62 research outputs found

    The social dimension of territorial cohesion.: Geographic visions

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    There is a relative consensus about the multidimensional nature of territorial cohesion, encompassing economy, environment and society. However, its social dimension is rarely analysed (Faludi 2003, Schön, 2005). Following the Reports on Cohesion and EU ministerial meetings on spatial planning, this social dimension namely means “accessibility to basic services and facilities”. The lack of attention is usually explained by a lack of data. This paper proposes a way to overcome the crucial challenges of data availability. The objective is to show the interest of tackling social questions at a local scale (i.e a combination of LAU (Local Administrative Unit) 1 and 2 in the European context) and its feasibility: an appropriate methodology may provide interesting results even with a limited set of data. The methodology relies on the fuzzy sets theory. This theory helps identifying influence areas of service providers following different policy perspectives: the minimum offer of services; the overlap between influence areas; or the territorial weaknesses in terms of unique membership to a service provider. The combination of these three perspectives gives an image of the various situations of the LAU in terms of access to basic services. The results of the methodology underline crucial challenges in the definition of the concept of territorial cohesion. Firstly, the question of redistribution is raised – if a European cohesive territory means an equal access of citizens to basic services, how to achieve this goal in spite of different national traditions in the organisation and use of services? Secondly, the concept helps putting back the citizens at the heart of the analysis, as well as their needs in everyday life. This is worth considering, in a time of general scepticism about the European Union in terms of remoteness from everyday concerns, although this raises also the question of the European model of society in which the European citizens recognize

    Chroniques mar(S/L)iennes : le territoire comme agrégateur spatio-temporel de trajectoires

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    International audienceFollowing the rhetoric of Montesquieu, we propose to demonstrate the radical strangeness of the concept of territory through the fiction of an observation of Earth by a society of inhabitants from planet Mars. The strangeness of the Marsians’ point of view will be based on the lack of dissociation between the concept of time and space, as well as the use of a dual approach giving more emphasis on the analysis of links between individuals or objects (Mars-Ties) than on the examination of the structure of social and spatial position of individual (Mars-Is). The paper offers a humoristic analysis through a series of micro-situations where a problem, that appears trivial in Earth inhabitants’ eyes, is radically modified by the external point of view of inhabitants from Mars. We intend to explain deeper the meaning of the differences of interpretation during the conference. These “spiritual exercices” could be a possible approach in order to identify some epistemological obstacles to the constitution of a science of territory...Reprenant un vieux procédé rhétorique imité de Montesquieu, nous proposons de montrer l’étrangeté radicale du concept de territoire en l’examinant du point de vue d’une société « mars(S/L)ienne » qui ne dissocierait pas les concepts de temps et d’espace et qui privilégierait l’étude des interactions par rapport à celle des positions. Notre communication proposera sur un mode volontairement ironique une série de micro-problèmes d’apparence triviale mais dont la solution est radicalement différente selon les postulats théoriques terriens et mar(S/L)iens. L’explication de ces différences sera discutée lors du colloque… Au-delà de l’exercice spirituel, la communication vise à identifier quelques problèmes épistémologiques majeurs faisant obstacle à la constitution d’une(des) science(s) du (des) territoire(s)

    Le Grand Est : un espace différencié, interface marginale aux portes de l’Europe

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    Dans le contexte de l’intégration européenne, cet article propose une réflexion sur le Grand Est. Aux confins du territoire national, cet espace différencié constitue une interface marginale aux portes de l’Europe. Il a pour objectif de présenter les types de territoires qui le composent et de souligner le rôle des réseaux de villes ou des agglomérations transfrontalières dans la recomposition territoriale. Il insiste sur les enjeux nationaux et européens de cette entité interrégionale.In the context of European integration, this article reflects on the Great East. Being on the border of its national territory, this differentiated space constitutes a marginal interface with the gates of Europe. The objective of this paper is to present its component territories and to underline the role of the city networks or trans-border agglomerations in territorial recomposition. It underlines the national and European possibilities of this interregional entity.Im Rahmen der europäischen Integration schlägt dieser Artikel eine Überlegung über den Großen Osten vor. Am äußersten Rand des Staatsgebietes bildet dieser differenzierte Raum eine Randschnittstelle an den Toren Europas. Er hat zum Ziel, die Typen von Territorien vorzustellen, die es zusammensetzen, und die Rolle der Stadtnetze oder der grenzüberschreitenden Agglomerationen in der Neukomposition der Territorien zu unterstreichen. Schließlich unterstreicht er die nationalen und europäischen Bezüge dieses interregionalen Gebildes

    Vers une typologie des formes spatiales des limites de l’Europe

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    Penser l’Europe et ses limites consiste souvent à rechercher une identité européenne, un projet ou des comportements communs dans l’espace. L’approche par les représentations mentales permet de compléter par des perspectives plus subjectives, la perception des frontières. Cet article, réalisé à partir des résultats de l’enquête du projet de recherches Eurobroadmap sur la vision de l’Europe dans le monde permet de mettre en évidence une typologie des formes spatiales des limites de l’Europe. Des cartes mentales interprétatives réalisées par des étudiants montrent une configuration de l’Europe à géométrie variable, à l’image du processus de la construction de l’Union Européenne, avec des limites plus ou moins marquées. Une comparaison entre les cartes mentales des différents pays (membres de l’Union Européenne, pays voisins, pays éloignés…) montre les différences de perceptions de l’Europe.Thinking about what Europe is, about its limits often consists in trying to identify something such as a European identity, a common project or behavior in space. The approach by mental representations can be supplemented by more subjective perspective, the perception of borders. This article made from the survey results of the research project Eurobroadmap about the vision of Europe in the world allows identifying a typology of spatial forms of the boundaries of Europe. Interpretative mental maps by students show a configuration variable geometry of Europe, as the process of the construction of the European Union, with limits more or less marked. A comparison between the mental maps of different countries (members of the European Union, neighboring countries, remote countries…) shows the differences in perceptions of Europe

    Regional perspective report

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    This EuroBroadMap working paper tries to answer the following questions: Which divisions of the world can be drawn based on subjective, objective and normative visions? Do these divisions fit together? Is the EU always involved in the same region of the world? If yes, which neighbouring places belong to the same region as the EU?Ce working paper issu du projet EuroBroadMap cherche à répondre aux questions suivantes : quelles divisions du monde peut-on produire en se basant sur des visions subjectives, normatives et fonctionnelles ? Ces partitions se recoupent-elles ? L'Union européenne apparait-elle toujours dans le même ensemble

    Mental maps of students - Volume 1: Executive summary

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    This eurobroadmap working paper, split in 5 different volumes, presents the synthesis of a large survey launched in 2009 on 9000 undergraduate students from 18 different countries. The volume 1 includes the executive summary, plus elements regarding the five different volumes (references, list of figures, etc). The second one presents the aims and the organisation of the survey. The third one deals with the scale of the feeling of belonging. The fourth one presents explanatory models about countries and cities attractiveness. The final volume presents Europe representations in both cartographic and lexical ways

    De la marginalité territoriale à la recomposition territoriale « marginale »

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    Dans le contexte des dynamiques spatiales actuelles, cet article propose une réflexion sur la notion de recomposition territoriale dans les espaces de marges. Il a pour objectif de présenter des modèles de recomposition « marginale », fondés sur des interfaces particulières, sous la forme de réseaux de villes pour répondre aux propriétés particulières des territoires de marges. L’application concerne l’espace interrégional, constituant l’interface entre les confins orientaux de la Moselle et nord-occidentaux du Bas-Rhin.This paper examines the principle of territorial recomposition in peripheral locations, in the context of spatial dynamics. Its objective is to present various models of marginal recomposition based on particular situations in which networks of cities respond to the particular properties of marginal territories. A case study of an interregional area lying between the eastern borders of the Moselle and northwestern Bas-Rhine is presented.Im Zusammenhang mit den aktuellen Raumdynamismen bietet dieser Artikel eine Überlegung über den Begriff der territorialen Neuordnung in marginalen Bereichen. Er hat das Ziel, Modelle einer « marginalen » Neuordnung vorzustellen, basierend auf speziellen « Schnittstellen » in der Form von Städtenetzen, um den besonderen Eigenheiten randlicher Territorien gerecht zu werden. Die Anwendung betrifft den interregionalen Raum, Schnittstellen zwischen dem östlichen Grenzbereich des Departements Moselle und dem nordwestlichen des Departements Bas-Rhin

    A world of interstices: A fuzzy logic approach to the analysis of interpretative maps

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    This paper proposes a methodology based on fuzzy logic to analyze specific mental maps at world scale. Mental maps at all scales and especially at world scale raise specific issues related to the imprecision of the drawing and uncertainty linked to the object drawn. Here, the sample studied was asked to divide the world in regions. The interpretation dimension when building regions reinforce both the uncertainty and imprecision. The fuzzy logic is used here to focus on the world regions limits. It allows providing cartography of the vagueness of regions borders

    Mental maps of students - Volume 5

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    This eurobroadmap working paper, split in 5 different volumes, presents the synthesis of a large survey launched in 2009 on 9000 undergraduate students from 18 different countries. The volume 1 includes the executive summary, plus elements regarding the five different volumes (references, list of figures, etc). The second one presents the aims and the organisation of the survey. The third one deals with the scale of the feeling of belonging. The fourth one presents explanatory models about countries and cities attractiveness. The final volume presents Europe representations in both cartographic and lexical ways

    Territoire, territorialité et territorialisation des événements médiatiques

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    National audienceMedia events are an area of major concern for the science of territory, with a combination of empirical, methodological and theoretical fields of research. This paper presents three variations of increasing complexity around the questions of the application of the concepts of “territory”, “territoriality” and “territorialisation” to the description of media events. Each variation is illustrated by recent results from the research project ANR Geomedia on a corpus of international RSS flows produced by newspapers of French, English and Spanish language located in various countries of the world.Les événements médiatiques constituent un objet de recherche empirique, méthodologique et théorique d’un grand intérêt pour la création d’une science des territoires. Cette communication propose trois variations de complexité croissante autour de l’application possible des notions de « territoire », « territorialité » et « territorialisation » à la description des événements médiatiques. Chacune de ces variations est illustrée par des résultats de recherche récents du projet ANR Géomédia, sur la base d’un corpus de flux RSS internationaux de journaux de langues française, anglaise et espagnole localisés dans différents pays du monde
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