409 research outputs found

    Mass Spectrum of Strings in Anti de Sitter Spacetime

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    We perform string quantization in anti de Sitter (AdS) spacetime. The string motion is stable, oscillatory in time with real frequencies ωn=n2+m2α2H2\omega_n= \sqrt{n^2+m^2\alpha'^2H^2} and the string size and energy are bounded. The string fluctuations around the center of mass are well behaved. We find the mass formula which is also well behaved in all regimes. There is an {\it infinite} number of states with arbitrarily high mass in AdS (in de Sitter (dS) there is a {\it finite} number of states only). The critical dimension at which the graviton appears is D=25,D=25, as in de Sitter space. A cosmological constant Λ0\Lambda\neq 0 (whatever its sign) introduces a {\it fine structure} effect (splitting of levels) in the mass spectrum at all states beyond the graviton. The high mass spectrum changes drastically with respect to flat Minkowski spacetime. For ΛΛN2,\Lambda\sim \mid\Lambda\mid N^2, {\it independent} of α,\alpha', and the level spacing {\it grows} with the eigenvalue of the number operator, N.N. The density of states ρ(m)\rho(m) grows like \mbox{Exp}[(m/\sqrt{\mid\Lambda\mid}\;)^{1/2}] (instead of \rho(m)\sim\mbox{Exp}[m\sqrt{\alpha'}] as in Minkowski space), thus {\it discarding} the existence of a critical string temperature. For the sake of completeness, we also study the quantum strings in the black string background, where strings behave, in many respects, as in the ordinary black hole backgrounds. The mass spectrum is equal to the mass spectrum in flat Minkowski space.Comment: 31 pages, Latex, DEMIRM-Paris-9404

    Semi-Classical Quantization of Circular Strings in De Sitter and Anti De Sitter Spacetimes

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    We compute the {\it exact} equation of state of circular strings in the (2+1) dimensional de Sitter (dS) and anti de Sitter (AdS) spacetimes, and analyze its properties for the different (oscillating, contracting and expanding) strings. The string equation of state has the perfect fluid form P=(γ1)E,P=(\gamma-1)E, with the pressure and energy expressed closely and completely in terms of elliptic functions, the instantaneous coefficient γ\gamma depending on the elliptic modulus. We semi-classically quantize the oscillating circular strings. The string mass is m=C/(πHα),  Cm=\sqrt{C}/(\pi H\alpha'),\;C being the Casimir operator, C=LμνLμν,C=-L_{\mu\nu}L^{\mu\nu}, of the O(3,1)O(3,1)-dS [O(2,2)O(2,2)-AdS] group, and HH is the Hubble constant. We find \alpha'm^2_{\mbox{dS}}\approx 5.9n,\;(n\in N_0), and a {\it finite} number of states N_{\mbox{dS}}\approx 0.17/(H^2\alpha') in de Sitter spacetime; m^2_{\mbox{AdS}}\approx 4H^2n^2 (large nN0n\in N_0) and N_{\mbox{AdS}}=\infty in anti de Sitter spacetime. The level spacing grows with nn in AdS spacetime, while is approximately constant (although larger than in Minkowski spacetime) in dS spacetime. The massive states in dS spacetime decay through tunnel effect and the semi-classical decay probability is computed. The semi-classical quantization of {\it exact} (circular) strings and the canonical quantization of generic string perturbations around the string center of mass strongly agree.Comment: Latex, 26 pages + 2 tables and 5 figures that can be obtained from the authors on request. DEMIRM-Obs de Paris-9404

    Exact String Solutions in 2+1-Dimensional De Sitter Spacetime

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    Exact and explicit string solutions in de Sitter spacetime are found. (Here, the string equations reduce to a sinh-Gordon model). A new feature without flat spacetime analogy appears: starting with a single world-sheet, several (here two) strings emerge. One string is stable and the other (unstable) grows as the universe grows. Their invariant size and energy either grow as the expansion factor or tend to constant. Moreover, strings can expand (contract) for large (small) universe radius with a different rate than the universe.Comment: 11 pages, Phyzzx macropackage used, PAR-LPTHE 92/32. Revised version with a new understanding of the previous result

    QFT, String Temperature and the String Phase of De Sitter Space-time

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    The density of mass levels \rho(m) and the critical temperature for strings in de Sitter space-time are found. QFT and string theory in de Sitter space are compared. A `Dual'-transform is introduced which relates classical to quantum string lengths, and more generally, QFT and string domains. Interestingly, the string temperature in De Sitter space turns out to be the Dual transform of the QFT-Hawking-Gibbons temperature. The back reaction problem for strings in de Sitter space is addressed selfconsistently in the framework of the `string analogue' model (or thermodynamical approach), which is well suited to combine QFT and string study.We find de Sitter space-time is a self-consistent solution of the semiclassical Einstein equations in this framework. Two branches for the scalar curvature R(\pm) show up: a classical, low curvature solution (-), and a quantum high curvature solution (+), enterely sustained by the strings. There is a maximal value for the curvature R_{\max} due to the string back reaction. Interestingly, our Dual relation manifests itself in the back reaction solutions: the (-) branch is a classical phase for the geometry with intrinsic temperature given by the QFT-Hawking-Gibbons temperature.The (+) is a stringy phase for the geometry with temperature given by the intrinsic string de Sitter temperature. 2 + 1 dimensions are considered, but conclusions hold generically in D dimensions.Comment: LaTex, 24 pages, no figure

    Folded Strings Falling into a Black Hole

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    We find all the classical solutions (minimal surfaces) of open or closed strings in {\it any} two dimensional curved spacetime. As examples we consider the SL(2,R)/R two dimensional black hole, and any 4D black hole in the Schwarzschild family, provided the motion is restricted to the time-radial components. The solutions, which describe longitudinaly oscillating folded strings (radial oscillations in 4D), must be given in lattice-like patches of the worldsheet, and a transfer operation analogous to a transfer matrix determines the future evolution. Then the swallowing of a string by a black hole is analyzed. We find several new features that are not shared by particle motions. The most surprizing effect is the tunneling of the string into the bare singularity region that lies beyond the black hole that is classically forbidden to particles.Comment: 28 pages plus 4 figures, LaTeX, USC-94/HEP-B

    Infinitely Many Strings in De Sitter Spacetime: Expanding and Oscillating Elliptic Function Solutions

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    The exact general evolution of circular strings in 2+12+1 dimensional de Sitter spacetime is described closely and completely in terms of elliptic functions. The evolution depends on a constant parameter bb, related to the string energy, and falls into three classes depending on whether b<1/4b<1/4 (oscillatory motion), b=1/4b=1/4 (degenerated, hyperbolic motion) or b>1/4b>1/4 (unbounded motion). The novel feature here is that one single world-sheet generically describes {\it infinitely many} (different and independent) strings. The world-sheet time τ\tau is an infinite-valued function of the string physical time, each branch yields a different string. This has no analogue in flat spacetime. We compute the string energy EE as a function of the string proper size SS, and analyze it for the expanding and oscillating strings. For expanding strings (S˙>0)(\dot{S}>0): E0E\neq 0 even at S=0S=0, EE decreases for small SS and increases S\propto\hspace*{-1mm}S for large SS. For an oscillating string (0SSmax)(0\leq S\leq S_{max}), the average energy over one oscillation period is expressed as a function of SmaxS_{max} as a complete elliptic integral of the third kind.Comment: 32 pages, Latex file, figures available from the authors under request. LPTHE-PAR 93-5

    The Statistical Mechanics of the Self-Gravitating Gas: Equation of State and Fractal Dimension

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    We provide a complete picture of the self-gravitating non-relativistic gas at thermal equilibrium using Monte Carlo simulations (MC), analytic mean field methods (MF) and low density expansions. The system is shown to possess an infinite volume limit, both in the canonical (CE) and in the microcanonical ensemble (MCE) when N, V \to \infty, keeping N/ V^{1/3} fixed. We {\bf compute} the equation of state (we do not assume it as is customary), the entropy, the free energy, the chemical potential, the specific heats, the compressibilities, the speed of sound and analyze their properties, signs and singularities. The MF equation of state obeys a {\bf first order} non-linear differential equation of Abel type. The MF gives an accurate picture in agreement with the MC simulations both in the CE and MCE. The inhomogeneous particle distribution in the ground state suggest a fractal distribution with Haussdorf dimension D with D slowly decreasing with increasing density, 1 \lesssim D < 3.Comment: LaTex, 7 pages, 2 .ps figures, minor improvements, to appear in Physics Letters

    Statistical Mechanics of the Self-gravitating gas with two or more kinds of Particles

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    We study the statistical mechanics of the self-gravitating gas at thermal equilibrium with two kinds of particles. We start from the partition function in the canonical ensemble which we express as a functional integral over the densities of the two kinds of particles for a large number of particles. The system is shown to possess an infinite volume limit when (N_1,N_2,V)->infty, keeping N_1/V^{1/3} and N_2/V^{1/3} fixed. The saddle point approximation becomes here exact for (N_1,N_2,V)->infty.It provides a nonlinear differential equation on the particle densities. For the spherically symmetric case, we compute the densities as functions of two dimensionless physical parameters: eta_1=G m_1^2 N_1/[V^{1/3} T] and eta_2=G m_2^2 N_2/[V^{1/3} T] (where G is Newton's constant, m_1 and m_2 the masses of the two kinds of particles and T the temperature). According to the values of eta_1 and eta_2 the system can be either in a gaseous phase or in a highly condensed phase.The gaseous phase is stable for eta_1 and eta_2 between the origin and their collapse values. The gas is inhomogeneous and the mass M(R) inside a sphere of radius R scales with R as M(R) propto R^d suggesting a fractal structure. The value of d depends in general on eta_1 and eta_2 except on the critical line for the canonical ensem- ble where it takes the universal value d simeq 1.6 for all values of N_1/N_2. The equation of state is computed.It is found to be locally a perfect gas equation of state. Thermodynamic functions are computed as functions of eta_1 and eta_2. They exhibit a square root Riemann sheet with the branch points on the critical canonical line. This treatment is further generalized to the self-gravitating gas with n-types of particles.Comment: LaTex, 29 pages, 11 .ps figures, expanded version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Exact solution of the SUq(n)SU_{q}(n) invariant quantum spin chains

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    The Nested Bethe Ansatz is generalized to open boundary conditions. This is used to find the exact eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the An1A_{n-1} vertex model with fixed open boundary conditions and the corresponding SUq(n)SU_{q}(n) invariant hamiltonian. The Bethe Ansatz equations obtained are solved in the thermodynamic limit giving the vertex model free energy and the hamiltonian ground state energy including the corresponding boundary contributions.Comment: 29 page

    New vortex solution in SU(3) gauge-Higgs theory

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    Following a brief review of known vortex solutions in SU(N) gauge-adjoint Higgs theories we show the existence of a new ``minimal'' vortex solution in SU(3) gauge theory with two adjoint Higgs bosons. At a critical coupling the vortex decouples into two abelian vortices, satisfying Bogomol'nyi type, first order, field equations. The exact value of the vortex energy (per unit length) is found in terms of the topological charge that equals to the N=2 supersymmetric charge, at the critical coupling. The critical coupling signals the increase of the underlying supersymmetry.Comment: 15 page