377 research outputs found

    Г.М.Добров и международное научно-технической сотрудничество

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    На основании анализа документов, архивных материалов, публикаций освещается деятельность Г.М.Доброва в международных научных организациях, его участие в выполнении международных научных программ и проектов. Приведены сведения об участии Г.М.Доброва в международных научных симпозиумах, организованных Комиссией по научно-техническому сотрудничеству СЭВ (1968—1987), а также в международных конгрессах историков естествознания и техники (1962—1988) и всемирных социологических конгрессах (1970—1982).На основі аналізу документів, архівних матеріалів, публікацій висвітлено діяльність Г.М. Доброва у міжнародних наукових організаціях, його участь у виконанні міжнародних наукових програм і проектів. Наведено відомості щодо участі Г.М. Доброва у міжнародних наукових симпозіумах, організованих Комісією з науково-технічного співробітництва СЕВ (1968—1987), а також у міжнародних конгресах істориків природознавства і техніки (1962—1988) і всесвітніх соціологічних конгресах (1970—1982).Work of G.M. Dobrov in international scientific organizations and his contributions in international research programs and projects are highlighted through analysis of documents, materials from archives and publications. Information is given about his participation in international scientific symposia organized by the Commission on S&T Cooperation at the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) (1968—1987), in international congresses of historians on natural science and technology (1962—1988) and in world congresses on sociology (1970—1982)

    О синергетическом феномене наноструктурного композита краситель–цеолит

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    Рассмотрены причины возникновения аномального эффекта люминесценции при создании нанокомпозита краситель–цеолитРозглянуто причини виникнення аномального ефекту люмінесценції при створенні нанокомпозиту барвник–цеоліт.The causes of the origin of an abnormal effect of luminescence at creating dye–zeolite nanocomposite are considered

    Hepatitis E virus RNA in commercially available porcine livers in The Netherlands

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    Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infections caused by genotype 3 are increasingly observed in industrialized countries, without a distinct source. High similarity between human and swine strains of HEV strongly suggest possible zoonotic transmission. It was reported previously that in 55% of Dutch pig farms HEV-excreting fattening pigs were present. In the current study, presence of HEV RNA in commercially available porcine livers was shown. We examined 62 commercially available porcine livers for HEV contamination. Before examination of livers, the most sensitive combination of tissue disruption and RNA-extraction was chosen from four disruption and seven RNA-extraction methods. Four of 62 livers were shown to be positive for HEV RNA by RT-PCR and Southern blot hybridization, and three sequences were obtained. Phylogenetic analysis showed clustering of the sequences with previously published Dutch HEV genotype 3 sequences from humans and swine. To study infectivity of possible virus, three pigs were intravenously inoculated with suspensions from commercially available HEV positive livers. Two other pigs served as high-dose or low-dose controls. The low-dose control received a comparable viral count as animals receiving inocula from commercially available livers, the high dose control received a viral count that was known to generate infection. Faecal shedding of HEV was observed in the high-dose control, indicating that the control virus was infectious. No faecal shedding of HEV was observed for the low-dose control and the three pigs that were administered the commercially available livers extracts. In conclusion, HEV RNA was found in commercially available porcine livers. inoculation of susceptible pigs with extracts from HEV-positive livers did not lead to infection, but this may be a dose-dependent effect. The risk for consumers should be investigated further

    Некоторые патофизиологические аспекты хирургического лечения гнойно−деструктивных поражений кишечника

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    Проанализированы принципы хирургического лечения больных с гнойно−деструктивными поражениями кишечника. Сделан вывод, что обязательным элементом такого лечения при любом варианте заболевания является полное и стабильное восстановление кишечного пассажа, причем сроки восстановления должны быть опережающими в отношении нарастающих расстройств гомеостаза и дегенеративных нарушений в выключенных отделах кишечного тракта.The author analyzes the principles of treatment of patients with purulent destructive lesions of the intestine. It is concluded that the obligatory element of this treatment in any type of the disease is complete and stable restoration of the intestine passage. The terms of restoration should forestall the increasing homeostasis disorders and degenerative changes in the excluded portions of the intestinal tract

    Журнал кримських караїмів “Бизым йол” (“Наш шлях”) у світлі традицій караїмської преси і національної політики Кримської АРСР

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    В статье содержится описание караимских периодических изданий начала ХХ века, их целей и задачи, объема, основных отделов, исследуется отражение в караимской периодике процессов национального культурного ренессанса, изучается связь этнических изданий караимов с общественно-политической жизнью караимской общины.Стаття містить опис караїмських видань початку ХХ століття, з'ясовує їхні цілі і завдан-ня, обсяг, основні розділи; досліджує відбиття у караїмській періодиці процесів національного культурного ренесансу; вивчає зв'язок етнічних видань караїмів із суспільно-політичним життям караїмської громади.The article researches the Karaite mass media of the beginning of the XX century: its matters and tasks, volume, main sections, the reflection of the cultural renaissance in it and its connection with life of the Karaite community

    Hepatitis E virus sequences in swine related to sequences in humans, The Netherlands.

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    Hepatitis E virus (HEV), a major cause of viral hepatitis in much of the developing world, has recently been detected in swine in North America and Asia, raising concern about potential for zoonotic transmission. To investigate if HEV is commonly present in swine in the Netherlands, pooled stool samples from 115 swine farms and nine individual pigs with diarrhea were assayed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) amplification. HEV RNA was detected by RT-PCR and hybridization in 25 (22%) of the pooled specimens, but in none of the individual samples. RT-PCR amplification products of open reading frames 1 and 2 were sequenced, and the results were compared with published sequences of HEV genotypes from humans and swine. HEV strains from swine in the Netherlands were clustered in at least two groups, together with European and American isolates from swine and humans. Our data show that HEV in swine in the Netherlands are genetically closely related to HEV isolates from humans. Although zoonotic transmission has not been proven, these findings suggest that swine may be reservoir hosts of HEV

    VITAL, Monitoring and Control for Virus Safe Pork

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    VITAL is an ongoing (2008-2011) EU funded project on monitoring and control of food-borne viruses. The concept of VITAL is the integrated risk assessment and management of contamination of the European farm to market food chain by pathogenic viruses, such as norovirus and hepatitis E virus. The project’s focus is on the production and processing phase, moving away from the concept of endpoint monitoring towards input monitoring

    Detection of noroviruses in foods: a study on virus extraction procedures in foods implicated in outbreaks of human gastroenteritis.

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    Disease outbreaks in which foods are epidemiologically implicated as the common source are frequently reported. Noroviruses and enteric hepatitis A viruses are among the most prevalent causative agents of foodborne diseases. However, the detection of these viruses in foods other than shellfish is often time-consuming and unsuccessful. In this study, three virus concentration methods were compared: polyethylene glycol (PEG) plus NaCl, ultracentrifugation, and ultrafiltration. Two RNA extraction methods, TRIzol and RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen), were compared for detection of viruses in whipped cream and lettuce (as representatives of the dairy and vegetable-fruit food groups, respectively). A seeding experiment with canine calicivirus was conducted to determine the efficiency of each virus extraction procedure. The PEG-NaCl-TRIzol method was most efficient for the detection of viruses in whipped cream and the ultracentrifugation-RNeasy-Mini Kit procedure was best for detection on lettuce. Based on the seeding experiments, food items implicated in norovirus-associated gastroenteritis outbreaks were subjected to the optimal procedure for a specific composition and matrix. No noroviruses were detected in the implicated food items, possibly because the concentration of virus on the food item was too low or because of the presence of inhibitory factors. For each food group, a specific procedure is optimal. Inhibitory factors should be controlled in these procedures because they influence virus detection in food

    Методические основы оценки качества обслуживания в туристическом бизнесе

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    Проблема определения качества обслуживания в туристическом бизнесе является актуальной, т.к. туристическая деятельность является приоритетным направлением развития в АР Крым. Рассмотрена методика определения качества обслуживания туристов с учетом специфики функционирования туристской сферы.Проблема визначення якості обслуговування у туристичному бізнесі є актуальною, тому що туристична діяльність є пріоритетним напрямком розвитку в АР Крим. Розглянута методика визначення якості обслуговування туристів з умовою специфіки функціонування туристичної сфери.The problem of quality service in the tourist's business is very actuality, because the tourist's activity is the priority directions of development in the Crimea. Given the method of definition of the quality service in the tourist's business with registration of specific tourism sphere