119 research outputs found

    The effect of HF-rTMS over the left DLPFC on stress regulation as measured by cortisol and heart rate variability

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    The prefrontal cortex, and especially the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (DLPFC), plays an inhibitory role in the regulation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis under stressful situations. Moreover, recent evidence suggests that a sustained DLPFC activation is associated with adaptive stress regulation in anticipation of a stressful event, leading to a reduced stress-induced amygdala response, and facilitating the confrontation with the stressor. However, studies using experimental manipulation of the activity of the DLPFC before a stressor are scarce, and more research is needed to understand the specific role of this brain area in the stress-induced physiological response. This pre-registered study investigated the effect on stress regulation of a single excitatory high frequency (versus sham) repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (HF-rTMS) session over the left DLPFC applied before the Trier Social Stress Test in 75 healthy young women (M = 21.05, SD = 2.60). Heart rate variability (HRV) and salivary cortisol were assessed throughout the experimental protocol. The active HFrTMS and the sham group showed a similar cognitive appraisal of the stress task. No differences in HRV were observed during both the anticipation and the actual confrontation with the stress task and therefore, our results did not reflect DLPFC-related adaptive anticipatory adjustments. Importantly, participants in the active HF-rTMS group showed a lower cortisol response to stress. The effect of left prefrontal HF-rTMS on the stress system provides further critical experimental evidence for the inhibitory role played by the DLPFC in the regulation of the HPA axis

    Selective decontamination of the digestive tract: all questions answered?

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    Although many studies have shown beneficial effects of SDD on the incidence of respiratory tract infections, SDD did not become routine practice because mortality reduction was not demonstrated in individual trials, beneficial effects on duration of ventilation, ICU stay or hospital stay were not demonstrated, cost-efficacy had not been demonstrated, and selection of antibiotic resistance was considered a serious side-effect. A recent study has now shown improved patient survival and lower prevalence of antibiotic resistance in patients receiving SDD. Why could this study show mortality reduction, where all others studies had failed before? And do the microbiological data unequivocally prove protective effects of SDD on emergence of antibiotic resistance? Interestingly, the reported mortality reductions exceeds even the most optimistic predictions from previous meta-analyses, but a clear explanation is not yet evident. The data on antibiotic resistance, however, are rather superficial and do not allow to interpret the underlying epidemiological dynamics. Therefore, the recent findings are provocative and shed new light on the SDD issue, warranting studies confirming its beneficial effects but also addressing several important aspects related to study design

    Yeast Infections after Esophagectomy:A Retrospective Analysis

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    Esophageal malignancy is a disease with poor prognosis. Curative therapy incorporates surgery and is burdensome with high rates of infection morbidity and mortality. The role of yeast as causative organisms of post-esophagectomy infections is poorly defined. Consequently, the benefits of specific antifungal prophylactic therapy in improving patient outcome are unclear. Therefore, this study aimed at investigating the incidence of yeast infections at the University Medical Center Groningen among 565 post-esophagectomy patients between 1991 and 2017. The results show that 7.3% of the patients developed a yeast infection after esophageal resection with significantly increased incidence among patients suffering from diabetes mellitus. For patients with yeast infections, higher Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II scores, more frequent intensive care unit readmissions, prolonged hospital stays and higher mortality rates were observed. One-year survival was significantly lower for patients with a yeast infection, as well as diabetes mellitus and yeast-positive pleural effusion. We conclude that the incidence of yeast infections following esophagectomy is considerable, and that patients with diabetes mellitus are at increased risk. Furthermore, yeast infections are associated with higher complication rates and mortality. These observations encourage further prospective investigations on the possible benefits of antifungal prophylactic therapy for esophagectomy patients

    Marked Changes in Gut Microbiota in Cardio-Surgical Intensive Care Patients:A Longitudinal Cohort Study

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    Background: Virtually no studies on the dynamics of the intestinal microbiota in patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) are published, despite the increasingly recognized important role of microbiota on human physiology. Critical care patients undergo treatments that are known to influence the microbiota. However, dynamics and extent of such changes are not yet fully understood. To address this topic, we analyzed the microbiota before, during and after planned major cardio surgery that, for the first time, allowed us to follow the microbial dynamics of critical care patients. In this prospective, observational, longitudinal, single center study, we analyzed the fecal microbiota using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Results: Samples of 97 patients admitted between April 2015 and November 2016 were included. In 32 patients, data of all three time points (before, during and after admission) were available for analysis. We found a large intra-individual variation in composition of gut microbiota. During admission, a significant change in microbial composition occurred in most patients, with a significant increase in pathobionts combined with a decrease in strictly anaerobic gut bacteria, typically beneficial for health. A lower bacterial diversity during admission was associated with longer hospitalization. In most patients analyzed at all three time points, the change in microbiota during hospital stay reverted to the original composition post-discharge. Conclusions: Our study shows that, even with a short ICU stay, patients present a significant change in microbial composition shortly after admission. The unique longitudinal setup of this study displayed a restoration of the microbiota in most patients to baseline composition post-discharge, which demonstrated its great restorative capacity. A relative decrease in benign or even beneficial bacteria and increase of pathobionts shifts the microbial balance in the gut, which could have clinical relevance. In future studies, the microbiota of ICU patients should be considered a good target for optimisation

    Improved usability of a multi-infusion setup using a centralized control interface:A task-based usability test

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    The objective of this study was to assess the usability benefits of adding a bedside central control interface that controls all intravenous (IV) infusion pumps compared to the conventional individual control of multiple infusion pumps. Eighteen dedicated ICU nurses volunteered in a between-subjects task-based usability test. A newly developed central control interface was compared to conventional control of multiple infusion pumps in a simulated ICU setting. Task execution time, clicks, errors and questionnaire responses were evaluated. Overall the central control interface outperformed the conventional control in terms of fewer user actions (40 +/- 3 vs. 73 +/- 20 clicks, p <0.001) and fewer user errors (1 +/- 1 vs. 3 +/- 2 errors, p <0.05), with no difference in task execution times (421 +/- 108 vs. 406 +/- 119 seconds, not significant). Questionnaires indicated a significant preference for the central control interface. Despite being novice users of the central control interface, ICU nurses displayed improved performance with the central control interface compared to the conventional interface they were familiar with. We conclude that the new user interface has an overall better usability than the conventional interface

    Long-term changes in dysnatremia incidence in the ICU: a shift from hyponatremia to hypernatremia

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    Background: Dysnatremia is associated with adverse outcome in critically ill patients. Changes in patients or treatment strategies may have affected the incidence of dysnatremia over time. We investigated long-term changes in the incidence of dysnatremia and analyzed its association with mortality. Methods: Over a 21-year period (1992–2012), all serum sodium measurements were analyzed retrospectively in two university hospital ICUs, up to day 28 of ICU admission for the presence of dysnatremia. The study period was divided into five periods. All serum sodium measurements were collected from the electronic databases of both ICUs. Serum sodium was measured at the clinical chemistry departments using standard methods. All sodium measurements were categorized in the following categories: 160 mmol/L. Mortality was determined at 90 days after ICU admission. Results: In 80,571 ICU patients, 913,272 serum sodium measurements were analyzed. A striking shift in the pattern of ICU-acquired dysnatremias was observed: The incidence of hyponatremia almost halved (47–25 %, p  155 mmol/L) increased dramatically over the years. On ICU day 10 this incidence was 0.7 % in the 1992–1996 period, compared to 6.3 % in the 2009–2012 period (p < 0.001). More severe dysnatremia was associated with significantly higher mortality throughout the 21-year study period (p < 0.001). Conclusions: In two large Dutch cohorts, we observed a marked shift in the incidence of dysnatremia from hyponatremia to hypernatremia over two decades. As hypernatremia was mostly ICU acquired, this strongly suggests changes in treatment as underlying causes. This shift may be related to the increased use of sodium-containing infusions, diuretics, and hydrocortisone. As ICU-acquired hypernatremia is largely iatrogenic, it should be—to an important extent—preventable, and its incidence may be considered as an indicator of quality of care. Strategies to prevent hypernatremia deserve more emphasis; therefore, we recommend that further study should be focused on interventions to prevent the occurrence of dysnatremias during ICU stay
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