18,063 research outputs found

    Massive galaxies with very young AGN

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    Gigahertz Peaked Spectrum (GPS) radio galaxies are generally thought to be the young counterparts of classical extended radio sources and live in massive ellipticals. GPS sources are vital for studying the early evolution of radio-loud AGN, the trigger of their nuclear activity, and the importance of feedback in galaxy evolution. We study the Parkes half-Jansky sample of GPS radio galaxies of which now all host galaxies have been identified and 80% has their redshifts determined (0.122 < z < 1.539). Analysis of the absolute magnitudes of the GPS host galaxies show that at z > 1 they are on average a magnitude fainter than classical 3C radio galaxies. This suggests that the AGN in young radio galaxies have not yet much influenced the overall properties of the host galaxy. However their restframe UV luminosities indicate that there is a low level of excess as compared to passive evolution models.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of "Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges", IAUS 245; M. Bureau, E. Athanassoula & B. Barbuy, ed

    Passivity-based harmonic control through series/parallel damping of an H-bridge rectifier

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    Nowadays the H-bridge is one of the preferred solutions to connect DC loads or distributed sources to the single-phase grid. The control aims are: sinusoidal grid current with unity power factor and optimal DC voltage regulation capability. These objectives should be satisfied, regardless the conditions of the grid, the DC load/source and the converter nonlinearities. In this paper a passivity-based approach is thoroughly investigated proposing a damping-based solution for the error dynamics. Practical experiments with a real converter validate the analysis.

    Lack of evidence for western flower thrips biotypes base don intra and inter-strain variation in gut bacteria

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    Western flower thrips is a polyphagous insect, which during the last 30 years has become a world wide pest. It was found earlier that these thrips are associated with a type of Erwinia species gut bacteria. In this study we examine the variation of bacteria within and between thrips individuals and try to find evidence for biotypes in western flower thrips regarding the type of gut bacteria. The existence of biotypes in this thrips species has been suggested by different authors. For example, thrips populations have been found that differ in resistance against pesticides and in their ability to transmit plant viruses. With biotypes we mean groups of individuals (strains, populations, lines) of a species which differ in one or more traits with other groups of that species. The gut bacteria of thrips are acquired by young thrips larvae via the host plant and have a beneficial effect on thrips development and oviposition. We studied thrips strains from different countries and host plants, and the isofemale lines that were created from them, on bean plant leaves. All thrips lines that we studied contained Erwinia species gut bacteria. Morphological and biochemical characteristics of gut bacteria from the thrips isofemale lines were similar to the Erwinia type strain from the reference, a thrips strain cultured on chrysanthemum in Amsterdam (TAC 93.XII.8). Per isofemale line we studied five thrips individuals and per thrips we studied four bacterial colonies, with RAPD markers. The genetic variation between bacteria isolated from thrips was as large among isofemale lines as within isofemale lines. No evidence for thrips biotypes was found. Bacteria within one thrips individual show a stronger degree of similarity than bacteria from different thrips individuals within a single rearing. This is probably due to a bottleneck caused by the limited number of successful infections of bacteria into the gut of the thrip

    Disordering to Order: de Vries behavior from a Landau theory for smectics

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    We show that Landau theory for the isotropic, nematic, smectic A, and smectic C phases generically, but not ubiquitously, implies de Vries behavior. I.e., a continuous AC transition can occur with little layer contraction; the birefringence decreases as temperature T is lowered above this transition, and increases again below the transition. This de Vries behavior occurs in models with unusually small orientational order, and is preceded by a first order I &#8722; A transition. A first order AC transition with elements of de Vries behavior can also occur. These results correspond well with experimental work to date.Comment: 4 pages, 2 page appendi

    Tortuous ways to the extraction of neutron observables from inclusive lepton scattering

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    We analyze new JLAB data for inclusive electron scattering on various targets. Computed and measured total inclusive cross sections in the range 0.3x0.950.3\lesssim x\lesssim 0.95 show on a logarithmic scale reasonable agreement for all targets. However, closer inspection of the Quasi-Elastic components bares serious discrepancies. EMC ratios which may contain less systematic errors fare the same. The above observations for the new data do not enable the extraction of the magnetic form factor (FF) GMnG_M^n and the Structure Function (SFs) F2nF_2^n of the neutron, although the application of exactly the same analysis to older data had been successful. We add to the above analysis older CLAS collaboration on F2DF_2^D. Removing some scattered points, it appears possible to obtain the above mentioned neutron information. We compare our results with others from alternative sources. Particular attention is paid to the A=3 iso-doublet. Present data exist only for 3^3He, but the available input and charge symmetry also enable computations for 3^3H. Their average is the computed iso-scalar part and is compared with the empirical modification of 3^3He towards a fictitious A=3 iso-singlet.Comment: 27 pages, 30 figure