3,728 research outputs found

    Lymphangiogenesis and angiogenesis during human fetal pancreas development

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    Background: The complex endocrine and exocrine functionality of the human pancreas depends on an efficient fluid transport through the blood and the lymphatic vascular systems. The lymphatic vasculature has key roles in the physiology of the pancreas and in regulating the immune response, both important for developing successful transplantation and cell-replacement therapies to treat diabetes. However, little is known about how the lymphatic and blood systems develop in humans. Here, we investigated the establishment of these two vascular systems in human pancreas organogenesis in order to understand neovascularization in the context of emerging regenerative therapies. Methods: We examined angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis during human pancreas development between 9 and 22 weeks of gestation (W9-W22) by immunohistochemistry. Results: As early as W9, the peri-pancreatic mesenchyme was populated by CD31-expressing blood vessels as well as LYVE1- and PDPN-expressing lymphatic vessels. The appearance of smooth muscle cell-coated blood vessels in the intra-pancreatic mesenchyme occurred only several weeks later and from W14.5 onwards the islets of Langerhans also became heavily irrigated by blood vessels. In contrast to blood vessels, LYVE1- and PDPN-expressing lymphatic vessels were restricted to the peri-pancreatic mesenchyme until later in development (W14.5-W17), and some of these invading lymphatic vessels contained smooth muscle cells at W17. Interestingly, between W11-W22, most large caliber lymphatic vessels were lined with a characteristic, discontinuous, collagen type IV-rich basement membrane. Whilst lymphatic vessels did not directly intrude the islets of Langerhans, three-dimensional reconstruction revealed that they were present in the vicinity of islets of Langerhans between W17-W22. Conclusion: Our data suggest that the blood and lymphatic machinery in the human pancreas is in place to support endocrine function from W17-W22 onwards. Our study provides the first systematic assessment of the progression of lymphangiogenesis during human pancreatic development

    Balanço hídrico climático de Juazeiro - BA.

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi realizar o balanço hídrico climático de Juazeiro-BA, no período de 1967 a1998, gerando uma idéia do que acontece com boa parte da região semi-árida, no que diz respeito a disponibilidadede água, observando-se ainda a tendência climática temporal da região

    Prevalence of gonorrhea and chlamydia in a community clinic for men who have sex with men in Lisbon, Portugal

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    Men who have sex with men (MSM) are at greater risk for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Data on MSM chlamydia and gonorrhea prevalence estimates and associated risk factors are scarce. To our knowledge, this is the first study to describe the prevalence and the determinants of both chlamydia and gonorrhea infections in MSM in Portugal. We conducted a cross-sectional study using data from 1832 visits to CheckpointLX, a community-based center for screening blood-borne viruses and other STIs in MSM. Overall prevalence of chlamydia or gonorrhea in our sample was 16.05%, with 14.23% coinfection and 40.73% asymptomatic presentation among those testing positive. Anorectal infection was most common for chlamydia (67.26%), followed by urethral (24.78%) and oral (19.47%) infection. Oral infection was most common for gonorrhea (55.63%), followed by anal (51.25%) and urethral (17.50%) infection. In multivariate analyses, young age (U = 94684, p = 0.014), being foreign-born (χ2 = 11.724, p = 0.003), reporting STI symptoms (χ2 = 5.316, p = 0.021), inhaled drug use (χ2 = 4.278, p = 0.039) and having a higher number of concurrent (χ2 = 18.769, p < 0.001) or total (χ2 = 5.988, p = 0.050) sexual partners were each associated with higher rates of chlamydia or gonorrhea infection. Young and migrant MSM are a vulnerable population to STIs, as are those who use inhaled drugs and those with a higher number of concurrent or total sexual partners. Although Portugal has no guidelines on chlamydia and gonorrhea screening, our results point toward a need for greater awareness about the importance of high-frequency screening for those at increased risk (i.e., every three to six months).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Obtenção de híbridos de melão adaptados as condições da região Nordeste.

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    The extended analogy of extraembryonic development in insects and amniotes

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    It is fascinating that the amnion and serosa/chorion, two extraembryonic (EE) tissues that are characteristic of the amniote vertebrates (mammals, birds and reptiles), have also independently evolved in insects. In this review, we offer the first detailed, macroevolutionary comparison of EE development and tissue biology across these animal groups. Some commonalities represent independent solutions to shared challenges for protecting the embryo (environmental assaults, risk of pathogens) and supporting its development, including clear links between cellular properties (e.g. polyploidy) and physiological function. Further parallels encompass developmental features such as the early segregation of the serosa/chorion compared to later, progressive differentiation of the amnion and formation of the amniotic cavity from serosal–amniotic folds as a widespread morphogenetic mode across species. We also discuss common developmental roles for orthologous transcription factors and BMP signalling in EE tissues of amniotes and insects, and between EE and cardiac tissues, supported by our exploration of new resources for global and tissue-specific gene expression. This highlights the degree to which general developmental principles and protective tissue features can be deduced from each of these animal groups, emphasizing the value of broad comparative studies to reveal subtle developmental strategies and answer questions that are common across species. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Extraembryonic tissues: exploring concepts, definitions and functions across the animal kingdom’

    Melhoramento populacional do meloeiro para cultivo na Região Nordeste.

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    Este trabalho objetiva desenvolver e melhorar geneticamente populacoes de melao para os tipos de frutos rendilhado e amarelo, e adapta-las ao cultivo nas condicoes do Nordeste.bitstream/CNPAT-2010/5408/1/Pa-043.pd

    Características físicas e químicas de um neossolo, regolítico, eutrófico do Agreste pernambucano.

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    Procedeu-se a descrição, caracterização e interpretação de um Neossolo Regolítico Eutrófico. Esta caracterização foi realizada através do estudo do perfil do solo no campo, que incluiu a identificação dos horizontes e a determinação das características do solo. O trabalho foi feita de acordo com as normas do Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos. Representa ambiente que tem como limitações a susceptibilidade a erosão, dificuldade de mecanização e a pequena profundidade. Por se tratar de um solo raso e de textura arenosa constitui ambiente com pouca sustentabilidade para as plantas sobreviverem, nos períodos cíclicos de estiagem. Apresenta boa fertilidade natural, devido a presença de minerais primários facilmente intemperizáveis e ricos em nutrientes, principalmente em cálcio, magnésio e potássio. Em geral, são solos utilizados para pecuária extensiva e agricultura familiar ( mandioca, feijão comum e caupi, caju, tomate e capim elefante)
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