30 research outputs found

    Deletions in the VPS13B (COH1) gene as a cause of Cohen syndrome

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    Cohen syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder that is characterized by mental retardation, facial dysmorphism, microcephaly, retinal dystrophy, truncal obesity, joint laxity and intermittent neutropenia. Mutations in the VPS13B (COH1) gene underlie Cohen syndrome. In approximately 70% of the patients mutations in the gene are identified on both alleles, while in about 30% only a mutation in a single allele or no mutant allele is detected. The VPS13B locus was recently added to the growing list of benign copy number variants. We hypothesized that patients with unexplained Cohen syndrome would harbour deletions affecting the VPS13B locus. We screened 35 patients from 26 families with targeted array CGH and identified 7 copy number alterations: 2 homozygous and 5 heterozygous deletions. Our results show that deletions are an important cause of Cohen syndrome and screening for copy number alterations of VPS13B should be an integral part of the diagnostic work-up of these patients. These findings have important consequences for the diagnosis of patients with genetic disorders in general since, as we highlight, rare benign copy number variants can underly autosomal recessive disorders and lead to disease in homozygous state or in compound heterozygosity with another mutation. (c) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.status: publishe

    17q21.31 microduplication patients are characterised by behavioural problems and poor social interaction

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    BACKGROUND: Microdeletions at 17q21.31 have recently been shown to cause a novel syndrome. Here we identify the reciprocal 17q21.31 duplication syndrome in 4 patients. METHOD: Patients with the 17q21.31 duplication were identified by screening a large cohort of patients (n = 13,070) with mental retardation and congenital malformation by comparative genomic hybridisation microarray. Parental origin was investigated in 3 patients by quantitative polymerase chain reaction and microsatellite genotyping. RESULTS: In three cases it was possible to show that duplication arose de novo. Intellectual skills range from normal to mild mental retardation. Patients are characterised by poor social interaction, with relationship difficulties, reminiscent of autistic spectrum disorders. Other features are rather variable with no striking common phenotypic features. Parental origin was investigated for 3 patients. In all cases duplication was of maternal origin either through interchromosomal (2 cases) or interchromatid (1 case) rearrangement. The 3 mothers are all carriers of the inverted H2 haplotype, emphasising the role of local genomic architecture alteration as a predisposing factor for this duplication. CONCLUSION: Autistic features observed in our patients suggest that genes in the duplicated interval should be considered as candidates for disorders in the autistic spectrum. Other phenotypic observations are rather variable or aspecific. This adds 17q21.31 duplications to a growing group of recently identified genomic disorders with variable penetrance and expressivity.status: publishe

    Nature of the visual loss in observers with Leber's congenital amaurosis caused by mutations in RPE65

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    Purpose: To characterize visual losses associated with genetic mutations in the RPE65 gene that cause defects in the retinal pigment epithelium-specific isomerase, RPE65. RPE65 is an important component of the retinoid cycle that restores 11-cis-retinal after its photoisomerization to its all-trans form. The defects investigated here cause Leber's congenital amaurosis (LCA2), an autosomal, recessively-inherited, severe, congenital-onset rod-cone dystrophy. Methods: Vision was assessed in 9 patients and 10 normal controls by measuring: (1) L-cone temporal acuity (critical flicker fusion frequency or cff) as a function of target illuminance, and (2) L-cone temporal contrast sensitivity as a function of temporal frequency at a fixed target illuminance. Measurements were made by modulating either a 650-nm light superimposed on a 480-nm background or the red phosphor of a color monitor on a background produced by the monitor's blue phosphor. Results: RPE65-mutant observers have severely reduced cffs with shallower cff versus log illuminance functions that rise with a mean slope of 4.53 Hz per decade of illuminance compared with 8.69 Hz in normal controls. Consistent with the cff differences, RPE65-mutant observers show losses in temporal contrast sensitivity that increase rapidly with temporal frequency. Conclusions: All RPE65-mutant observers have consistent and substantial losses in temporal acuity and sensitivity compared with normal observers. The losses can be characterized by the addition of two sluggish filters within the mutant visual pathway, both filters with a time constant of 29.5 ms (i.e., low-pass filters with cut-off frequencies of 5.40 Hz).status: publishe

    Spectral sensitivity measurements reveal partial success in restoring missing rod function with gene therapy

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    Restored rod visual function after gene therapy can be established unequivocally by demonstrating that, after dark adaptation, spectral sensitivity has the shape characteristic of rods and that this shape collapses to a cone-like shape before rods have recovered after an intense bleach. We used these tests to assess retinal function in eight young adults and children with early-onset severe retinal dystrophy from Phase II of a clinical gene-therapy trial for RPE65 deficiency that involved the subretinal delivery of a recombinant adeno-associated viral vector carrying RPE65. We found substantial improvements in rod sensitivity in two participants: dark-adapted spectral sensitivity was rod-like after treatment and was cone-like before rods had recovered after a bleach. After 40 min of dark adaptation, one participant showed up to 1,000-fold sensitivity improvements 4 months after treatment and the second up to 100-fold improvements 6 months after treatment. The dark-adapted spectral sensitivities of the other six participants remained cone-like and showed little improvement in sensitivity.status: publishe

    ABCA4-associated disease as a model for missing heritability in autosomal recessive disorders: novel noncoding splice, cis-regulatory, structural, and recurrent hypomorphic variants.

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    PURPOSE: ABCA4-associated disease, a recessive retinal dystrophy, is hallmarked by a large proportion of patients with only one pathogenic ABCA4 variant, suggestive for missing heritability. METHODS: By locus-specific analysis of ABCA4, combined with extensive functional studies, we aimed to unravel the missing alleles in a cohort of 67 patients (p), with one (p = 64) or no (p = 3) identified coding pathogenic variants of ABCA4. RESULTS: We identified eight pathogenic (deep-)intronic ABCA4 splice variants, of which five are novel and six structural variants, four of which are novel, including two duplications. Together, these variants account for the missing alleles in 40.3% of patients. Furthermore, two novel variants with a putative cis-regulatory effect were identified. The common hypomorphic variant c.5603A>T p.(Asn1868Ile) was found as a candidate second allele in 43.3% of patients. Overall, we have elucidated the missing heritability in 83.6% of our cohort. In addition, we successfully rescued three deep-intronic variants using antisense oligonucleotide (AON)-mediated treatment in HEK 293-T cells and in patient-derived fibroblast cells. CONCLUSION: Noncoding pathogenic variants, novel structural variants, and a common hypomorphic allele of the ABCA4 gene explain the majority of unsolved cases with ABCA4-associated disease, rendering this retinopathy a model for missing heritability in autosomal recessive disorders