20 research outputs found

    Robust estimation of bacterial cell count from optical density

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    Optical density (OD) is widely used to estimate the density of cells in liquid culture, but cannot be compared between instruments without a standardized calibration protocol and is challenging to relate to actual cell count. We address this with an interlaboratory study comparing three simple, low-cost, and highly accessible OD calibration protocols across 244 laboratories, applied to eight strains of constitutive GFP-expressing E. coli. Based on our results, we recommend calibrating OD to estimated cell count using serial dilution of silica microspheres, which produces highly precise calibration (95.5% of residuals <1.2-fold), is easily assessed for quality control, also assesses instrument effective linear range, and can be combined with fluorescence calibration to obtain units of Molecules of Equivalent Fluorescein (MEFL) per cell, allowing direct comparison and data fusion with flow cytometry measurements: in our study, fluorescence per cell measurements showed only a 1.07-fold mean difference between plate reader and flow cytometry data

    Een inclusieve benadering van het arbeidspotentieel van de Vlaamse bevolking op basis van enquête- en administratieve data

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    Het invullen van vacatures is de voorbije jaren in Vlaanderen moeilijker geworden, door een toenemende krapte. De Vlaamse arbeidsmarkt staat ook de volgende jaren verder onder druk, door de toenemende vervangingsvraag van 55-plussers in combinatie met een dalend aanbod van arbeidskrachten en een latere arbeidsmarktintrede van jongeren. Bovendien is de arbeidsreserve bij de middengroep van 25- tot 49-jarigen, traditioneel de prime targets van rekruteerders, eerder beperkt. Van hen is in 2018 al 86,7% aan het werk, waarmee Vlaanderen aansluit bij Europese toplanden als Zweden (86,4%) en Zwitserland (86,8%). Onze gekende vijvers van arbeidskrachten zijn dus zo goed als leeggevist, nog voor de krimp in het arbeidsaanbod goed en wel op snelheid komt. Bovendien vraagt het streven naar een werkzaamheidsgraad van 80% in 2024 zowat 200 000 extra personen aan het werk. Om dit ambitieuze doel te halen, is er nood aan een creatieve blik op het inzetten van de huidige bevolking op arbeidsleeftijd. Het is vanuit die optiek belangrijk om de blik te verruimen van wie we als potentieel beschouwen op de arbeidsmarkt. In dit Werk.Rapport ontleden we vanuit een inclusieve benadering de bevolking op arbeidsleeftijd naar arbeidspotentieel. De focus ligt daarbij op groepen die traditioneel minder als arbeidsreserve worden beschouwd: de werkenden en de niet-beroepsactieven.status: publishe

    Trendrapport 2020: Kwetsbare groepen op de Vlaamse arbeidsmarkt

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    The effect of serine protease inhibitors on visceral pain in different rodent models with an intestinal insult

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    Background: Serine proteases are believed to play a key role in the origin of abdominal pain in IBD and IBS. We previously demonstrated a reduction of visceral pain in a post-inflammatory IBS rat model after a single intraperitoneal or intracolonic administration of a serine protease inhibitor. The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of serine protease inhibition on visceral pain in two different animal models involving a colonic insult based either on acute inflammation or on neonatal irritation. Moreover, protease profiling was explored in the acute colitis model. Methods: An acute 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulphonic acid (TNBS) colitis rat model and a chronic neonatal acetic acid mouse model were used in this study. Visceral sensitivity was quantified by visceromotor responses (VMRs) to colorectal distension, 30 min after intraperitoneal administration of the serine protease inhibitors nafamostat, UAMC-00050 or their vehicles. Colonic samples from acute colitis rats were used to quantify the mRNA expression of a panel of serine proteases and mast cell tryptase by immunohistochemistry. Finally, proteolytic activities in colonic and fecal samples were characterized using fluorogenic substrates. Key Results: We showed a significant and pressure-dependent increase in visceral hypersensitivity in acute colitis and neonatal acetic acid models. UAMC-00050 and nafamostat significantly reduced VMRs in both animal models. In acute colitis rats, the administration of a serine protease inhibitor did not affect the inflammatory parameters. Protease profiling of these acute colitis animals revealed an increased tryptase immunoreactivity and a downregulation of matriptase at the mRNA level after inflammation. The administration of UAMC-00050 resulted in a decreased elastase-like activity in the colon associated with a significantly increased elastase-like activity in fecal samples of acute colitis animals. Conclusion: In conclusion, our results suggest that serine proteases play an important role in visceral hypersensitivity in an acute TNBS colitis model in rats and a neonatal acetic acid model in mice. Moreover, we hypothesize a potential mechanism of action of UAMC-00050 via the alteration of elastase-like proteolytic activity in acute inflammation. Taken together, we provided fundamental evidence for serine protease inhibitors as a promising new therapeutic strategy for abdominal pain in gastrointestinal diseases

    Local Colonic Administration of a Serine Protease Inhibitor Improves Post-Inflammatory Visceral Hypersensitivity in Rats

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    Dysregulation of the protease–antiprotease balance in the gastrointestinal tract has been suggested as a mechanism underlying visceral hypersensitivity in conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). We aimed to study the potential therapeutic role of an intracolonically administered serine protease inhibitor for the treatment of abdominal pain in a post-inflammatory rat model for IBS. An enema containing 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) was used to induce colitis in male Sprague–Dawley rats, whereas controls received a saline solution. Colonoscopies were performed to confirm colitis and follow-up mucosal healing. In the post-inflammatory phase, the serine protease inhibitor UAMC-00050 (0.1–5 mg/kg) or its vehicle alone (5% DMSO in H2O) was administered in the colon. Thirty minutes later, visceral mechanosensitivity to colorectal distensions was quantified by visceromotor responses (VMRs) and local effects on colonic compliance and inflammatory parameters were assessed. Specific proteolytic activities in fecal and colonic samples were measured using fluorogenic substrates. Pharmacokinetic parameters were evaluated using bioanalytical measurements with liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Post-inflammatory rats had increased trypsin-like activity in colonic tissue and elevated elastase-like activity in fecal samples compared to controls. Treatment with UAMC-00050 decreased trypsin-like activity in colonic tissue of post-colitis animals. Pharmacokinetic experiments revealed that UAMC-00050 acted locally, being taken up in the bloodstream only minimally after administration. Local administration of UAMC-00050 normalized visceral hypersensitivity. These results support the role of serine proteases in the pathophysiology of visceral pain and the potential of locally administered serine protease inhibitors as clinically relevant therapeutics for the treatment of IBS patients with abdominal pain

    Trends in diagnosis, referral, red flag onset, patient profiles and natural outcome of de novo cardiac amyloidosis and their multidisciplinary implications

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    Background Cardiac amyloidosis (CA) is often overlooked or misdiagnosed. Effects of growing disease awareness, diagnostic ameliorations and novel treatment options on CA diagnosis and management are scarcely reported. Objective To report trends in diagnosis, referral routes, clinical presentation, early onset diagnostic red flags and outcome in de novo CA subjects. Methods An unselected cohort of 139 de novo CA patients over an 8-year period in a tertiary referral hospital was recruited. Results Transthyretin (ATTR, 82%, n = 114) was the most common CA form; Light-chain (AL, 15%, n = 21) and secondary (AA, 3%, n = 4) are less prevalent. Increased awareness over time led to a marked ATTR diagnostic surge, steep non-invasive diagnostic approach increment and increased nuclear medicine and external cardiologist referrals (all p 0.050). Multiple early red flag events preceded CA diagnose several years in ATTR: Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH, 60%, 4.9 +/- 4.3 y), heart failure (54%, 2.5 +/- 3.5 y), atrial fibrillation (47%, 5.9 +/- 6.7 y), bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome (43%, 9.5 +/- 5.7 y) and spinal stenosis (40%, 7.4 +/- 6.5 y). LVH >= 12 mm was absent in 11% ATTR (n = 13/114) and 5% AL (n = 1/21) patients. Hypertension was common in both ATTR (n = 70/114, 62%) and AL (n = 10/21, 48%). 56% (n = 78/139) of CA presented with heart failure. Cumulative 1 and 5-year mortality of 10%/66%, 40%/52% and 75%/75% for ATTR, AL, and AA, respectively, remains high. Conclusions Although CA diagnostic uptake and referral improve, specialist-specific disease and diagnostic red flag ignorance result in non-timely diagnosis and unfavourable outcome