434 research outputs found

    Neurospora experiment P-1037 Quarterly progress report, 16 Dec. 1966 - 15 Mar. 1967

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    Tabulated data on genetic effects of strontium 85 gamma radiation on Neurospor

    A procedure for making heterokaryon tests in liquid minimal medium

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    A procedure for making heterokaryon tests in liquid minimal mediu

    A simple device for rapid preparation of conidial suspensions of Neurospora

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    A simple device for rapid preparation of conidial suspensions of Neurospor

    UV-induced inactivation and mutation-induction in a new two-component heterokaryon (59) homozygous for the excision-repair deficient mutant uvs-2

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    UV-induced inactivation and mutation-induction in a new two-component heterokaryon (59) homozygous for the excision-repair deficient mutant uvs-2

    Modification of EMS-induced reversion frequencies in Neurospora with enriched plating media

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    Modification of EMS-induced reversion frequencies in Neurospora with enriched plating medi

    Viability of Neurospora conidia from stock cultures on silica gel

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    Viability of Neurospora conidia from stock cultures on silica ge

    Recessive lethal mutations resulting from deletion of closely linked loci in balanced heterokaryons of Neurospora crassa

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    Recessive lethal mutations resulting from deletion of closely linked loci in balanced heterokaryons of Neurospora crass