31 research outputs found

    Crafting ecologies of existence : more than human community making in Colombian textile craftivism

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    Based on ethnographic work with several women’s textile making collectives in Colombia, this article approaches their crafting practices as everyday doings of socio-ecological reparation, in the midst of social and environmental devastation caused by the armed conflict. Rather than focusing on the relevance of their activities for political activism and historical memory, an ecological perspective allows us to emphasise their work as a mundane, more than social process of communal regeneration. We discuss how women in these collectives, after painful and violent displacements, craft new ecologies of existence: relations and interdependencies within more than human worlds that cultivate new modes of care and attention, values and sensibilities in precarious living spaces. Ecological reparation is an everyday, vital, ongoing practice essential for community resurgence and for re-establishing collectivities that sustain liveable worlds

    O pensamento disruptivo do cuidado

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    Cuidado, cuidando, cuidadora. Palavras carregadas, contestadas. Ainda assim, tão comuns na vida cotidiana, é como se o cuidado fosse natural, para além de alguma expertise ou conhecimento particular. A maioria de nós precisa do cuidado, sente o cuidado, é cuidada ou encontra o cuidado em uma ou outra forma. O cuidado é onipresente, inclusive através dos efeitos da sua ausência. Como um sentimento de falta que emana dos efeitos da negligência, ele passa dentro, através, por todas as coisas. Su..

    Re-Shape: A Method to Teach Data Ethics for Data Science Education

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    Data has become central to the technologies and services that human-computer interaction (HCI) designers make, and the ethical use of data in and through these technologies should be given critical attention throughout the design process. However, there is little research on ethics education in computer science that explicitly addresses data ethics. We present and analyze Re-Shape, a method to teach students about the ethical implications of data collection and use. Re-Shape, as part of an educational environment, builds upon the idea of cultivating care and allows students to collect, process, and visualizetheir physical movement data in ways that support critical reflection and coordinated classroom activities about data, data privacy, and human-centered systems for data science. We also use a case study of Re-Shape in an undergraduate computer science course to explore prospects and limitations of instructional designs and educational technology such as Re-Shape that leverage personal data to teach data ethics

    Re-animating soils : transforming human–soil affections through science, culture and community

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    'In a sense we are unique moist packages of animated soil’. These are the alluring words of Francis D. Hole, a professor of soil science renowned for encouraging love for the soil and understanding of its vital importance. Affirming humans as being soil entangles them in substantial commonness. This article explores how altering the imaginaries of soils as inert matter subjected to human use and re-animating the life within them is transforming contemporary human–soil affections by developing a sense of shared aliveness. Presenting research on current practices and stories emerging from scientific accounts, community involvements and artistic manifestations, I propose five emerging motifs of renewed imaginaries of soil’s aliveness that feed into each other to affirm intimate entanglements of human–soil matter. I argue that while a vision of anthropocenic soils invokes yet another objectified natural resource brought to exhaustion by a deadly human-centred productionist ethos, as soils are re-animated and enlivened, a sense of human–soil entangled and intimate interdependency is intensified. These new involvements with soil’s aliveness open up a sense of earthy connectedness that animates and re-affects material worlds and foster sense of more than human community

    Think we must: politiques féministes et construction des savoirs

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    Cette dissertation porte sur les liens entre les pratiques politiques et la construction des savoirs, académiques et scientifiques, explorés dans le mouvement féministe et les « Études féministes » contemporains, notamment anglo-américaines (women studies), depuis les années 1970. Dans la première partie, après avoir introduit le sens que donnent à la pratique « politique » certaines traditions féministes, nous présentons différentes entrées des critiques féministes des savoirs scientifiques :la critique de l'exclusion historique des femmes de la production des savoirs et des sciences et l’examen critique des préjugés sexistes intervenant dans les contenus et les critères de validation des connaissances (théorie de la connaissance ou épistémologie). La deuxième partie de la thèse propose une lecture d’auteures anglophones qui ont abordé les sciences à partir d’une perspective féministe et qui ont développé des propositions qui encouragent à la reconnaissance active du caractère partiel et situé de toute construction de savoir. Nous abordons, plus précisément :les théories sur l’incidence épistémologique de points de vue et positionnements féministes (standpoints) ;le travail de la philosophe Sandra Harding spécialement sa conceptualisation d’une « objectivité forte » ;et la conception des « savoirs situés » dans le travail de l’historienne de la biologie Donna Haraway. Ces propositions de politiques du savoir sont aussi abordées dans l’optique de montrer les problèmes spécifiques qu’elles rencontrent quand elles s’adressent aux savoirs de la tradition scientifique expérimentale.Une question traverse la thèse :Comment ces critiques et propositions tiennent-elles compte de la diversité des pratiques spécifiques de construction des savoirs ?Alors même que le cœur des propositions féministes qui nous intéressent est de situer les savoirs dans leur spécificité reste à savoir comment ces mêmes politiques féministes résistent à se désituer à savoir, à emprunter les formes d'une théorie générale pour aborder les pratiques singulières. Prendre en compte de la spécificité des pratiques exige en outre d’envisager les auteures féministes au travail dans les pratiques et problèmes singuliers qui les intéressent, et ainsi montrer la richesse de ce courant de pensée.Doctorat en philosophie et lettres, Orientation philosophieinfo:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    Matters of Care: Speculative Ethics in More than Human Worlds

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    Positioning within feminisms: Comments on Cathrine Egeland's what's feminist in feminist theory ?

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    SCOPUS: re.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Ecological thinking, material spirituality, and the poetics of infrastructure

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    Ecological thinking, material spirituality, and the poetics of infrastructur

    Pourquoi la liberté académique ?

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