41 research outputs found

    The role of adsorption on nanofiltration of azo dyes

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    The influence of osmotic pressure and solute adsorption on permeate flux during nanofiltration (NF) of a wool textile dye solution was investigated. Solutions of C.I. Acid Orange 7 with concentrations ranging from 2 to 2000 mg/l were subjected to nanofiltration with a NF45 membrane. An increase of flux decline with dye concentration was observed. The resistance-in-series model gives evidence that the main factor causing this flux decline is the solute adsorption. This is reinforced by the increase in the apparent rejection with dye concentration. Although osmotic pressure was taken into account, its contribution to a decrease of the driving force seems not to be significant. Adsorption resistance was calculated from a correlation between the pure water fluxes, measured before and after the essays, and feed dye concentration. A Langmuir isotherm type curve agreed well with experimental data. From the solution-diffusion model, the intrinsic rejection coefficient can be predicted as function of feed dye concentration

    Surface Characterization of Asymmetric Bi-Soft Segment Poly(ester urethane urea) Membranes for Blood-Oxygenation Medical Devices

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    Asymmetric bi-soft segment poly(ester urethane urea) (PEUU) membranes containing polycaprolactone (PCL) as a second soft segment are synthesized with PCL-diol ranging from 0% to 15% (w/w). Bulk and surface characteristics of the PEUU membranes were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), static water contact angles, and surface streaming potentials and were correlated to hemocompatibility properties, namely, hemolysis and thrombosis degrees. SEM analysis reveals PEUU membranes with asymmetric cross-sections and top dense surfaces with distinct morphologies. The increase in PCL-diol content yields PEUU membranes with blood-contacting surfaces that are smoother, more hydrophilic, and with higher maximum zeta potentials. The results obtained in this work give no evidence of a correlation between hydrophilicity/zeta potentials and the hemolysis/thrombosis degree of blood-contacting surfaces of the PEUU membranes. In contrast, other hemocompatibility aspects reveal that the more hydrophilic membranes are associated with lower platelet deposition and inhibition of extreme states of platelet activation

    Concentration polarization quantification and minimization in cork process wastewater ultrafiltration by an ozone pretreatment

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    Concentration polarization and membrane fouling have been identified as the main problems during the ultrafiltration treatment of cork processing wastewaters. These problems drastically reduce the permeate fluxes and, therefore, their potential applications. In this work, a soft ozonation pretreatment was applied to minimize these undesirable effects. A new systematic study was carried out for membranes with different molecular weight cut-offs and at different operating conditions to monitor and quantify the concentration polarization caused by the wastewater's remaining ozonated compounds. Film theory was used to correlate the mass transfer coefficient, k, and the intrinsic rejection coefficient, f ', with the resistance introduced by concentration polarization. The ultrafiltration treatment was carried out under varying hydrodynamic operating conditions (circulating flow rates of 100-200 L/h) and transmembrane pressures (1-3 bar) for a set of four cellulose acetate membranes covering a wide range of molecular weight cut-offs (5000-100,000 Da) and hydraulic permeabilities (25-110 kg/h/m(2)/bar). The ozone pretreatment (at wastewater pH) reduced the phenolic content selectively (direct oxidation) by more than 50%, reducing membrane fouling and concentration polarization and increasing permeate fluxes (by 22-45%) and mass transfer coefficients (up to six times).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nanofiltration of surface water for the removal of endocrine disruptors

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    The assessment of surface water nanofiltration (NF) for the removal of endocrine disruptors (EDs) Nonylphenol Ethoxylate (IGEPAL), 4-Nonylphenol (NP) and 4-Octylphenol (OP) was carried out with three commercial NF membranes - NF90, NF200, NF270. The permeation experiments were conducted in laboratory flat-cell units of 13.2 x 10(-4) m(2) of surface area and in a DSS Lab-unit M20 with a membrane surface area of 0.036 m2. The membranes hydraulic permeabilities ranged from 3.7 to 15.6 kg/h/m(2)/bar and the rejection coefficients to NaCl, Na2SO4 and Glucose are for NF90: 97%, 99% and 97%, respectively; for NF200: 66%, 98% and 90%, respectively and for NF270: 48%, 94% and 84%, respectively. Three sets of nanofiltration experiments were carried out: i) NF of aqueous model solutions of NP, IGEPAL and OP running in total recirculation mode; ii) NF of surface water from Rio Sado (Settibal, Portugal) running in concentration mode; iii) NF of surface water from Rio Sado inoculated with NP, IGEPAL and OP running in concentration mode. The results of model solutions experiments showed that the EDs rejection coefficients are approximately 100% for all the membranes. The results obtained for the surface water showed that the rejection coefficients to natural organic Matter (NOM) are 94%, 82% and 78% for NF90, NF200 and NF 270 membranes respectively, with and without inoculation of EDs. The rejection coefficients to EDs in surface water with and without inoculation of EDs are 100%, showing that there is a fraction of NOM of high molecular weight that retains the EDs in the concentrate and that there is a fraction of NOM of low molecular weight that permeates through the NF membranes free of EDs

    Assessment of saccharide fractionation by ultrafiltration and nanofiltration

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    This paper addresses the investigation of the fractionation of saccharide mixtures and saccharide mixtures with calcium using ultrafiltration (UF) and nanofiltration (NF). A set of cellulose acetate membranes covered a wide range of molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) ranging from 250 to 46,000 Da and the total feed concentration of saccharides mixtures varied from 1550 to 4700 ppm with the ratio of the two saccharides-solutes (glucose to raffinose) being kept constant at the value of 1.8. The evolution pattern of the saccharide concentration ratio in the UF/NF permeate streams displayed a dependence on the membrane MWCO, on the total sugar concentration and on the presence of calcium ions. For the highest total sugar content, the membranes with MWCO from 2000 to 7000 Da showed saccharide fractionation capability that was enhanced in the presence of calcium. The Steric Pore Flow Model was used to predict individual solute permeation behaviours and to assess the deviations to steric hindered transport of the solutes in multi-component saccharide solutions. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Integrated Nanofiltration and Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Treatment of Textile Wastewater for In-Plant Reuse

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    The filtration characteristics of simulated dyeing effluents containing Acid Orange 7, sodium sulfate, and a pH buffer made of acetic acid and sodium acetate is described using a commercially available nanofiltration membrane. The original membrane filtration properties were characterized with deionized water to provide a baseline of membrane performance. At high volumetric concentration of the test solutions, greater than 98% rejection of dye and sodium sulfate were obtained. Rejection of buffering chemicals was approximately 50% in all experiments, giving a permeate water not suitable for reuse in most dyeing operations. The final composite concentrate had a chemical oxygen demand (COD) value .2000 mg/L. No problems were encountered with anaerobic treatment of the concentrate obtained from the dyeing wastewater. Adjusting the sulfate concentration to give COD-to-sulfate ratios to 2.9, 5.4, and 18.2 in the reactor feed had no significant alterations in the performance of the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor

    Nanofiltration for the treatment of coke plant ammoniacal wastewaters

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    This work addresses the treatment by nanofiltration (NF) of solutions containing NaCN and NH(4)Cl at various pH values. The NF experiments are carried out in a Lab-Unit equipped with NF-270 membranes for model solutions that are surrogates of industrial ammoniacal wastewaters generated in the coke-making processes. The applied pressure is 30 bar. The main objective is the separation of the compounds NaCN and NH(4)Cl and the optimization of this separation as a function of the pH. Membrane performance is highly dependent on solution composition and characteristics, namely on the pH. In fact, the rejection coefficients for the binary model solution containing sodium cyanide are always higher than the rejections coefficients for the ammonium chloride model solution. For ternary solutions (cyanide/ammonium/water) it was observed that for pH values lower than 9 the rejection coefficients to ammonium are well above the ones observed for the cyanides, but for pH values higher than 9.5 there is a drastic decrease in the ammonium rejection coefficients with the increase of the pH. These results take into account the changes that occur in solution, namely, the solute species that are predominant, with the increase of the pH. The fluxes of the model solutions decreased with increased pH. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Overview of Membrane Science and Technology in Portugal

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    Funding Information: Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge Tiago Araújo for his valuable contribution in writing—original draft preparation—the carbon molecular sieve membranes content. LCT is grateful to Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT/MCTES) for her assistant researcher contract under Scientific Employment Stimulus (2020.01555.CEECIND). DMFS thanks FCT/MCTES for a research contract in the scope of programmatic funding UIDP/04540/2020. Funding Information: Funding: This work was supported by Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry—LAQV, which is financed by national funds from FCT/MCTES (UIDB/50006/2020 and UIDP/50006/2020), Research project PTDC/EQU-EPQ/29579/2017 funded by FCT/MCTES “Programa Operacional Regional de Lisboa, FEDER”, project Nanoart PTDC/CTM-BIO/6178/2014 and CeFEMA with grant number 325UID/CTM/04540/2013 funded by FCT/MCTES. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Membrane research in Portugal is aligned with global concerns and expectations for sustainable social development, thus progressively focusing on the use of natural resources and renewable energy. This review begins by addressing the pioneer work on membrane science and technology in Portugal by the research groups of Instituto Superior Técnico—Universidade de Lisboa (IST), NOVA School of Science and Technology—Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT NOVA) and Faculdade de Engenharia—Universidade do Porto (FEUP) aiming to provide an historical perspective on the topic. Then, an overview of the trends and challenges in membrane processes and materials, mostly in the last five years, involving Portuguese researchers, is presented as a contribution to a more sustainable water–energy–material–food nexus.publishersversionpublishe