2,327 research outputs found

    Spinodal instability growth in new stochastic approaches

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    Are spinodal instabilities the leading mechanism in the fragmentation of a fermionic system? Numerous experimental indications suggest such a scenario and stimulated much effort in giving a suitable description, without being finalised in a dedicated transport model. On the one hand, the bulk character of spinodal behaviour requires an accurate treatment of the one-body dynamics, in presence of mechanical instabilities. On the other hand, pure mean-field implementations do not apply to situations where instabilities, bifurcations and chaos are present. The evolution of instabilities should be treated in a large-amplitude framework requiring fluctuations of Langevin type. We present new stochastic approaches constructed by requiring a thorough description of the mean-field response in presence of instabilities. Their particular relevance is an improved description of the spinodal fragmentation mechanism at the threshold, where the instability growth is frustrated by the mean-field resilience.Comment: Conf. proc. IWM2014-EC, Catania, 6-9 May 201

    Libro del principio de la Orden de la Cavalleria de S. Tiago del Espada... [Texto impreso]

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    ColofónPort. con esc. xil. realErrores de numeración sin afectar al textoSign.: [calderón]2, [calderón]4, A-Z8, 2A-2B8, C2, [cruz]6, [cruz]

    Adriana de la Mota : passion, wine and destiny

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    La historia de la vitivinicultura mendocina cuenta en Adriana de la Mota a una de sus pioneras más destacadas. Su biografía habla de pasión y determinación para instalarse en un ámbito que privilegia a los varones.The history of viti-viniculture in Mendoza places Adriana de la Motta as a distinguished pioneer. Her biography speaks of passion and determination to set her place in a male priviledged space.Fil: Villanueva de la Mota, Belén

    Reflexions sobre metodologia docent a partir de l'elaboració d'un dossier de docència en l'àrea de llengua espanyola

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    L'elaboració d'un dossier de docència constitueix un acte de reflexió sobre la pròpia metodologia docent. Cada fase per la qual es passa en el procés d'elaboració, des de la selecció de la informació i la classificació de dades fins la verbalització d'una filosofia docent personal i unes metes per al futur, comporta dificultats per al professor que s'hi posa per primer cop. No és estrany que un professor ja hagi pensat detingudament en la seva tasca docent abans de plantejar-se l'elaboració d'un dossier, però l'esforç que suposa tot el procés el porta a plantejar-se noves qüestions i reforça la seva motivació. El present treball recull aquesta experiència. Es presenten els problemes i els avantatges derivats de la confecció d'un dossier de docència en l'àrea de llengua, atenent també al procediment que s'ha seguit per redactar-lo i discutirlo en un grup de treball interuniversitari: la participació en línia de tots els membres del grup i la revisió del dossier electrònic de manera semipresencial amb els tutors i companys.Developing a teaching portfolio constitutes a reflective practice about one's current teaching strategies. Any stage of the elaboration process, from the selection of information and data classification to the verbalización of a personal educational philosophy and a series of goals for the future, poses difficulties to the teacher who is working on the porfolio for the first time. It is not rare that a teacher has already thought at great length about his educational task before considering to prepare a portfolio, but the effort that is put into the task leaves him to consider new questions and reinforces his motivation. The present work gathers this experience. This work focuses on the problems and advantages of preparing a teaching portfolio in the area of language, also taking into account the procedure that has been followed to write it up and to discuss it in an interuniversity workgroup: the participation on line of all the group members and the review of the electronic dossier by the tutors and colleagues in a blended learning environment

    Aeternum: a trading card game with augmented reality

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    This Bachelor’s Thesis explores the fusion of traditional Trading Card Games with Augmented Reality technology, primarily focusing on the Aeternum TCG. The project’s aim is to improve the learning experience of new players by using a companion AR app. The project draws inspiration from renowned TCGs like Magic: The Gathering, Force of Will or Yu-Gi-Oh! To gain insights into game mechanics, card design and accessibility and design a deck that is simple to use but has depth. The deck and the app that have been developed have been refined in play testing sessions to create a fun and complex game that can be easily understood by all kinds of players. This project is a glimpse into the potential of merging traditional tabletop games with new technologies to improve the experience of the users

    Dynamical self-consistent description of exotic structures in nuclear matter at subnuclear densities

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    We investigate the occurrence of exotic structures in nuclear matter at subnuclear densities within the framework of the dywan model. This approach, developed ab initio for the description of nuclear collisions, is a microscopic dynamical approach in which the numerical treatment makes use of wavelet representation techniques. Before tackling the effects of multi-particle correlations on the overall dynamics, we focused the present work on the study of cold matter within a pure mean field description. Starting from inhomogeneous initial conditions provided by an arrangement of nuclei located on an initial crystalline lattice, the exotic structures result from the dynamical self-consistent evolution. The nuclear system can freely self-organize, it can modify or even break the lattice structure and the initial symmetries of matter distribution. This approach goes beyond the Wigner-Seitz approximation and no assumption of final shapes of matter is made. In this framework, different effects, as the sensitivity of the structural phases to the Equation of State and to the proton fraction are analysed

    Modeling Sustainable Supply Chain Management as a Complex Adaptive System: The Emergence of Cooperation

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    The aim of this chapter is to characterize sustainable supply chain management as a complex adaptive system (CAS) and develop an evolutionary game theory-based model to understand how cooperation emerges from interactions among companies to adopt sustainable management practices. We consider two interacting populations 1 and 2, each one with heterogeneous companies belonging to the same supply chain. One population is expected to behave cooperatively in adopting sustainable management practices while the other is expected to behave uncooperatively. The mathematical model we propose is game-dynamical replicator equations for multiple populations in the prisoner´s dilemma (PD) game and we implement it using NetLogo software. The proportion of cooperative companies in each population that adopt sustainable management practices evolves positively over time as companies only imitate the adoption of sustainable management practices in their own population and in the populations of their partners when the benefit obtained by cooperating is maximum. The spatial patterns observed help us to clarify the preconditions for the emergence of cooperation among companies in managing material, information and capital flows in a sustainable way. Finally, our simulation results show that the sustainable management of supply chains needs to be studied as CASs, in order to take into account the social side of sustainability

    Self-consistent dynamical mean-field investigation of exotic structures in isospin-asymetric nuclear matter

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    The exotic structures expected in the outermost layer of neutron stars are investigated in a new approach. It is based on the DYnamical WAvelets in Nuclei (DYWAN) model of nuclear collisions. This microscopic dynamical approach is an Extended Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock description based on a wavelet representation. The model addresses the dynamical exploration of complex nuclear structures, beyond the Wigner-Seitz (WS) approximation and without any assumption on their final shapes. The present study focuses on exotic phases of cold matter evidenced dynamically at sub-saturation densities, currently within a pure mean field framework, before tackling the effects of the multi-particle correlations in a forthcoming study. Starting from inhomogeneous initial conditions provided by nuclei located on an initial crystalline lattice, the exotic structures result from a dynamical self-consistent treatment where, in principle, the nuclear system can freely self-organize, modify the lattice structure or even break the lattice and the initial matter distribution symmetries. In this work nuclei are initially slightly excited with low-lying collective modes. The system can then explore geometrical configurations with similar energies, without being trapped in the vicinity of a local minimum. In this quantum framework, different effects are analyzed, among them the sensitivity to the equation of state and to the proton fraction