1,335 research outputs found

    Instrumented indentation for determination of full range stress-strain curves

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    One common method for the determination of full range stress-strain curves by instrumented indentation is presented and validated for an aluminium alloy. This method relates properties describing the indentation force-depth curve with those describing the uniaxial stress-strain curve as traditionally obtained from a tensile test. The first aim of this paper is to explain the basic concepts of instrumented indentation. Next, the analysis method is presented and validated. This study ends with discussing the uniqueness of the obtained solution. It is concluded that accurate determination of stress-strain behaviour can be realized, but for certain materials two indentations are needed

    Negative refractive index in coaxial plasmon waveguides

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    We theoretically show that coaxial waveguides composed of a metallic core, surrounded by a dielectric cylinder and clad by a metal outer layer exhibit negative refractive index modes over a broad spectral range in the visible. For narrow dielectric gaps (10 nm GaP embedded in Ag) a figure-of-merit of 18 can be achieved at λ_0 = 460 nm. For larger dielectric gaps the negative index spectral range extends well below the surface plasmon resonance frequency. By fine-tuning the coaxial geometry the special case of n = −1 at a figure-of-merit of 5, or n = 0 for a decay length of 500 nm can be achieved

    Review on the possible tool materials for friction stir welding of steel plates

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    The friction stir welding (FSW) process is mainly used in industrial applications for joining low melting temperature materials such as aluminium and magnesium. FSW has many advantages in comparison with conventional fusion arc welding. Therefore the interest to use this technique for joining steel plates has grown. However such usage is still limited because of the lack of adequate tool materials. This review gives an overview of possible tool materials for FSW of steels focussing on tungsten, tungsten carbide, pcBN and a few ultra-high temperature ceramics

    Plasmon Dispersion in Coaxial Waveguides from Single-Cavity Optical Transmission Measurements

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    We determine the plasmon dispersion relation in coaxial waveguides composed of a circular channel separating a metallic core and cladding. Optical transmission measurements are performed on isolated coaxial nanoapertures fabricated on a Ag film using focused ion-beam lithography. The dispersion depends strongly on the dielectric material and layer thickness. Our experimental results agree well with an analytical model for plasmon dispersion in coaxial waveguides. We observe large phase shifts at reflection from the end facets of the coaxial cavity, which strongly affect the waveguide resonances and can be tuned by changing the coax geometry, composition, and surrounding dielectric index, enabling coaxial cavities with ultrasmall mode volumes

    Effects of temperature on the in vitro reproduction of Aphelenchoides rutgersi

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    L'influence de la température sur la reproduction d'#Aphelenchoides rutgersi en culture axénique a été étudiée. La température optimale de reproduction d'#A. rutgersi est de 28°C. A cette température, une femelle d'#A. rutgersipondenmoyenne60oeufspendantles11joursquisuiventsamaturation;lesjuveˊnilescommencentaˋeˊcloredeˋsledeuxieˋmejour;80 pond en moyenne 60 oeufs pendant les 11 jours qui suivent sa maturation; les juvéniles commencent à éclore dès le deuxième jour; 80% des oeufs pondus dans l'eau et plus de 95% des oeufs pondus dans le milieu axénique sont viables. A cette même température, la durée minimale de développement est de six jours, tandis que la durée moyenne de développement, mesurée comme le temps nécessaire pour doubler le nombre de femelles adultes, est de 8 jours. A 33°C, les populations d'#A. rutgersi n'augmentent plus. A des températures inférieures à 28°C, les oeufs pondus sont moins nombreux, les éclosions plus tardives, et les durées minimale et moyenne de développement demandent au moins 2 jours de plus. (Résumé d'auteur

    The influence of light attenuation on the biogeomorphology of a marine karst cave: a case study of Puerto Princesa Underground River, Palawan, the Philippines

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    Karst caves are unique biogeomorphological systems. Cave walls offer habitat for microorganisms which in-turn have a geomorphological role via their involvement in rock weathering, erosion and mineralisation. The attenuation of light with distance into caves is known to affect ecology, but the implications of this for biogeomorphological processes and forms have seldom been examined. Here we describe a semi-quantitative microscopy study comparing the extent, structure, and thickness of biocover and depth of endolithic penetration for samples of rock from the Puerto Princesa Underground River system in Palawan, the Philippines, which is a natural UNESCO World Heritage Site. Organic growth at the entrance of the cave was abundant (100% occurrence) and complex, dominated by phototrophic organisms (green microalgae, diatoms, cyanobacteria, mosses and lichens). Thickness of this layer was 0.28 ± 0.18 mm with active endolith penetration into the limestone (mean depth = 0.13 ± 0.03 mm). In contrast, phototrophs were rare 50 m into the cave and biofilm cover was significantly thinner (0.01 ± 0.01 mm, p < 0.000) and spatially patchy (33% occurrence). Endolithic penetration here was also shallower (< 0.01 mm, p < 0.000) and non-uniform. Biofilm was found 250 m into the cave, but with a complete absence of phototrophs and no evidence of endolithic bioerosion. We attribute these findings to light-induced stress gradients, showing that the influence of light on phototroph abundance has knock-on consequences for the development of limestone morphological features. In marine caves this includes notches, which were most well-developed at the sheltered cave entrance of our study site, and for which variability in formation rates between locations is currently poorly understood