357 research outputs found


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    The South African government is exploring ways to address water scarcity problems by introducing a water resource management charge on the quantity of water used in sectors such as irrigated agriculture, mining and forestry. It is expected that a more efficient water allocation, lower use and a positive impact on poverty can be achieved. This paper reports on the validity of these claims by applying a computable general equilibrium model to analyse the triple dividend of water consumption charges in South Africa: reduced water use, more rapid economic growth, and a more equal income distribution. It is shown that the appropriate, budget-neutral combination of water charges, particularly on irrigated agriculture and coal mining, and reduced indirect taxes, particularly on food, would yield triple dividends.water scarcity, water charges, triple dividend, poverty alleviation, computable general equilibrium model

    Anti-de Sitter Supersymmetry

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    We give a pedagogical introduction to certain aspects of supersymmetric field theories in anti-de Sitter space. Among them are the presence of masslike terms in massless wave equations, irreducible unitary representations and the phenomenon of multiplet shortening.Comment: Lectures presented by B. de Wit at the Winter School of Theoretical Physics, Polanica, Poland, February 1999. 23 pp., LateX file, requires packages latexsym, amsfonts, cl2emult.cl

    Four dimensional "old minimal" N=2 supersymmetrization of R^4

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    We write in superspace the lagrangian containing the fourth power of the Weyl tensor in the "old minimal" d=4, N=2 supergravity, without local SO(2) symmetry. Using gauge completion, we analyze the lagrangian in components. We find out that the auxiliary fields which belong to the Weyl and compensating vector multiplets have derivative terms and therefore cannot be eliminated on-shell. Only the auxiliary fields which belong to the compensating nonlinear multiplet do not get derivatives and could still be eliminated; we check that this is possible in the leading terms of the lagrangian. We compare this result to the similar one of "old minimal" N=1 supergravity and we comment on possible generalizations to other versions of N=1,2 supergravity.Comment: 31 pages, no figures. Minor corrections. Details of the full calculation included as an appendix. Reference adde

    Fermions, T-duality and effective actions for D-branes in bosonic backgrounds

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    We find the effective action for any D-brane in a general bosonic background of supergravity. The results are explicit in component fields up to second order in the fermions and are obtained in a covariant manner. No interaction terms between fermions and the field f=b+Ff=b+F, characteristic of the bosonic actions, are considered. These are reserved for future work. In order to obtain the actions, we reduce directly from the M2-brane world-volume action to the D2-brane world-volume action. Then, by means of T-duality, we obtain the other Dp-brane actions. The resulting Dp-brane actions can be written in a single compact and elegant expression.Comment: 22 pages, latex, version published by JHEP plus typos corrected in eq.(44) and eq.(47

    E_{11} origin of Brane charges and U-duality multiplets

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    We derive general equations which determine the decomposition of the G^{+++} multiplet of brane charges into the sub-algebras that arise when the non-linearly realised G^{+++} theory is dimensionally reduced on a torus. We apply this to calculate the low level E_8 multiplets of brane charges that arise when the E_{8}^{+++}, or E_{11}, non-linearly realised theory is dimensionally reduced to three dimensions on an eight dimensional torus. We find precise agreement with the U-duality multiplet of brane charges previously calculated, thus providing a natural eleven dimensional origin for the "mysterious" brane charges found that do not occur as central charges in the supersymmetry algebra. We also discuss the brane charges in nine dimensions and how they arise from the IIA and IIB theories.Comment: 30 pages, plain te

    Properties of hyperkahler manifolds and their twistor spaces

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    We describe the relation between supersymmetric sigma-models on hyperkahler manifolds, projective superspace, and twistor space. We review the essential aspects and present a coherent picture with a number of new results.Comment: 26 pages. v2: Sign mistakes corrected; Kahler potential explicitly calculated in example; references added. v3: Published version--several small clarifications per referee's reques

    Holonomy groups and W-symmetries

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    Irreducible sigma models, i.e. those for which the partition function does not factorise, are defined on Riemannian spaces with irreducible holonomy groups. These special geometries are characterised by the existence of covariantly constant forms which in turn give rise to symmetries of the supersymmetric sigma model actions. The Poisson bracket algebra of the corresponding currents is a W-algebra. Extended supersymmetries arise as special cases.Comment: pages 2

    A Note on Flux Induced Superpotentials in String Theory

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    Non-vanishing fluxes in M-theory and string theory compactifications induce a superpotential in the lower dimensional theory. Gukov has conjectured the explicit form of this superpotential. We check this conjecture for the heterotic string compactified on a Calabi-Yau three-fold as well as for warped M-theory compactifications on Spin(7) holonomy manifolds, by performing a Kaluza-Klein reduction.Comment: 19 pages, no figure

    Winning en cryoconservering van sperma van zeldzame Nederlandse konijnenrassen voor de genenbank

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    In dit rapport wordt beschreven welke activiteiten CGN in samenwerking met de SZH, KLN en individuele fokkers hebben ondernomen om genetisch materiaal van konijnenrassen veilig te stellen in de genenbank. Op basis van literatuur en praktijkervaringen is een protocol voor spermawinning en spermaverwerking (cryoconservering) vastgesteld. Een dergelijk protocol was niet beschikbaar in de Nederlandse bedrijfsmatige konijnenhouderij omdat daar uitsluitend met vers sperma gewerkt wordt en niet met ingevroren sperma. Het rapport eindigt met een beschrijving van de resultaten van de spermawinning

    Couplings of N=1 chiral spinor multiplets

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    We derive the action for chiral spinor multiplets coupled to vector and scalar multiplets. We give the component form of the action, which contains gauge invariant mass terms for the antisymmetric tensors in the spinor superfield and additional Green-Schwarz couplings to vector fields. We observe that supersymmetry provides mass terms for the scalars in the spinor multiplet which do not arise from eliminating an auxiliary field. We construct the dual action by explicitly performing the duality transformations in superspace and give its component form.Comment: 17 pages, v2 small change
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