1,180 research outputs found

    Anticoagulant properties of drotrecogin alfa (activated) during hemofiltration in patients with severe sepsis

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    In a retrospective study among 35 severely septic patients treated with drotrecogin alfa (activated) (DrotAA) and renal replacement therapy (RRT), Camporota and colleagues demonstrated that the addition of heparin, epoprostenol, or both to DrotAA during RRT did not improve filter survival. Furthermore, in a multivariate logistic regression analysis, they identified the minimum value in platelet count as the only predictive factor of filter clotting during DrotAA infusion. These findings are in line with the previously formulated suggestion that DrotAA alone is as effective as heparin in the prevention of coagulation in the extracorporeal circuit. They also confirm the importance of baseline platelet count in the pathogenesis of extracorporeal circuit thrombosis. In the study by Camporata and colleagues, DrotAA treatment was not associated with an increase in red blood cell requirements. The results of this study supply a background to clinical decision making when choosing an anticoagulant for RRT in septic patients

    The Brown-dwarf Atmosphere Monitoring (BAM) Project II: Multi-epoch monitoring of extremely cool brown dwarfs

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    With the discovery of Y dwarfs by the WISE mission, the population of field brown dwarfs now extends to objects with temperatures comparable to those of Solar System planets. To investigate the atmospheres of these newly identified brown dwarfs, we have conducted a pilot study monitoring an initial sample of three late T-dwarfs (T6.5, T8 and T8.5) and one Y-dwarf (Y0) for infrared photometric variability at multiple epochs. With J-band imaging, each target was observed for a period of 1.0h to 4.5h per epoch, which covers a significant fraction of the expected rotational period. These measurements represent the first photometric monitoring for these targets. For three of the four targets (2M1047, Ross 458C and WISE0458), multi-epoch monitoring was performed, with the time span between epochs ranging from a few hours to ~2 years. During the first epoch, the T8.5 target WISE0458 exhibited variations with a remarkable min-to-max amplitude of 13%, while the second epoch light curve taken ~2 years later did not note any variability to a 3% upper limit. With an effective temperature of ~600 K, WISE0458 is the coldest variable brown dwarf published to-date, and combined with its high and variable amplitude makes it a fascinating target for detailed follow-up. The three remaining targets showed no significant variations, with a photometric precision between 0.8% and 20.0%, depending on the target brightness. Combining the new results with previous multi-epoch observations of brown dwarfs with spectral types of T5 or later, the currently identified variables have locations on the colour-colour diagram better matched by theoretical models incorporating cloud opacities rather than cloud-free atmospheres. This preliminary result requires further study to determine if there is a definitive link between variability among late-T dwarfs and their location on the colour-colour diagram.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Self interacting Brans Dicke cosmology and Quintessence

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    Recent cosmological observations reveal that we are living in a flat accelerated expanding universe. In this work we have investigated the nature of the potential compatible with the power law expansion of the universe in a self interacting Brans Dicke cosmology with a perfect fluid background and have analyzed whether this potential supports the accelerated expansion. It is found that positive power law potential is relevant in this scenario and can drive accelerated expansion for negative Brans Dicke coupling parameter ω\omega. The evolution of the density perturbation is also analyzed in this scenerio and is seen that the model allows growing modes for negative ω\omega.Comment: 8pages, 5 figures, PRD style, some changes are made, figures added, reference added. To be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Timing of drotrecogin alfa (activated) treatment in severe sepsis

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    The effect of the timing of drotrecogin alfa (activated) (DrotAA) treatment on the outcome of severe sepsis was recently evaluated, using the integrated clinical trial database INDEPTH. The evaluation demonstrated an association between earlier treatment (i.e. treatment within 24 hours of the appearance of first organ dysfunction) and lower patient mortality [1]. We assessed the timing of DrotAA treatment in our own (mixed) intensive care unit over a 3-year period. We selected all patients treated with commercial DrotAA since its availability in The Netherlands. Patients were treated with DrotAA according to the national guidelines [2]. As the results presented in Table 1 show, patients treated within 24 hours were younger and more often had pneumosepsis (45 % versus 9%, P = 0.03), which was due t

    Intense field stabilization in circular polarization: 3D time-dependent dynamics

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    We investigate the stabilization of a hydrogen atom in circularly polarized laser fields. We use a time-dependent, fully three dimensional approach to study the quantum dynamics of the hydrogen atom subject to high intensity, short wavelength laser pulses. We find enhanced survival probability as the field is increased under fixed envelope conditions. We also confirm wavepacket dynamics seen in prior time-dependent computations restricted to two dimensions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitte

    Is Cosmology Solved?

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    We have fossil evidence from the thermal background radiation that our universe expanded from a considerably hotter denser state. We have a well defined and testable description of the expansion, the relativistic Friedmann-Lemaitre model. Its observational successes are impressive but I think hardly enough for a convincing scientific case. The lists of observational constraints and free hypotheses within the model have similar lengths. The scorecard on the search for concordant measures of the mass density parameter and the cosmological constant shows that the high density Einstein-de Sitter model is challenged, but that we cannot choose between low density models with and without a cosmological constant. That is, the relativistic model is not strongly overconstrained, the usual test of a mature theory. Work in progress will greatly improve the situation and may at last yield a compelling test. If so, and the relativistic model survives, it will close one line of research in cosmology: we will know the outlines of what happened as our universe expanded and cooled from high density. It will not end research: some of us will occupy ourselves with the details of how galaxies and other large-scale structures came to be the way they are, others with the issue of what our universe was doing before it was expanding. The former is being driven by rapid observational advances. The latter is being driven mainly by theory, but there are hints of observational guidance.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. To be published in PASP as part of the proceedings of the Smithsonian debate, Is Cosmology Solved

    Mass Hierarchy via Mossbauer and Reactor Neutrinos

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    We show how one could determine the neutrino mass hierarchy with Mossbauer neutrinos and also revisit the question of whether the hierarchy can be determined with reactor neutrinos.Comment: contribution to NOW 2008, 3 pages, 4 figures, late

    How do scientists perceive the current publication culture? A qualitative focus group interview study among Dutch biomedical researchers.

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the biomedical scientist's perception of the prevailing publication culture. DESIGN: Qualitative focus group interview study. SETTING: Four university medical centres in the Netherlands. PARTICIPANTS: Three randomly selected groups of biomedical scientists (PhD, postdoctoral staff members and full professors). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Main themes for discussion were selected by participants. RESULTS: Frequently perceived detrimental effects of contemporary publication culture were the strong focus on citation measures (like the Journal Impact Factor and the H-index), gift and ghost authorships and the order of authors, the peer review process, competition, the funding system and publication bias. These themes were generally associated with detrimental and undesirable effects on publication practices and on the validity of reported results. Furthermore, senior scientists tended to display a more cynical perception of the publication culture than their junior colleagues. However, even among the PhD students and the postdoctoral fellows, the sentiment was quite negative. Positive perceptions of specific features of contemporary scientific and publication culture were rare. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that the current publication culture leads to negative sentiments, counterproductive stress levels and, most importantly, to questionable research practices among junior and senior biomedical scientists

    Referrer Graph: A cost-effective algorithm and pruning method for predicting web accesses

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    This paper presents the Referrer Graph (RG) web prediction algorithm and a pruning method for the associated graph as a low-cost solution to predict next web users accesses. RG is aimed at being used in a real web system with prefetching capabilities without degrading its performance. The algorithm learns from users accesses and builds a Markov model. These kinds of algorithms use the sequence of the user accesses to make predictions. Unlike previous Markov model based proposals, the RG algorithm differentiates dependencies in objects of the same page from objects of different pages by using the object URI and the referrer in each request. Although its design permits us to build a simple data structure that is easier to handle and, consequently, needs lower computational cost in comparison with other algorithms, a pruning mechanism has been devised to avoid the continuous growing of this data structure. Results show that, compared with the best prediction algorithms proposed in the open literature, the RG algorithm achieves similar precision values and page latency savings but requiring much less computational and memory resources. Furthermore, when pruning is applied, additional and notable resource consumption savings can be achieved without degrading original performance. In order to reduce further the resource consumption, a mechanism to prune de graph has been devised, which reduces resource consumption of the baseline system without degrading the latency savings. 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work has been partially supported by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under Grant TIN2009-08201. The authors would also like to thank the technical staff of the School of Computer Science at the Polytechnic University of Valencia for providing us recent and customized trace files logged by their web server.De La Ossa Perez, BA.; Gil Salinas, JA.; Sahuquillo Borrás, J.; Pont Sanjuan, A. (2013). Referrer Graph: A cost-effective algorithm and pruning method for predicting web accesses. Computer Communications. 36(8):881-894. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comcom.2013.02.005S88189436