significant lower incidence of chlamydia (both p<0.001). Male SDAs and Baptists aged 20–39 years also had significant lower incidence of chlamydia (p<0.01 and p<0.05, respectively). No SDA members were diagnosed with gonorrhoea, when 3.4 events were expected, which, according to Hanley's ‘rule of three’, is a significant difference. No SDA or Baptist was diagnosed with syphilis. CONCLUSIONS: The cohort shows significant lower incidence of STD, most likely including human papillomavirus, which may partly explain the lower incidence of cancers of the cervix, rectum, anus, head and neck

    Management of toxic ingestions with the use of renal replacement therapy

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    Although rare, renal replacement therapy (RRT) for the treatment of the metabolic, respiratory and hemodynamic complications of intoxications may be required. Understanding the natural clearance of the medications along with their volume of distribution, protein binding and molecular weight will help in understanding the benefit of commencing RRT. This information will aid in choosing the optimal forms of RRT in an urgent setting. Overdose of common pediatric medications are discussed with suggestions on the type of RRT within this educational review

    What’s new in psoriasis treatment? An analysis of systematic reviews published in 2015

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    This review provides a summary of key findings from 27 systematic reviews of 51 articles first published or indexed during 2015, focusing on the treatment of psoriasis as well as precision medicine in psoriasis. Evidence supports weight loss interventions by dieting and exercise for the improvement in disease severity in overweight and obese patients with psoriasis. No significant increased risk of serious infections were reported for the biologic therapies adalimumab, etanercept and ustekinumab when compared with appropriate comparators. Evidence could not provide reliable estimates of rare adverse events, underscoring the need for large prospective registries. Polymorphisms in the tumour necrosis factor (TNF) alpha gene may confer improved responses to TNF inhibitor (TNFI) therapy, but studies to date lack power to detect true association. From limited available evidence, multidisciplinary management is both more effective and more satisfactory for patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis than conventional consultations. This summary of reviews provides a succinct guide for clinicians and patients wishing to remain up‐to‐date with high quality evidence for the treatment of psoriasis

    "Bon sommeil, bonne grossesse, les atouts de l'acupuncture"

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    Acupuncture obstĂ©tricaleLe sommeil, activitĂ© physiologique vitale, est trĂšs souvent perturbĂ© chez la femme enceinte avec des consĂ©quences multiples, tant sur le plan physique que psychique. L’étude par le biais de questionnaires destinĂ©s aux femmes enceintes a permis de montrer que les troubles de leur sommeil Ă©taient liĂ©s aux modifications Ă©nergĂ©tiques de la grossesse. La mĂ©decine chinoise, Ă  travers l’acupuncture, reprĂ©sente une solution alternative efficace et intĂ©ressante en termes de prĂ©vention, alors que la mĂ©decine allopathique et les professionnels de la naissance se trouvent souvent dĂ©pourvus. Les femmes doivent avoir conscience que leur sommeil est important et les inciter Ă  en parler en allant au devant des questions permet une prise en charge individuelle et orientĂ©e, afin de les accompagner et d’optimiser leur accouchemen
